HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-11-08; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMinutes of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO P.M. Date of Meeting: November 8, 1993 Place of Meeting: CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER: Acting Chairperson Aharoni called the Regular Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Acting Chairperson Aharoni, Commissioners Bizieff, Jones, Varela, and ex-officio Noble Absent: Commissioner Wanamaker Staff Present: Patricia Cratty, Senior Management Analyst COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA: There were no requests to address the Board. Patricia Cratty, Senior Management Analyst, stated that she had just received a request from the Arts Manager for a member of the Historic Preservation Commission to serve on the Selection Panel to consider public art at the proposed Village Transit Station. Since the first meeting of the panel will take place on November 16, 1993, this item could not wait for the next meeting. Commissioner Bizieff volunteered to serve on the Selection Panel. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Approval of the Minutes of September 13, 1993 was continued to the December 13, 1993 meeting so that a quorum would be present. ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Jones, and duly seconded, to approve the Minutes of the Workshop of October 18, 1993, as submitted. Acting Chairperson Aharoni, Commissioners Bizieff and Jones VOTE: 3-0-1 AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: Commissioner Varela NEW BUSINESS: 1. Introduction of New Member Acting Chairperson Aharoni introduced the newest Commissioner to those in attendance. Commissioner Varela is the owner of a solid waste consulting company, George Varela & Associates. He has been a resident of Carlsbad for 10 months, having moved here most recently from Covina, California where he was the Assistant City Manager. Prior to that he served in various administrative positions in other HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION November 8,1993 PAGE 2 California cities. Throughout his career he has been involved in community and civic activities. Commissioner Varela stated that he looks forward to working on the Historic Preservation Commission. 2. Election of Officers The election of officers was continued to December 13, 1993 so that a full Commission would be in attendance. OLD BUSINESS: 3. Carrillo Ranch Acting Chairperson Aharoni stated that members of the Historic Preservation Commission had been given an opportunity to tour the Carrillo Ranch recently. Patricia Cratty, Senior Management Analyst, reviewed the grants which had been received and the fact that a subsequent earthquake had caused some damage to the Deedie House. Joan Kindle from the Friends of Carrillo Ranch discussed the restoration work currently being done by Eagle Restorations at a cost of $1,655. These costs are being paid for by the Friends because there are no funds available through the City. 4. Rancho Aaua Hedionda Adobe & Carrillo Ranch Historical Information Pat and Karen Kelly, who have been gathering historical information on the Adobe and Ranch, made a narrative presentation of their story on how the Kelly family came to own the Rancho. A copy of the story, which includes a number of historical photographs, was presented to the Commission. Ms. Cratty will have copies of the booklet made for Commissioners so that they can become more familiar with the early years of the Rancho. 5. Environmental Impact Remrts Patricia Cratty, Senior Management Analyst, stated that Mr. Munoz was unable to attend the meeting but that he had reported there had been no changes since the last meeting. At the last meeting, Commissioner Wanamaker had accepted the opportunity to review the Green Valley EIR. He had some written comments but was unsure if the public comment period was still open. Ms. Cratty will check into the public comment period dates and if time permits will submit Commissioner Wanamaker's comments. 6. Revision to the Historic Preservation Ordinance The Commission reviewed a draft of the revised ordinance. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding whether to require a two-thirds or 100% vote of the residents for formation of a proposed Historic District. Final action on the revised ordinance was continued to the meeting of December 13, 1993. 7. Proiect List for Grant Fundinq This item was continued to the meeting of December 13, 1993. 8. December Meetina and Aaenda The Commission reviewed items for the December agenda. . . HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION November 8, 1993 ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular meeting of November 8, 1993 was adjourned at 7:38 p.m. Respemlly submitted, Senior Manag'dment Analyst PAGE 3 BETTYBUCKNER Minutes Clerk