HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-02-14; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMinutes of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO P.M. Date of Meeting: February 14,1994 Place of Meeting: CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER: Acting Chairperson Aharoni called the Regular Meeting to order at 5:Ol p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Acting Chairperson Aharoni, Commissioners Bizieff, Jones, Wanamaker, and ex-officio Noble Absent: Commissioner Varela Staff Present: Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA: There were no requests to address the Board. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Jones, and duly seconded, to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 18, 1993, as submitted. Acting Chairperson Aharoni, Commissioners Jones, Wanamaker VOTE: 3-0 AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: Commissioner Bizieff It was necessary to continue approval of the Minutes for January 10, 1994 until the March meeting so that a quorum of attendees from the January meeting would be available to approve the Minutes. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Election of Officers Several nominations for Chairman were made but not seconded. Acting Chairperson Aharoni, as one of the nominees for Chairman, stated that he has been concerned for some time that the Commission has an inadequate composition of member and is unfocused in their goals. He feels there needs to be a strong member on the Commission who is knowledgeable about the history of Carlsbad and who could be a spokesperson for the Commission at community functions. He also feels that the Commission needs to focus on one or two specific projects, and should receive some financial assistance from the City Council to carry out those projects. Lastly, he is concerned about the staffing arrangements because he feels it lacks continuity when staff alternates back and forth. Commissioner Aharoni requested that these remarks be noted in the Minutes. After discussion, Commissioner Jones suggested that the election be postponed to the March meeting so that all Commissioners could be in attendance. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION February 14,1994 PAGE 2 ACTION: Motion was made by Commissioner Jones, and duly seconded, to continue the election of officers to the March 1994 meeting. Acting Chairperson Aharoni, Commissioners Bizieff, Jones, and Wanamaker VOTE: 4-0 AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None 2. Rancho Aaua Hedionda The request by the Kellys to replace historical information contained in the Roth Survey was discussed. ACTION: Motion was made by Commissioner Aharoni, and duly seconded, to accept the Kelly information at face value, making it supplemental to the Roth Survey and noted therein. The Supplemental Report will contain a disclaimer that the information has not been verified as to authenticity or accuracy. Acting Chairperson Aharoni, Commissioners Bizieff, Jones, and Wanamaker VOTE: 4-0 AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None Staff will send a letter to the Kellys advising them of the Commission's action. Staff will also research the impacts of changing the name of the ranch back to "Los Kiotes." 3. Proiect List for Grant Fundinq Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst, reported that she had been in contact with the Office of Historic Preservation regarding grant funding for retrofit of unreinforced masonry structures. She was advised that grants will only be made for those structures which are qualified for listing on the National Register. Acting Chairperson Aharoni stated that he would like to see an application submitted to create a self-guided walking tour of the historical structures in downtown Carlsbad. The application deadline is March 31 , 1994. In the interest of time, Commissioner Aharoni will work with Commissioner Wanamaker to develop a scope for a downtown walking tour so that staff will have the necessary information to submit an application before the deadline. Commissioner Jones also suggested the possibility of submitting an application to rennovate the old pool hall in the Barrio. He will contact the property owner to see if there is any interest. 4. Revision to the Historic Preservation Ordinance The revised ordinance was discussed and the Commissioners all agree to the draft wording except for 522.06.020 (c) which states how many votes are required to form an historic district. Commissioners Aharoni and Wanamaker feel the vote should remain at 2/3rds. Commissioners Jones and Bizieff feel the vote should be revised to 100%. ACTION: VOTE: AYES: NOES: ABSTAl N : Motion was made by Commissioner Wanamaker, and duly seconded, to recommend to the City Council approval of the revised Historic Preservation Ordinance, with the caveat that they were unable to reach an agreement on the percentage of votes required to establish a historic district. Acting Chairperson Aharoni, Commissioners Bizieff, Jones, and Wanamaker None None 4-0 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION - February 14, 1994 PAGE 3 NEW BUSINESS: 5. Environmental ImDact Reports There were no Environmental Impact Reports to be reviewed. 6. State Historic Resources Commission Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst, reported that there would be a State Historic Resources meeting in Old Town on February 18, 1994. There were no Commissioners who would be able to attend. 7. March Aaenda The Commission reviewed items for the March agenda. Commissioner Wanamaker requested that the Santa Fe Depot Plaque be placed on the March agenda. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular meeting of February 14, 1994 was adjourned at 6:47 p.m. Res ectfully submitted, &V& CY~THIA HAAS Senior Management Analyst BETTY BUCKNER Minutes Clerk