HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-10-20; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMinutes of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 300 P.M. Date of Meeting: October 20, 1994 Place of Meeting: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE ROOM CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Bizieff called the Regular Meeting to order at 5:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairman Bizieff, Commissioners Jones, Wanamaker, Valenti, and and ex-off icio Noble Absent: Commissioner Schwei Staff Present: Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA: There were no requests to address the Board. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ACTION: VOTE: 4-0 AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None Motion by Commissioner Valenti, and duly seconded, to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 12, 1994, as submitted. Chairman Bizieff, Commissioners Jones, Valenti, Wanamaker BUSINESS: Chairman Bizieff suggested that Agenda item #4 be moved ahead of item #l. The Commission unanimously agreed. 4. Carrillo Ranch Joan Kindle, Curator of the Carrillo Ranch, passed out an agenda bill for the City Council meeting of October 18, 1994. She explained about the numerous historical artifacts which are being stored in a shed at the Magee House/Park. She explained that the Carlsbad Historical Society has had problems with transients smoking on the wooden porch and near the shed and that the artifacts are valuable and irreplaceable. Therefore, the need for a better storage location has caused her great concern. The Community Services Director did an exhaustive search for another place to store the items but was unable to find one. As a result, it was decided to purchase a trailer and locate it on the grounds at the Safety Center. The cost of the trailer will be $3,500 and funds from the Carrillo Ranch Trust will be used for the purchase . 1. Redevelopment Master Plan Commissioner Wanamaker reported that he had attended the Redevelopment Master Plan Advisory Committee meeting and that the Plan is getting close to completion. The process has been going on for a very long time. Commissioner Wanamaker will continue to be the Commission's liaison to the Committee. c . HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION October 20, 1994 PAGE 2 2. Walkina Tour Commissioner Jones reported that he had spoken with Ofelia Escobedo, President of the Barrio Association, and she advised him that they plan to have a walking tour of the Barrio but it is still in the planning stages. Ramona Finnila of the City Council stated that the Planning Department currently has a pictorial walking tour of downtown which can be checked out at any time. The Commission discussed the possibility of combining existing walking tours and creating one comprehensive tour with a color brochure. They also discussed signage for the sites on the tour. Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst, showed a sample plaque which could be used to identify sites on the tour. However, she felt that the Redevelopment Master Plan needs to be completed before a decision is made on signage, to ensure that the signs don't violate the Plan. The Commission discussed the need for funds to proceed. If a CLG Grant application is filed, it would require matching funds. More definitive information needs to be collected before a grant application can be submitted. Commissioners Jones and Valenti will discuss the walking tour idea with the Carlsbad Historical Society and again with the Barrio Association. Chairman Bizieff will approach Dave Bradstreet of Parks & Recreation and see how he feels about it. Commissioner Wanamaker will talk to the Redevelopment Master Plan Advisory Committee and the Merchants Association. Reports will be made at the next meeting. 3. National Preservation Week The Commission discussed the possibility of having an event at the Carlsbad Theatre to celebrate National Preservation Week. Commissioner Jones suggested the possibility of showing the Kindle video of historic sites in Carlsbad. He recently found out that Daniels Cablevision is working to put the Kindle slide show on video tape. Members were requested to think of other ideas and present them at the November meeting. INFORMATIONAL: The next meeting of the Commission will be on November 14,1994. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular meeting of October 20, 1994 was adjourned at 6:17 p.m. Respectfully submitted, / CYNTHIA HAAS Senior Management Analyst BETTYBUCKNER Minutes Clerk