HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-10-16; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMinutes of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 530 P.M. Date of Meeting: October 16, 1995 Place of Meeting: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE ROOM CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Bizieff called the Regular Meeting to order at 5:36 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairman Bizieff, Commissioners Jones, Schwei, Valenti, Wanamaker, and ex-off icio Noble Staff Present: Don Rideout, Senior Management Analyst Also Present: Ramona Finnila, City Council Member COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA: There were no requests to address the Board. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Jones requested a change to the Minutes of September 1 1,1995 on page 2, paragraph 5 to state that the Luthern Home has been requested to provide photo documentation of the existing structure. ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Valenti, and duly seconded, to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 1 1, 1995, as amended. VOTE: 4-0 AYES: Bizieff, Jones, Valenti, Wanamaker NOES: None ABSTAIN: None BUSINESS: 1. UPDATE ON KELLY RANCH BARN The Commission discussed the Blade-Tribune article of 9/24/95 regarding the history of the Kelly Ranch Barn. Commissioner Valenti explained that he had given the Blade some photographs and general historical information on the Barn and the newspaper had developed the article. The Blade indicated that they would be interested in receiving material on other historical topics so that more articles could be published. Possible topics might be the Hosp Grove, Army-Navy Academy, and the Lutheran Home. A request had also been made to Daniel's Cablevision to run a segment on the Barn. Chairman Bizieff stated that Daniel's has requested Hold Harmless releases to be signed before they run anything on the air. Chairman Bizieff did not feel comfortable signing the releases until they have been reviewed by the City Attorney's office. 2. WORKSHOP Don Rideout, Senior Management Analyst, announced that there would be a Certified Local Government (CLG) Workshop in Oceanside on October 20, 1995. Commissioner Jones stated that he would attend the workshop and report at the next meeting. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION October 16,1995 PAGE 2 3. PLAQUE FOR SANTA FE DEPOT Don Rideout, Senior Management Analyst, announced that the plaque for the Santa Fe Depot has been received. Arrangements are in process to mount the plaque on the Depot structure. After it has been properly mounted, the Commission will hold a ceremony and invite the City Council, NCTD, and other dignitaries. Commissioner Schwei arrived at 5:45 p.m. 4. PROPOSED PLAQUE FOR HOSP GROVE Chairman Bizieff reported that the Parks & Recreation Commission has agreed to the concept for a plaque in Hosp Grove. However, the Historic Preservation Commission needs to determine the design of the monument, what the plaque will say, where they would like it placed, and then go back to Parks & Rec with a proposal. If Parks & Rec approves the project, it would then be forwarded to the City Council for final approval. Mr. Bradstreet, Parks & Recreation Director, has indicated that there may be some funding available in the Parks fund but it would depend on the cost. The Commission discussed proposed wording for the plaque and decided that it should be concise and mention early history only. Commissioner Schwei passed out a narrative history of the Grove which her daughter had prepared for a school assignment. Commissioner Schwei will draft wording for the plaque and present it for discussion at the next meeting. Chairman Bizieff suggested that the monument be placed next to the wooden foot bridge, which is the entrance to the active park area. He presented some brochures containing samples of monuments which might be considered. The design will be determined after the wording has been established. 5. ADDITIONAL PROJECTS Don Rideout, Senior Management Analyst, stated that Alan Kindle's photographic presentation of early Carlsbad structures has been transferred into a video format. He has the video available for anyone who might wish to view it. Commissioner Valenti discussed William Knox, an early Carlsbad resident, who has written his memoirs about life in Carlsbad in the early 1900s. Mr. Knox currently lives in Texas and he is very old. Commissioner Valenti suggested that the public might find Mr. Knox's writings very interesting and it might even be something that could be published in the newspaper. Commissioner Valenti left the meeting at 6:22 p.m. COMMISSIONER REPORTS: Chairman Bizieff reported on the Carrillo Ranch Master Plan Committee and stated that they interviewed several firms and finally selected KTU&A to prepare the Master Plan. Commissioner Wanamaker reported on the Redevelopment Master Plan Committee and stated that the Master Plan went to the Design Review Board and Planning Commission two weeks ago but it was continued to November 4, 1995. Commissioner Jones reported on the Barrio Association and stated that the Barrio Master Plan was presented to the Barrio Association but was sent back to staff to rework height and setback matters. Once it has been revised, it will be presented again, presumably in late November or early December. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION October 16, 1995 ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular meeting of October 16, 1995 was adjourned at 6:32 p.m. Respectfully submitted, DON RIDEOUT Senior Management Analyst PAGE 3 BETTY BUCKNER Minutes Clerk