HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-09-09; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: September 9,1996 TIME OF MEETING: 5:30 P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Bizieff called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Bizieff, Wanamaker and Jones. Also Present Were: Bailey Noble, ex officio Geoff Armour Commissioner Joe Valenti arrived at 5:40 p.m. Commissioner Judy Schwei arrived at 5:50 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held July 8, 1996, were unanimously approved as presented. CHANGE IN STAFFING AND FUTURE DIRECTION/GOALS: Chairman Bizieff introduced Geoff Armour and welcomed him as staff support to the Historic Preservation Commission. Mr. Armour said he had spent time reading about 3-1/2 years of minutes of the Historic Preservation Commission and came to the conclusion that, with its present responsibilities, it is logical that this Commission be joined with the Library. He stated that partnerships with the Library, the Arts Office and the Historical Society should be mutually beneficial, since all are involved in various ways with historic preservation. Historic preservation includes the written record, photographs and oral histories as well as landmark sites. Mr. Armour added that he is President of the Historical Society and would like to promote common interests with the Commission. Chairman Bizieff said he September 9, 1996 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 had attempted to get the Historical Society and the Arts Commission to work on projects together with the Historic Preservation Commission. REVISED HISTORIC PRESERVATION ORDINANCE: It was the general consensus that the statement that all historical designations are voluntary by property owners should be stated strongly and put at the beginning of the ordinance. Ex officio Noble said the sentence should include ".... To insure 100% voluntary participation by any sites currently designated or to be designated in the future." Chairman Bizieff asked everyone to read the ordinance again and bring it back to the next meeting with comments or suggestions before it goes to Council. NEW INFORMATION ON CARRILLO RANCH: Mr. Armour distributed copies of a letter to the State Office of Historic Preservation from the Project Manager for the Carrillo Ranch Master Plan regarding new information relating to the original construction of the hacienda. It was discovered that Leo Carrillo had preserved the entire ground floor of the original Kelley adobe, not just a single wall. ONGOING AND FUTURE PROJECTS: Chairman Bizieff said the Commission has adopted the 1994 goals for 1995 and 1996. He asked for ideas for new projects. Mr. Armour questioned the wording for the plaque for Hosp Grove Park. There was extensive discussion about the wording of the plaque and a final version was agreed on. Chairman Bizieff said he would re-write the wording and FAX it to Mr. Armour. Mr. Armour mentioned that he had spoken with John Daley of the Oceanside Historic Preservation Commission, who has a lot of experience in placing plaques around the city. Mr. Daley has offered to come and speak to the Commission about plaques and other issues, and share his experience. Everyone agreed this would be very welcome. Other possible projects were discussed, such as the development of the property behind Alt Karlsbad for a city museum and doing something with the one plaster of Paris chicken that belongs to the city and used to be in front of the Twin Inns. Commissioner Schwei said she would like to form a subcommittee on plaques after talking to John Daley. September 9, 1996 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Ex officio Noble said he would speak with Father Moquin, the new priest at St. Michael's Episcopal Church, about a plaque recognizing the historic significance of the building. The church was originally built at another site in 1894. Mr. Noble noted that he thought a plaque and wording for St. Michael's had been worked on some years ago. Chairman Bizieff asked Mr. Armour to check on this and report back at the next meeting. 1996-97 COMMISSION BUDGET: The cost of the plaques will come out of the budget. Mr. Armour said he would like to spend some money on a small collection of informational materials. Commissioner Valenti made a motion to spend up to $300 on this collection; motion was seconded by Commissioner Wanamaker and carried unanimously. Commissioner Schwei said*5he would like to find out what Historical Preservation Conferences are available and all present agreed they would be interested in attending. Commissioner Schwei added that it would be helpful to be given adequate advance notice about future workshops. Since Commissioner Wanamaker had to leave the meeting at this point, Chairman Bizieff moved to Item 11 on the agenda. FUTURE MEETING SCHEDULE: The time and dates of future meetings was discussed. It was agreed to meet at 5:00 P.M. on the first Monday of the month, but since the next two months contain a holiday on the first Monday, Mr. Armour said he would check the calendar and see what other dates would be available for October and November. COMMISSION ASSIGNMENTS: Commissioner Schwei said she will talk to the priest and then get someone to work on a subcommittee with her at the next meeting. ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMITTEE REPORTS: Chairman Bizieff announced there will be two different workshops on Carrillo Ranch on December 27 and 28. Anyone on the Commission is welcome to attend. Commissioner Jones had nothing to report on the Barrio, other than what had been discussed in conjunction with the discussion on the revised ordinance. September 9, 1,996 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 Commissioner Vatenti announced that a new Carlsbad Historical Society membership book is out and bothi the^membership book and the monthly newsletter were very nicely done. Mr. Armour mentioned: that Susan Gutierrez, who will probably be President of the Historical Society rt^xt year, is planning to write a history of Carlsbad for use at the third grade Jeyel. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA: • + -f-'f *.'•'" ' -• " ' . • Items were discussed earlier in the meeting. It was agreed to ask John Daley to attend the h^xt meeting. ADJOURNMENT: •' • . 'V' . - ' By proper motion, the meeting of September 9, 1996 was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Pamela A. Batho Secretary