HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-01-13; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: January 13,1997 TIME OF MEETING: 5:30 P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Bizieff called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Bizieff, Jones, Valenti, Schwei, and Muth. Also Present Were: Geoff Armour John Daley APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held September 9, 1996, were unanimously approved as presented. DISCUSSION WITH JOHN DALEY. OCEANSIDE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION: Chairman Bizieff welcomed Mr. Daley and asked him to share information with the Commission. Mr. Daley explained that he is a lifetime resident of Oceanside and is actively involved in the Oceanside Historical Society and the Historic Preservation Commission. He described the activities of the Oceanside Historic Preservation Commission, which include providing plaques for historic buildings and applying for grants to pay for these and other items. When a grant is awarded, the city must provide matching funds. Mr. Daley noted that they hold quarterly meetings and work closely with the Historical Society. Commissioner Valenti asked where they obtain their plaques and the cost. Mr. Daley replied that they obtain them from an out-of-state company which seemed to have the best price, which is about $106 for an 8 X 11 plaque. He also noted that each plaque has only the place name, date of construction, and a reference number. ,*— January 13, 1997 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Mr. Daley stressed that his Commission works through the Historical Society rather than through the City, since citizens seem to react better to that approach. They don't want what appears to be the City telling them what to do with their property. Chairman Bizieff thanked Mr. Daley for coming and sharing his knowledge. There followed general discussion regarding Mr. Daley's information and it was agreed that the Carlsbad Historic Preservation Commission would prefer to order plaques locally and include more information on the plaque than does Oceanside. Commissioner Schwei said she would be happy to make some phone calls and obtain information about prices, etc. Chairman Bizieff then asked new Commissioner Dot Muth to fill the members in on her background. Commissioner Muth gave a general description of her experience and then asked questions about where the Commission's money comes from. Chairman Bizieff told her the City gives the Commission a budget of $3000 each fiscal year and the money must be spent during that time or it is lost. REVISED HISTORIC PRESERVATION ORDINANCE: It was the general consensus that the statement that all historical designations are voluntary by property owners should be stated strongly. Commissioner Jones suggested the wording "this shall be voluntary by the property owner" be added at the beginning of Section 22.02.010. Mr. Armour stated that the amended ordinance will be handled by the City Attorney's office before it goes to Council, but he added that an ordinance is not actually required at all. Commissioner Muth asked if she could go over the ordinance to simplify it. This was agreed to and the matter was tabled to the next meeting. PLAQUE FOR HOSP GROVE PARK: The wording of the plaque was approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission. Chairman Bizieff said the next step is to talk to Mark Steyaert to see if there are any funds left from the Hosp Grove Park budget to help pay for the plaque. Chairman Bizieff said he will take on the task of designing the plaque, while Commissioner Schwei obtains prices and follows up on information about a possible stone on which to mount the plaque. January 13, 1997 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 INFORMATION ON ST. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH: Since ex officio Bailey Noble was not present, it was decided to table this item to the next meeting. 1996-97 COMMISSION BUDGET AND SUGGESTED EXPENDITURES FOR INFORMATIONAL RESOURCES: Mr. Armour displayed books, newsletters, and magazines that he bought for the Commission members' information. They will be kept in his office at the library and will be available any time anyone wants to come in and look at them. Mr. Armour added that there is $2800 left in the budget that can be used for more books, plaques, workshops, or anything that is needed. ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMITTEE REPORTS: Chairman Bizieff said the Carrillo Ranch Master Plan Committee has not scheduled another meeting. They did have a meeting in November or December, which he did not attend. He did receive a report that the exhumation of the horse is scheduled for January 15. Mr. Armour said if they find the bones of the horse they will find another place to bury them. Chairman Jones said the Barrio Plan is still in committee. There is supposed to be a meeting of the Oversight Committee either Thursday or Friday of this week. Both parties will come together and report back to the Council. Commissioner Valenti said he did not attend the last meeting of the Historical Society and deferred to Mr. Armour for the report. Mr. Armour said there is a new board and he is no longer the president. He reported that the city has done some work on the Magee House, such as repairing the roof. There still needs to be work done on the deck, railings and window frames. The Society has had a carpenter build a map file, an "open" sign, and different display cases. The Society has been offered a gift of a pot-bellied stove which was in the original Santa Fe Depot. All members said they would like to have it back in Carlsbad and Mr. Armour said it is now with the current owners in Santa Cruz and he will check on the cost of shipping it. The city has possession of the one remaining chicken from the old Twin Inns and it will be restored and displayed around town. ""««* January 13, 1997 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 Mr. Armour then asked if everyone was satisfied with their committee assignments. They said they were, so they will be left as is. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA: A joint meeting with the Board of the Historical Society will be arranged. The Historical Society meets the second Thursday of the month at 4:00 P.M. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting of January 13, 1997 was adjourned at 7:07 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Pamela A. Batho Secretary