HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-05-12; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesItem #2 MINUTES MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: May 12, 1997 TIME OF MEETING: 5:30 P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Bizieff called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Bizieff, Jones, Valenti Absent: Commissioners Muth and Schwei Also Present: Geoff Armour Bailey Noble APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting of April 14, 1997 were unanimously approved with two corrections noted REVIEW OF HISTORIC PRESERVATION ORDINANCE DRAFT REVISIONS: Commissioner Jones suggested that Chapter 22.08 on Permits and Permit Procedures be modified to state simply that the permit process will conform to the existing city permit process. Chairman Bizieff asked how the city would handle a truly historic property and wondered if there shouldn't be a formal procedure to prevent the destruction of such a property. He felt any request to make significant changes to a historic property should come before the Commission. Commissioner Bizieff agreed that the chapter on permits could be simplified. Commissioner Valenti and Chairman Bizieff suggested that it might be best to table further work on specific changes to the ordinance until Commissioner Muth could be present, since she had already spent a great deal of time on it. May 12, 1997 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 PLAQUES FOR HOSP GROVE AND ST. MICHAEL'S CHURCH Chairman Bizieff reported that the wording on the plaque for St. Michael's Episcopal Church has been finalized and that he is working on getting a plaque installed in Hosp Grove Park. He has received quotes on bronze plaques from a firm on the East Coast. An 11" by 17" plaque would cost $266. A 14" by 20" version would go up to $680. It would take the company five weeks from the time the order is received to complete the plaque and ship it to Carlsbad. The total cost with tax and shipping for the smaller plaque would probably run about $300. Chairman Bizieff indicated that he would also check with some local plaque makers to get comparative costs. It was moved, seconded, and approved to authorize the purchase of a plaque for Hosp Grove Park with a cost not to exceed $266 plus tax and shipping. Chairman Bizieff said he and Commissioner Schwei were continuing to research the availability of suitable stone on which to mount the plaque. Commissioner Jones suggested that a sealer should be used to keep the surface of the plaque from deteriorating. On further discussion, it was decided not to coat the finish but to let it weather naturally. At this point there was some general discussion about other historic properties in Carlsbad, particularly the Ramsay House on Chuparosa Way. Chairman Bizieff noted that he had visited the house while Mrs. Ramsay was " still living. The place had very thin walls and was in need of major structural work. The interior of the home had many small rooms. THIRD GRADE ART CONTEST In the absence of Commissioner Schwei, Geoff Armour gave an update on plans to present awards to the winners of the contest at the next City Council meeting. The judging was held at the Senior Center on May 3 where some 250 entries from six elementary schools were rated by five volunteer judges representing the Arts Commission, the Historic Preservation Commission, the Historical Society, and the community at large. The process of narrowing the field down to the top three entries from each school was not easy, since there were so many outstanding works. Mr. Armour then noted that the 18 winners will be part of a special presentation ceremony at the May 13 City Council meeting, which will be held during National Historic Preservation Week. The Mayor will present a proclamation and Chairman Bizieff will acknowledge the young winners of the art contest. Prizes to these winners will include a "Know Carlsbad" t-shirt and a special art kit. There will be a reception and refreshments for the children and their families in the courtyard outside the council chambers following the presentation. May 12, 1997 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Commissioners present all felt that a continuation of this partnership with the school district is beneficial to all involved. CALIFORNIA PRESERVATION FOUNDATION CONFERENCE Mr. Armour noted that the annual conference of the California Preservatioin Foundation will be held this year in Pasadena, from May 29-31. Included in the schedule of events are tours of old Pasadena, its historic gardens, and the Gamble House. Any commissioners interested in attending were encouraged to get their registration forms in. All expenses will be reimbursed by the Historic Preservation budget. It was suggested that car pooling up to Pasadena could also be arranged if all who wanted to attend could agree on the day to go. DISCUSSION OF POSSIBLE FUTURE PROJECTS Mr. Armour asked the commissioners about possible future projects, noting that the acquisition and transfer of the Tootsie-K Ranch sign from the Grosse property on Sunnycreek Road was still under consideration. Back in the 1920's the Tootsie-K was where the Kentners raised chickens for their Twin Inns Restaurant. One suggestion was to preserve the sign by bringing it to Magee Park and having it installed by the barn. Other items discussed were the eventual disposition of the Barrio Museum and the other buildings, including the old pool hall, on the same property. It was noted that in fact Carlsbad has relatively few truly historic buildings, since the vast majority of the housing stock over the past half century or so has come in the form of tract homes that have no individual distinction. The commission might also want to consider natural'features, such as unique and special old trees, as possible targets for preservation efforts. The philosophical issue is deciding what in Carlsbad merits protection and preservation. Decisions need to be made by the commission or others about what is remarkable or noteworthy or that contributes to the history or the character of the city. Mr. Armour felt that a continued close partnership with the Historical Society would be one way to continue to process these issues. ANNOUNCEMENTS Commissioner Jones said the Barrio Plan was finally brought before the City Council after lengthy and bitter debate within the community and was ultimately rejected. The parties involved will now have to get together and agree on some common goals, otherwise nothing will happen. May 12, 1997 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 Chairman Bizieff noted that a lot of dirt was being moved at the Carrillo Ranch site and that the city is evaluating requests to increase funding for the Carrillo Ranch Park project, so that it could come on line sooner than originally planned. Mr. Armour discussed some of the current Historical Society activities, including upcoming Last Thursday programs at Magee House and plans to revive the historic Rose Garden on the west side of Magee House and to plant an herb garden on the east side. These garden projects are being assisted by the Carlsbad Arboretum Foundation. Special displays are being developed for public viewing in the house and Society volunteers are also putting in a lot of work on the archival collections. Mr. Armour also reported on the status of the antique pot-bellied stove that was originally in the Santa Fe Depot and has now been located in Santa Cruz. It is being donated back to the city and with help from the Historic Preservation Budget, will be shipped to Carlsbad for some clean up and eventual placement back in the depot. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA Commissioners agreed to continue work on revisions to the Historic Preservation Ordinance. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the meeting of May 12, 1997 was adjourned at 6:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Geoff Armour