HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-09-08; Historic Preservation Commission; Minutes_ I Item #2 MINUTES MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: September 8, 1997 TIME OF MEETING: 5:30 P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairman Bizieff. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Bizieff, Jones, Muth Also Present: Geoff Armour Ramona Finnila APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting of May 12, 1997 were unanimously approved. REVIEW OF PROPOSED REVISIONS TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION ORDINANCE: Commissioners reviewed the final draft of the revised Historic Preservation Ordinance. Mr. Armour outlined significant changes being made, the most noteworthy of which was that compliance with all aspects of the ordinance would be voluntary. Another recommended change involved requirements for appointment to the commission. The existing ordinance requires specific academic backgrounds to be eligible for service. The change would only require a general interest in local history to be eligible. Mr. Armour noted that most of the other changes involved reorganizing and simplifying the text to make the document more readable. He thanked Deputy City Attorney Jane Mobaldi for her advice in this process. Commissioner Jones suggested that under par. 22.04.030 (Commission Duties), the list of bodies advised by the Historic Preservation Commission be expanded to include the Housing Commission. Following discussion and agreement on this addition, Commissioner Jones moved and Commissioner v Muth seconded that the revised ordinance be submitted to the City Council for approval. Motion was carried unanimously. PLAQUES FOR HOSP GROVE AND ST. MICHAEL'S CHURCH Chairman Bizieff discussed the orders for two 11 by 17 inch bronze plaques, one for Hosp Grove Park and one for St. Michael's Episcopal Church. Chairman Bizieff noted that the plaques would have a dark green background to contrast with raised bronze letters. Both plaques have been ordered from Erie Landmark Company in Virginia and should be shipped in the near future. Mr. Armour said he had spoken with city Facilities Superintendent Chuck Walden about installing the plaques and Mr. Walden stated that the city would take care of installing the Hosp Grove plaque, since it would be on city property. The plaque for St. Michael's, however, would require private arrangements and the written consent of the church as to the exact location. Chairman Bizieff said these details will be handled by ex-officio Bailey Noble, who has been coordinating with officials of St. Michael's. Councilwoman Finnila inquired about the location of the plaque in Hosp Grove Park and Chairman Bizieff responded that the site would be at the east end of the parking lot, between a small bridge and a triangular open space. He also noted that the plan was to have the plaque mounted on a suitably sized boulder to be acquired and moved to this location. Mr. Armour said he would check with John Cahill, the city's Municipal Projects Manager, about getting a boulder, since Mr. Cahill has a number of landscape contractor contacts through the new library and golf course projects. NOTEWORTHY UPCOMING EVENTS Mr. Armour discussed upcoming events sponsored by the Carlsbad Historical Society, including the annual dinner on September 20, featuring Faye Jonason, archivist for Camp Pendleton. He also noted upcoming Last Thursday lectures at Magee House, notably the October 23 program with John Lamb, an expert on ghosts and the paranormal, who will speak on Ghosts of North County, including some haunted sites in Carlsbad. THIRD GRADE ART CONTEST Plans to continue sponsorship of the Third Grade Art Contest were discussed. With the departure of Commissioner Judi Schwei, a replacement to help coordinate the event will need to be recruited. It was noted that Susan Pynes from the Arts Commission has agreed to continue to work on the project, but someone from Historic Preservation will also need to get involved. Mr. Armour said he met recently with the Board of Directors of the Historical Society to solicit their participation in this project. The Board agreed to help in any way they could provided there was a clear commitment to continuing c the walking tours. What has added to the difficulty of this project in past ( years has been a lack of consistent and timely participation by classroom teachers. There were 21 teachers involved in last year's contest and are likely to be more next year. The Historical Society recommended that those responsible for the project make sure there is close coordination with these teachers to make sure students participate in the tours as well as the art work. Mr. Armour said he would work through the District Superintendent's office to make direct personal contact with every third grade teacher involved. ANNOUNCEMENTS Commissioner Bizieff discussed recent progress with the Carrillo Ranch Masterplan and noted that a first draft of the Masterplan will be ready for review at the October meeting of the Masterplan Committee. There is a great deal of interest in preserving the historical accuracy of the ranch. There is also concern about providing more parking for buses. Park Planner Mark Steyaert has requested the Committee make a presentation to the Historic Preservation Commission at their November meeting. The ranch should be open to the public in about the year 2005. Commissioner Muth thought Joan and Alan Kindle should receive some special recognition for their many years of hard work in support of this project. The Commission f-~ also discussed how the ranch will be operated, with the suggestion made that v, it be run like a non-profit organization but in partnership with the city, at least initially. Councilwoman Finnila noted that the city is working on an agreement with the San Marcos Unified School District to use an adjacent parking area. There is also the issue of a 100 year flood bridge that will have to be worked out and which could be a major cost. She thought this would need to be resolved before the ranch is open to the public. Councilwoman Finnila also stated that since ownership of the ranch rests with the city, the city is likely to be somewhat particular about who runs it. Commissioner Jones spoke about recent developments with the Barrio Plan, noting that a second group of residents met in an effort to reeducate residents and get some momentum going on the project. At this time, however, those opposed to the plan have refused to get involved. Mr. Armour said he would continue to meet with the Historical Society on their plans to sell their property behind Alt Karlsbad. Before this property can be sold an agreement will have to be reached with the donor, Kay Christiansen, and her conservator, Shirley Coomey, about conditions attached to the use of this land. If the land is sold and a sizable endowment is created, the Society will likely look to the city to expand its involvement in ,,—v and financial support for both the Magee House and the barn behind it. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA Mr. Armour noted that since the regular meeting for October falls on a holiday, the next meeting would be set for November 10, 1997. He also mentioned that this additional month would hopefully give the city time to appoint two replacement commissioners for Mr. Valenti and Mrs. Schwei, both of whom recently moved away from Carlsbad. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the meeting of September 8, 1997 was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Geoff Armour