HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-11-10; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesItem #2b MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION November 10,1997 5:30 P.M. City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER In the absence of Chairman Bizieff, Commissioner John Jones called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Also Present Were: Absent: Commissioners Christiansen, Jones, Muth, and Trejo Geoff Armour Bailey Noble Chairman Gordon Bizieff As this was the first commission meeting for Commissioners Christiansen and Trejo, the meeting began with introductions around the table. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of the minutes of the meeting held September 8, 1997 was continued to the next meeting, as only two commissioners present were at the meeting in question. REVISIONS TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION ORDINANCE AND TO TITLE 2 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE Assistant Library Director Geoff Armour described the Ordinance which (in 1993) used to state that, for homeowners or other private property owners to make any changes in their "historical" property, they must have permission from the City. There was significant public objection to this, so the City Council directed the Commission to revise the Ordinance to make compliance entirely voluntary. In the last few months this revision has been in process with help from Jane Mobaldi, the Deputy City Attorney, in simplifying language, changing some content, and making membership requirements on the Commission less rigid. With some more changes recommended by the Historic Preservation Commis/*^ -"""ovember 10, 1997 Assistant City Attorney, it is now in an Agenda Bill and will be on the City Council Agenda for the December 2 meeting. We will have one more session with Chairman Bizieff to work it over before then. Mr. Armour then referred to the Title 2 attachment to the agenda and explained the changes which had taken place, which were largely code maintenance. Mr. Jones suggested that items 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9 be tabled until the next meeting, since the Chairman could not be present at this one. Mr. Armour responded that there were some things he would still like to cover which were not action items. PLAQUES FOR HOSP GROVE AND FOR ST. MICHAEL'S ESPISCOPAL CHURCH Mr. Armour informed the commissioners that we do not have the Hosp Grove plaque yet because they are changing the wording on it, but he showed them the St. Michael's plaque, which is the same size and shape. Chairman Bizieff is helping him find a boulder to mount the Hosp Grove plaque on. Mr. Noble discussed construction work in progress at St. Michael's. GRANT APPLICATION FOR CALIFORNIA SESQUICENTENNIAL Mr. Armour referred to the attachments to the agenda regarding the California Sesquicentennial, or celebration of 150 years of statehood. He said the State Library has a program through which they are offering grants up to $500 to 40 communities to have a series of discussion groups led by a scholar of California history. Mr. Armour contacted David Drielsma, who teaches California History at Mira Costa College, and he agreed to participate; so we just received word that we did receive the grant for Carlsbad. Mr. Armour will investigate whether or not we must make acceptance of the grant an Agenda Bill for the City Council. Activities will begin in a year and a half and will be all over the State. He will keep the commissioners posted. REHABILITATION OF HISTORIC SAFE AND STOVE Mr. Armour said that some money will be needed at some point for the rehabilitation of these two valuable pieces, about $750 for the stove, and probably much more for the safe. The stove will most likely end up back at the depot where it originally was. The safe weighs three tons and will need a concrete pad. Mr. Armour is getting information on repair costs. There is speculation on where to put it—perhaps at Magee Park in the Barn. We will present the project to the Historical Society and see if they would be interested in sharing the expense of the rehabilitation. Future action will be on where we want to put it. Historic Preservation Comn***'pn -^\ November 10, 1997 REVISIONS TO AND REPRINTING OF HISTORIC PRESERVATION BROCHURE TJhjiiijjr' Commissioner Dorothy Muth found an old brochure on Historic Preservation in Carlsbad. She wants to add a revised one to the stacks at the new Chamber offices at the Carlsbad Company Stores. She likes the current color and thinks the new one should be the same color—it just needs some rewriting. Mr. Armour may take new language from the Ordinance to include in it. He welcomes additions or subtractions by the Commission. Discussion followed on possible other changes to the brochure format, especially in incorporating a map of site locations. Mr. Armour encouraged everyone to review the brochure for discussion at the next meeting. APPROVAL TO PURCHASE NEW CALIFORNIA PRESERVATION FOUNDATION PUBLICATIONS Mr. Armour wants to build a collection in the library of historic preservation resources. There are some materials which he would like to purchase, totaling about $78.00. Commissioner Don Christiansen moved that said publications be acquired. Commissioner Muth seconded the motion, which was then carried by the Commission. SUGGESTED GOALS FOR THE COMING YEAR Mr. Armour agreed that this item should be carried over to the next meeting, but he (_ wanted to inform the Commission that he spoke with Don Rideout who has been charged by the City with developing the city's Habitat Management Plan. He gave some examples of trees which could be included in this plan. Mr. Rideout is interested in a memo from the Commission on which trees they are interested in preserving. Commissioner Christiansen asked about Tootsie K Ranch, which Mr. Armour described, talking about appropriating the historic sign and placing it in Magee Park. He will contact the Grosse family regarding acquiring it. Commissioner Connie Trejo suggested the Barn as a location for the sign. Mr. Armour then referred to the list of goals for 1998 and encouraged the Commission to begin thinking about goals for next year. Mr. Armour asked for additions to the goals, and would like to do a workshop with Chairman Gordon Bizieff present. ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMITTEE REPORTS At the December 8th meeting we will have a visit from KTUA Consultants on Leo Carillo Ranch for an update. Commissioner Muth asked how the Commission is doing financially. When do we need to do the budget? Mr. Armour responded that there is $3,000 still not spent for this year which could be spent on the rehabilitation of the safe. We also could split the cost of the safe rehab with the Historical Society. More discussion followed on a description and history of the safe, which is significant to City w* history. Mr. Noble suggested that the safe issue be brought up at a Council meeting. It Historic Preservation Commis^**^ •*"%ovember 10 1997 was also suggested the safe go to Carrillo Ranch. Commissioner Trejo suggested it go to the Barn. Mr. Armour agreed that the Barn would be a good place for it. Mr. Armour asked if there were any new developments with the Barrio Plan. Commissioner Trejo said the two sides on this issue were still not willing to sit down and talk about it, but she hoped that this would change in time. PUBLIC COMMENTS NONE. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA Most agenda items from this meeting will be discussed again at the next meeting, with the addition of Carrillo Ranch and a few other items. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the meeting of November 10, 1997 was adjourned at 6:17 p.m. Respectfully submitted, / ' ° Rebecca DiGangi Administrative Secretary