HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-01-10; Historic Preservation Commission; Minutes- I ITEM # 2 MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: JANUARY 10,2000 TIME OF MEETING: 530 PM PLACE OF MEETING: H I STO RI C PRES E RVAT IO N CO M M IS S IO N City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Bizieff called the meeting to order at 530 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Bizieff, Christiansen, Jones, Muth, and Trejo. Absent: None Also Present Were: Assistant Library Director, Geoff Armour Council Member Ramona Finnila Planning Commission Liaison, Ann L’Heureux APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held November 8, 1999 were approved as presented. HISTORIC TREE INVENTORY PROJECT & RELATED ISSUES: Assistant Library Director Geoff Armour announced that the project remains on hold until after the Tree Commission appointed by the City Council makes its report to the council the end of January 2000. There is a possibility that this commission’s project may be merged with the Tree Commission project to help with the identification of the trees. Mr. Wisniewski has been advised that the project is on hold for the present. Commissioner Christiansen noted that this commission had taken the initiative to document the historical trees well before the formation of the Tree Commission and it was gratifying to know that others also recognized a need for the inventory. Council Member Finnila responded that currently the Parks and Recreation Commission are in charge of tree policies. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of January 10,2000 Commissioner Christiansen said that he had attended some of the Tree Commission meetings and they will probably recommend to the City Council that the Tree Commission become a permanent one. Additionally, Commissioner Christiansen reported that he had spoken with Steve Holcomb, the arborist on the Tree Commission, about the red gum lerp-psyllid. They have identified a small wasp that is parasitic to the lerp-psyllid and UC Riverside is breading them. All the protocols have been done and there is a high comfort level that releasing these wasps into the environment will not cause more problems than it will solve. The plan is to release the wasps this spring. PLANS FOR YEAR 2000 THIRD GRADE ART CONTEST: The school tours that are conducted by the docents have all been scheduled for the month of May. Assistant Library Director Armour explained that ideally, the art contest would follow the tours but June is too near the end of school to hold the contest. Current plans are to hold the contest in May during the tours, and having the final presentation before the City Council on June 6, 2000. Council Member Finnila suggested May 23 might be a better date for the City Council presentation. .- The Commission discussed possibly expanding the possibilities for subject matter in celebration of the Sesquicentennial celebration. The theme for the State celebration is The Gold Rush, which does not relate to Carlsbad specifically, but the theme could be tied to what was going on in Carlsbad in 1849. Commissioner Jones pointed out that 1849 was the date of the Marron Land Grant. Commissioner Muth volunteered to assist with the judging this year. ST MICHAEL’S CHURCH PLAQUE INSTALLATION: Assistant Library Director Armour has been working with the landscape architect, Gregg Evans, to decide on the location for the plaque. The plaque which is 17” x I1 “ is to be included in the garden plan. Assistant Library Director Armour felt that the plaque needed to be on Carlsbad Boulevard so it would been seen as part of the walking tour. He said that the Church was requesting that the plaque be “at grade”. The Commissioners expressed several concerns over the location and flat installation of the plaque. Commissioner Bizieff suggested the option of placing the plaque on a larger pedestal to get the plaque up high enough that no one would trip over it. There was also discussion of placing the pedestal and plaque on the City’s property, closer to the street, and eliminating any liability issues for the church. ’ HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of January IO, 2000 ,c Assistant Library Director Armour will discuss the possibility of a pedestal style installation with the landscape architect and the church and report at the next meeting. CARLSBAD BOULEVARD BRIDGE OVERPASS: Assistant Library Director Armour announced that there was a presentation by the City Engineering Department to the City Council regarding this project. The cost for this project is estimated between $1 0 and $1 1 million and has been postponed for at least a year. There was included in the presentation the intent of the City to try to maintain the faGade and the installation of a historical plaque. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Carlsbad Historical Societv - Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the Carlsbad Historical Society had elected new officers. Assistant Library Director Armour also announced that Marge Howard Jones is considering writing a revised version of her original book, Seekers of the Spring due to the number of inaccuracies it contains. Some contradictory information has been discovered with the recent acquisition of the Magee letters and the ongoing research in the old Carlsbad Journal. This Commission might consider assisting with the funding of the project. Council Member Finnila commented it was an excellent idea and that a lot of the stories contained in the book have sequels, which could be included in the new version. - Sesquicentennial - Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the Library had received a state grant to fund a four-part historical discussion group. The group consisted of over thirty people and at the conclusion of the series, the group toured the Guajome Adobe in Vista. Carlsbad High School - The essay contest has not drawn many participants in the last few years and Mrs. Delgado has offered to assist with the project this year. Assistant Library Director Armour suggested the Sesquicentennial as a possible theme for this year’s contest. Barn at Magee House - The barn is in very bad condition and Assistant Library Director Armour has spoken with the City’s Facilities Maintenance Department. Manee House - The entire house will be turned over to the Carlsbad Historical Society hopefully sometime after the end of January. Commissioner Christiansen reported that in a conversation he had with Marge Howard Jones, she suggested that it might be appropriate to do the renovations to the house and barn in memory of Kay and Chris Christiansen. - Commissioner Bizieff asked the status of the safe and Tootsie K sign. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 Minutes of January 10,2000 Assistant Library Director Armour said that the residential development at Sunny Creek has been approved but the sign is not located on the property being developed. He has spoken to Ms. Grosse who has repeated that we can take the sign when we are ready. Commissioner Christiansen asked if there was a time line for getting the barn stabilized. Assistant Library Director Armour responded that currently Facilities Maintenance has too many projects to add the barn. PUBLIC COMMENTS: NONE ITEM FOR NEXT AGENDA: St Michael’s Plaque & ceremony Marge Howard Jones book project Art contest Tree Commission report results ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 6:24 p.m. Administrative Secretary