HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-03-13; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES Approved: 5/s IOQ MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: MARCH 13,2000 TIME OF MEETING: 530 PM PLACE OF MEETING: H I STO RI C P RES E RVAT I 0 N CO M M I S S IO N City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Bizieff called the meeting to order at 535 PM. ROLL CALL: Present : Commissioners Bizieff, Christiansen, Jones, Muth, Absent: Commissioner Trejo Also Present Were: F Assistant Library Director, Geoff Armour Council Member Ramona Finnila Planning Commission Liaison, Ann L’Heureux APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held January IO, 1999 were approved as presented. ST. MICHAEL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH PLAQUE INSTALLATION: Chairman Bizieff noted that the proposal included a pedestal for the mounting that solved some of the problems discussed at the last meeting. Assistant Library Director Armour reviewed the plans for the garden area and the original proposal from the landscape architect for the plaque to be mounted at grade. This commission was concerned that it would not be visible. He met again with FR Moquin and Gregg Evans, the landscape architect, and they agreed on a location. The plaque will be mounted on a pedestal facing the street on the corner of Carlsbad Boulevard and Christiansen Way. It will be part of the walking tour and highly visible, and on City property. Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the next step was the construction of the pedestal and installation ceremony. He has already contacted the Public Works department to begin construction and hopes that the project will be completed in two to three months. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Minutes of March 13,2000 Page 2 Assistant Library Director Armour asked the Commission to identify other locations within the City that would warrant a historic plaque. Commissioner Christiansen brought up the old barn in Magee Park that is in a serious state of disrepair. He was hopeful that this commission would adopt a proactive position towards the renovation of the- barn in memory of the Christiansen’s. Assistant Library Director Armour agreed that the barn is in bad shape and currently has a security fence around the structure to prevent access. He said that everyone is supportive of saving the barn but it is a fairly large Public Works project. Chair Bizieff asked if there was a way to push this project along quicker since the barn is in jeopardy. Commissioner Jones brought up the need to include the concrete pad for the old City safe as part of the project and the Tootsie “K Ranch sign relocation as well. Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the estimated cost just to stabilize the building to be between $10,000 and $20,000. Chair Bizieff asked if the intent was to simply stabilize it or to bring the building up to code? Assistant Library Director Armour said that the goal was to have the building accessible to the public. Council Member Finnila asked for the significance of this barn. She said it was her understanding that it was not constructed with wooden nails and was not a unique structure so that its significance was unclear. Assistant Library Director Armour explained that the barn was one of the original buildings on the Magee property and is in its original location. He will check with Public Works to determine the best way to proceed in getting the project designed, prioritized and funded. Commissioner Christiansen offered his assistance with the project as the Commission as a whole is very concerned with the preservation of this historical barn. c RECIPROCAL ACQUISITION POLICY: A draft of the proposed policy between the Carlsbad Historical Society and the Carlsbad City Library was reviewed and discussed. The Historical Society approved it as to content. The purpose of the agreement is to prevent the two organizations from working at cross-purposes and collecting like items. The agreement provides for the library to collect flat paper items and the Carlsbad Historical Society to collect the three- dimensional artifacts. Council Member Finnila requested the agreement be sent to the City Attorney’s office for review and approval. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Minutes of March 13, 2000 Page 3 SPECIAL GIFTS TO CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY: - Assistant Library Director Armour reported that recently the Carlsbad Historical Society had received an offer from the granddaughter and great-granddaughter of Gerhard Schutte to donate several pieces of furniture from the Schutte house and some period clothing. They have volunteered to pay for the delivery of the items to the City if the City agrees to display the furniture in the Magee house. Additionally, they have offered to allow the City to copy their entire collection of photographs. Another donation came from the Legerwood Estate in the form of an 16 MM film, “Waltz of the Flowers” which the Historical Society intends to transfer to a video tape format. THIRD GRADE ART CONTEST: The tours are schedule for the month of May and the possible date for the awards ceremony at the City Council Meeting is tentatively set for June 6‘h. The judging of the entries will be at the Senior Center or at the Cole Library on Saturday, May 27th. Judges will be Dee Morning from the Carlsbad Historical Society, Dorothy Muth representing this commission and Sue Ladouceur from the Arts Associates. ANNOUNCEMENTS: -c The Carlsbad Historical Society is again sponsoring an essay contest for seniors at Carlsbad High School with a May deadline. The Society is planning the years events to include three lectures probably scheduled for April, June and September at the Magee House. One possible topic will be the Wyatt Earp lecture as he apparently lived in San Diego at one time. The Carlsbad Historical Society annual meeting has been set for October 14‘h at the Raintree Restaurant. Michael Kowalewski , editor of the “Gold Rush,” the book used for the Sesquicentennial Series discussion group held at the library, has asked the library to sponsor a series of lectures in Carlsbad and several other cities on related themes. Assistant Library Director Armour said that we have agreed to do that and we will apply for another grant from the California Council for the Humanities to cover the costs. The proposed date for the Carlsbad lecture would be in August. The Heritage Tree Inventory project is still on hold until after the City Council has heard the presentation from their Tree Committee and Public Works. PUBLIC COMMENTS: NONE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Minutes of March 13,2000 Page 4 IC ITEM FOR NEXT AGENDA: - Magee Barn project - Date for St. Michael’s Church plaque ceremony and installation - Commission list of recommended sites for historical plaques Commissioner Christiansen asked if there was any plaque marking the site of the first school house which had been located where the Calaveras Hills Park is now located. Planning Commissioner L’Heureux responded that inside the gymnasium community room is a colorized photograph of the children in front of the old school and framed in eucalyptus wood taken from one of the trees cut down on the site. Council Member Finnila asked if there was a plaque at the old theatre. Assistant Library Director Armour suggested that the commission go back through the cultural resources inventory to identify those that are appropriate. A preliminary list would include Twin Inns, the depot, Hosp Grove, St. Michael’s Church. Magee House, the Magee barn, St. Pat’s, Heritage Hall, and the Granary. Commissioner Christiansen suggested the old hotel on State Street should be included. .- ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 6:16 p.m. Respectfully sybqnitted, Ad minisfrative Secretary