HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-05-08; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesI ITEM # 2 I ~pp ved: ,q&&L-. - MINUTES MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: May 8,2000 TIME OF MEETING: 530 PM PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Commissioner Christiansen called the meeting to order at 534 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners, Bizieff, Christiansen, Muth, and Trejo Absent: Commissioner Jones Also Present Were: Assistant Library Director, Geoff Armour Council Member Ramona Finnila Planning Commission Liaison, Ann L’Heureux Associate Engineer, David Stillman Contractor, Tom Sears Palomar College student, Nicole Harrison The minutes of the meeting held March 13, 2000 were approved as submitted. ST. MICHAEL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH PLAQUE: Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the site was approved as reported in the last meeting and the City public works department is constructing the pedestal and mounting the brass plaque. They anticipate completion of the project and installation sometime within the next month. RECIPROCAL PRESERVATION POLICY: Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the agreement would have to be between the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Historical Society, and was submitted to the City Attorney’s office for approval. Upon the recommendation of the legal staff, they will write a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to be executed by both parties HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of May 8,2000 c will write a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to be executed by both parties involved. The Carlsbad Historical Society has agreed to sign the MOU but it will also need to be approved by the City Council. Council Member Finnila pointed out that the MOU is a good start but that in addition there needs to be a process by which items are requested, loaned, and returned. Assistant Library Director Armour said the Carlsbad Historical Society would develop a document for that purpose. HERITAGE TREE SURVEY: Commissioner Christiansen reported that he had talked with Doug Duncanson of the Public Works Department of the City and the agenda bill will not go to council until the end of June. Assistant Library Director Armour explained that the agenda bill recommends that the Historic Preservation Commission continue with the Heritage Tree inventory as initially proposed. He said that there is some question as to where the money will come from to accomplish all the recommendations; however, the initial cost of the heritage tree inventory, approximately $4400, is in the Historic Preservation Commission budget. The project is still on hold until the agenda bill is taken to City Council. - Council Member Finnila suggested that a representative from the Historic Preservation Commission be present at the City Council Meeting to speak during the public hearing and elaborate on the historical tree inventory portion of the project. Commissioner Christiansen volunteered to speak on the behalf of the commission. RENOVATIONS TO MAGEE BARN; Commissioner Christiansen introduced contractor Tom Sears and explained that the two of them, and Assistant Library Director Armour, recently inspected the interior of the barn. Currently there are several artifacts stored inside, including a buggy and miscellaneous tools. Apparently the barn has also been used to store some parks and recreation surplus equipment. Mr. Sears reported that it was difficult to tell what was original structure and what was added, although probably the lean-to for the storage of the buggy was an afterthought and possibly another lean-to for boarding horses. The structures need some timber replacement, the roof needs to be repaired or possibly replaced. The barn itself appears to be structurally sound but there is some dry rot in the lean-to sections. The existing sliding doors have rusted hardware but the track and wheels look salvageable. Interestingly, the rain gutter that tied into the existing cistern has been disconnected. c_ HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of May 8,2000 - Assistant Library Director Armour thanked Mr. Sears for doing this walk through with only a small flashlight. The plan is to remove the contents of the buildings and then conduct a more thorough examination. The City Recreation Department has agreed to provide the staff needed to empty the building and Public Works will provide a dumpster for the clean up. Ann L’Heureux volunteered to over-see the cleanup and help identify those items that need to be taken to the Historical Society storage facility. She asked Mr. Sears if the shake roof would have to be replaced with a different type due to the fire hazard of shake shingles and he reported that there was a product now which was fire resistant but looked very much like the original shake shingles. ANNOUNCE MENTS: Magee House Tours: Ann L’Heureux reported that May is school tour month at Magee House, and there are at least two tours and sometimes three scheduled for every morning of the week for the entire month. Third Grade Art Contest: Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the packets have been distributed to thirty-five classes, an increase over last year. The judging will take place on May 27‘h in the Community Room of Cole Library at 9:00 AM. The awards will be at the June gfh City Council Meeting. Chair Bizieff announced that he would be unavailable on June 6‘h to participate in the awards and Commissioner Christiansen offered to take his place at the council meeting. c PUBLIC COMMENT: Nicole Harrison, a student at Palomar Community College, explained that she was working on a project for her Speech Class. The assignment was to observe the meeting and report on how the meeting was conducted and the behavior of the attendees. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA: . . Updates on ongoing projects Procedure for lending and borrowing historical material between the Carlsbad City Library and the Carlsbad Historical Society MARRON ADOBE: Prior to the adjournment, Assistant Library Director Armour relayed some background information on the purpose of the trip to the Marron Adobe and presentation by Shelly Caron. Carlsbad Associate Engineer, David Stillman, is the City’s representative on the project that is the proposed interchange at Highway 78 and Rancho del Or0 Road. L HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 Minutes of May 8,2000 c According to Engineer Stillman, the City of Oceanside does not have the money for the completion of a full interchange at this time. Currently the City of Carlsbad is not taking an active role in this project, but is monitoring the progress to insure that whatever is done does not preclude the possibility of the extension of Marron Road or Rancho del Or0 at some future date. Engineer Stillman reported that the City of Carlsbad has not done any environmental assessment of the property, and therefore has not determined where Marron Road will cross through the property and extend to College Boulevard, or even if it is feasible to build it. The same issues are involved in the decision whether or not to extend Rancho del Or0 to the south of Highway 78. Assistant Library Director Armour explained that, although the plans for the interchange do not include the removal or destruction of the dwelling, owner and resident of the adobe, Shelly Caron, is opposed to the interchange as well as the development of the adjacent rock quarry into residential property. Council Member Finnila explained that the Rancho del Or0 interchange is necessary for North County. The City of Oceanside and the City of Carlsbad jointly applied for the monies for the construction, as a necessity to keep the proposed grid system for the traffic flow of all North County. r.- In addition, Council Member Finnila reported that she had recently attended a conference at which one of the sessions dealt with preserving historical buildings versus the conservation of habitat. There is precedence for the relocation of a historical building in order to build a necessary road, and still preserve habitat and the historical landmark. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m. and members of the commission departed for the tour of the Marron adobe. ig&C, Administrative Secretary