HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-07-10; Historic Preservation Commission; Minutes-_ ITEM ## 2 I MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: 530 PM PLACE OF MEETING: H I STO RI C PRES E RVAT IO N C 0 M M IS SI 0 N July IO, 2000 City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Bizieff called the meeting to order at 535 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Bizieff , Jones, Muth, and Trejo Absent: Commissioner Christiansen Also Present Were: Assistant Library Director, Geoff Armour Council Member Ramona Finnila APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held May 8, 2000 were approved with one correction. ST. MICHAEL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH PLAQUE: Assistant Library Director Armour reported that Public Works has several projects which have priority over this one, but it was hoped that the pedestal would be completed by September 1, 2000. He anticipates scheduling the ceremony sometime late in September. Council Member Finnila reminded the commission that the City Council would be adjourned until September 11 , 2000 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) BETWEEN CITY OF CARLSBAD AND CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the MOU had been presented to the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Historical Society and had been approved. The City Attorney’s office asked that the Historic Preservation Commission also approve it before it goes to City Council. Additionally, the Historical Society had developed a loan form to be used internally when transferring items between the Library and the Historical Society. ,--- Council Member Finnila suggested that the loan form be expanded to include a date the material was returned, and possibly a signature verifying that the item was returned in the same condition as when it was borrowed. There was some question and discussion of liability for damaged or lost items and Assistant Library Director Armour pointed out that most of the artifacts are irreplaceable and that the intent of the agreement was that each organization would hold the other harmless. In addition, the majority of all the “flat” items have been copied into the database so that there are duplicates of most of those items. By proper motion, the Commission voted to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Historical Society. HERITAGE TREES SURVEY: Assistant Library Director Armour reminded the commission that the heritage tree inventory was part of the agenda bill resulting from the Tree Commission and approved by the City Council. The project was approved and a purchase order issued to Mark Wisniewski. Assistant Library Director Armour has a meeting with the consultant on Thursday, July 13, 2000, to start mapping the process. The project will also have to be coordinated with the Parks and Recreation Commission who will jointly monitor the progress. He anticipates it will take between four and six months to complete. I CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY ISSUES: Assistant Library Director Armour reported on the status of the following issues currently before the Carlsbad Historical Society: Maaee House and Barn - Now that the park planning offices have been relocated to City Hall, the Society has formed a subcommittee to decide on the usage for the house and the barn. The large project of stabilizing the barn is scheduled for this year through Public Works. The old park planning office will most probably be turned into a public meeting room for presentations and programs. The intent is to make as much of the facility as possible open to the public and filled with displays and exhibits. Historic book - The City Manager has recommended the writing of a book that captures the past fifty years in celebration of the 50fh Anniversary of the incorporation of the City. The Marge Howard-Jones book, Seekers of the Sprinq, covers the earliest times up to incorporation. The City Manager’s suggestion was to have an entirely new book, not just a re-write of the other, which would capture the new era. Several people have expressed interest in the project but the research for the book will be the most time consuming. - HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of July 10, 2000 Strateaic Plan - The Board is looking at developing a strategic plan and vision for the Society and its role in the community. They are hoping to get more community involvement through the process. Cominq Events - On July 16* , Sunday, at 2 PM at the Magee House there will be the first of the Sunday’s at Magee programs. Charles Ledgewood’s daughter will show an old film and present a program about her father. Admission is free. On September 17* the Barrio Festival will be held from 9 AM to 6 PM. The format will be similar to the last festival with the Museum open with entertainment and food. ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Third Grade Art Contest was a huge success. There were nearly five hundred (500) entries with winners from each school displayed at the Cole Library. Assistant Library Director Armour reported that someone called him regarding the realignment of Carlsbad Boulevard and old Route 101 as a possible concern of the Historic Preservation Commission. There have been no further developments regarding the Rancho del Oro interchange. Assistant Library Director Armour had checked with David Stillman from the Engineering Department who reported there was no meeting last month. The Carlsbad City Library together with the Carlsbad Historical Society, Chamber of Commerce and ConVis are all working together to develop a first class walking tour guide that will incorporate the historical trees as well as the historical structures throughout the City. The September meeting of this commission will be held on September 2!jth in lieu of September 1 Ifh due to a schedule conflict. Council Member Finnila announced that tomorrow night at the City Council Meeting there would be a group making a presentation in support of some type of memorial to Charles Ledgerwood. The Carlsbad Arboretum Society has submitted a proposal for the former Split Pavilion site. Council Member Finnila suggested that the Historic Preservation Commission should be involved in the design and location of the memorial. PUBLIC COMMENTS: NONE #- HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 Minutes of July 10, 2000 NEXT AGENDA: Election of Officers ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 6:22 p.m. Respectfully sub itte A -\ /TF Administrative Secretary