HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-09-11; Historic Preservation Commission; Minutesr- MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: 530 PM PLACE OF MEETING: H I STO RI C PRES E RVAT I 0 N C 0 M M I S S IO N September 1 I, 2000 City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chair Don Christiansen called the meeting to order at 5:44 PM. ROLL CALL: Present : Commissioners Christiansen, Muth and Trejo Absent: Commissioners Bizieff and Jones Also Present Were: Assistant Library Director, Geoff Armour Council Member Ramona Finnila Planning Commission Liaison, Ann L’Heureux APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held July IO, 2000 were approved as submitted. CHARLES LEDGERWOOD MEMORIAL COMMITTEE: Assistant Library Director Armour reported that following a presentation by representatives of the Carlsbad Arboretum Society to the City Council for a proposed memorial to Mr. Ledgerwood, the City Council decided to request more input from the appropriate Commissions: Arts, Historic Preservation and Parks and Recreation. Council Member Finnila explained that there were many different ideas submitted for various locations and ways of commemorating Mr. Ledgerwood, and therefore, the Council decided to form a committee to review all the proposals and make a recommendation to the Council. _- Commissioner Dorothy Muth volunteered to serve on the committee as the representative from this commission. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of September 11, 2000 CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS: *. Assistant Library Director Armour explained that this item was on the agenda simply to keep the commissioners up to date on the progress of the Strategic Planning Process for the Historical Society. He distributed a copy of the survey which will be included tin the Historical Society Newsletter this month for members only as Phase I of the information-gathering stage of the planning process. Phase II would be a survey of the general public possibly distributed through the newspaper. COLE LIBRARY LOCAL HISTORY ROOM: Assistant Library Director Armour distributed a list of the proposed contents of the Local History room. Currently the work is taking place in the old back-files periodicals area at the Cole. Planning Commissioner Ann L’Heureux has been working as a volunteer with Marge Howard-Jones under the guidance of library historian Susan Gutierrez to cross-reference and index all the historical photographs as well as the information contained in the Carlsbad Journal dating from 1926 until it ceased publication in the early 1990’s. UPDATE ON CONTINUING PROJECTS: c Plaque for St. Michael’s - Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the Public Works Department of the City has decided to contract out this project. Hopefully they will have it completed within the month. Magee House and Barn - Assistant Library Director Armour together with Commissioner Christiansen and contractor Tom Sears made another trip out to the barn two weeks ago. Prior to that, members of the historical society had inventoried and marked the items of historical significance and city crews cleaned out the remainder of the items that had been stored there. The contractor was able to make a detained analysis and will prepare a scope of work and proposal for the job. The contractor was anxious to obtain any historical photographs of the barn, and will focus on the proposed future use of the building while trying to bring it back to look like the original. Council Member Finnila suggested that he check with the police department for any photos, since a murder had been committed in the barn in the early 1970’s. Assistant Library Director Armour explained that the proposal to Public Works would be to remove the lean-to as it was not part of the original structure. Commissioner Christiansen expressed hope that the barn would become part of the Magee House museum and include the hayloft and the cistern. Heritage Tree Survey - Assistant Library Director Armour reported that he had been in contact with Mr. Wisniewski, the arborist and contractor for this project. Mr. Wisniewski has started the project and it is anticipated that it will take from four to six months to complete. - HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of September 11, 2000 r -- Commissioner Christiansen took this opportunity to ask if anyone knew if the wasp that is the natural predator of the red gum lerpsyllid had been released within the City of Carlsbad. Council Member Finnila suggested that he contact the City Arborist. Carlsbad 50th Anniversary Proiect - Assistant Library Director Armour reported that at the suggestion of the City Manager, the library was investigating the possibility of publishing a new history of Carlsbad book, possibly one which would take up where the Seekers of the Sprinq left off. Susan Gutierrez and Ann L’Heureux have made a proposal to research and assemble a collection of historic photos and provide “fat” captions, not a lot of text, for this purpose. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Vice Chair Christiansen opened the floor for nominations for Chairman and Vice Chairman for the commission. Commissioner Muth nominated Gordon Bizieff to serve another term as the Chairman and asked Commissioner Christiansen if he would consider serving as the Vice Chairman for another term. The Commission unanimously approved both nominations but agreed to table the election until the next regular meeting to allow the absent Bizieff to formally accept the nomination prior to the Com m ission voting . ANNOUNCEMENTS: Commissioner Trejo announced that the Barrio festival would begin at 9:00 AM on September 1 7‘h and would include music, formal presentations, dance exhibitions and crafts. The Museum will also be open. PUBLIC COMMENTS: NONE ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA: Election ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m. Respectfully supmitted, - kissie &ton Administrative Secretary