HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-11-13; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesApproved MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: November 13,2000 TIME OF MEETING: 530 PM PLACE OF MEETING: H I STO RI C PRES E RVATlO N CO M M I SS IO N City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Bizieff called the meeting to order at 535 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Bizieff, Christiansen, Jones, Trejo Absent: Commissioner Muth Also Present Were: Assistant Library Director, Geoff Armour Council Member Ramona Finnila Planning Commission Liaison, Ann L’Heureux Mark Wisniewski, Arborist Tom Sears, Contractor - APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The approval of the minutes of the meeting held September 11, 2000 was postponed until the next meeting. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Chairman Bizieff accepted the nomination to continue at the chair for another year and Commissioner Christiansen had previously accepted the nomination for vice chair. The Board elected the two nominees unanimously. HERITAGE TREE SURVEY PRESENTATION: Mr. Wisniewski accompanied his report with an extensive slide show. He reported to have covered in a walking tour about 50% of the area designated for the survey and taken photographs. He explained the difference between historical trees and heritage trees in that heritage trees are important for not only historical reasons but also for I ‘ HISTORIC’PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of Novern ber 13, 2000 cultural and horticultural reasons and may be unique to the area. His slide presentation included trees not necessarily accessible but visible and he plans to measure the larger specimens where he has access. He also reported that so far he has found that most of the trees in the City that are significant are not native to the area and may not even be native to State. - The area to be covered in the survey was identified by Mr. Wisniewski as extending from Chestnut Street north to the lagoon and from Carlsbad Boulevard east to Highland, mostly the old village area. Originally the inventory was to be limited to just I00 trees, but Mr. Wisniewski commented that at this point we might want to consider 100 species, as there are so many. Assistant Library Director Armour pointed out that this project was designed and underway before the Citywide interest in a heritage tree survey. This initial survey focused around the older part of the town and could become Phase I of a larger reaching survey that will include all the areas of the City. The idea was to incorporate some of the historical trees into the walking tour being developed for the area. Mr. Wisniewski reported that he anticipated having the survey itself completed by the end of the year but then the research for the report would involve some other individuals. He suggested that the City prepare a press release about the survey and in it ask for information from the locals on historical trees, which would help with the c- research. Council Member Finnila suggested placing an article about the historical and heritage tree inventory in the Community Services magazine as a possible way to solicit input from the community. Commissioner Christiansen asked if Mr. Wisniewski had any information on the wasps that prey on the lurpsyllid which were to be released in our area. Commissioner Christiansen had contacted the County Department of Agriculture who said that the wasps had been released two weeks prior within a ten mile radius of Carlsbad and were projected to migrate into the City within two to three months. They also reported that they planned to release some within the City of Carlsbad before the end of this winter. Mr. Wisniewski responded that it was his understanding that the numbers of the wasps that had been released were relatively low, in the hundreds not thousands, due to the limited number the department has for that purpose. It is hoped that with the abundance of their food source in the area, the wasps will multiply. MAGEE BARN RENOVATIONS: Tom Sears, the contractor who has been working with Commissioner Christiansen and Assistant Library Director Armour, distributed a scope of work with cost estimates for the renovations for the barn. - HISTORIC' PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of November 13,2000 Mr. Sears had broken the work into eleven different elements, beginning with a perimeter foundation and interior piers, which he deemed the most urgent. He reviewed the scope of work elements in detail. - Chair Bizieff commented that there were several code issues to be discussed before any recommendations or decisions could be made. He said that if the barn would be used for anything other than strictly a storage facility, it would have to be brought up to code for occupancy use. Assistant Library Director Armour pointed out that the Carlsbad Historical Society is in the process of a long range planning process to develop a concept and vision for the use of the barn. One concept being considered is using the barn as part of a static display where the visitors could walk around and look through the openings but not be permitted to enter. Commissioner Christiansen expressed his preference to do a complete renovation on the barn to provide usable occupancy. He would like to see it as an extension of the historical Magee House exhibits containing period pieces common to a barn of that era. There was considerable discussion over the cost differential between preservation and restoration, the latter being quite expensive. The funding for a project of that magnitude would have to be approved by the City Council. There was also the question of spending the lesser amount of money for the preservation in hopes of some day being able to restore it. - Mr. Sears suggested a meeting with the City Building Department to discuss each phase of the project to see if it would meet code. Assistant Library Director Armour agreed to set up a meeting and Commissioners Bizieff and Christiansen asked to be included. Commissioner Trejo asked if we had any information on the Oceanside Heritage Park which incorporates several old buildings relocated to the park area and which are in use. Assistant Library Director Armour said he would try to get some information on that project. Assistant Library Director Armour suggested that they discuss their options for the project with the Building Department before making any recommendations. He also said he wanted some feedback from the Carlsbad Historical Society before meeting with the Building Department. LEDGERWOOD MEMORIAL: Attached to the agenda were the recommendations from the subcommittee for the memorial to Charles Ledgerwood. The subcommittee has asked for feedback from this Commission in the form of either approval of the recommendations of the subcommittee or suggestions for other ideas for the memorial. - HISTORIC‘ PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 Minutes of November 13,2000 The commission proposed in the form of a motion the placement of a plaque, on City property, at the site of the Ledgerwood residence and in addition, a tree and plaque at Magee Park as a memorial to Mr. Ledgerwood. The motion was seconded and the vote was unanimous in support. - ST MICHAEL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH PLAQUE: Assistant Library Director Armour reported that he had been over to the site and the public works crew had completed the installation of the plaque. Plans were currently underway for an unveiling and photo session with the City Council and Father Moquin of St. Michael’s on November 21,2000 at 4:OO PM. PUBLIC COMMENTS: NONE ITEM FOR NEXT AGENDA: = MageeBarn . Tree Inventory ADJOURNMENT: - By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 7:07 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary