HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-01-08; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES Approved MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: JANUARY 8,2001 TIME OF MEETING: 530 PM PLACE OF MEETING: H I STO RI C P RES E RVAT I 0 N C 0 M M IS S IO N City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Bizieff called the meeting to order at 530 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: None Commissioners Bizieff, Christiansen, Jones, Muth, and Trejo Also Present Were: Assistant Library Director, Geoff Armour Council Member Ramona Finnila Planning Commission Liaison, Ann L’Heureux Mark Wisniewski, Landscape Architect APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meetings held September 1,2000 and November 13,2000 were approved as presented. UPDATE ON MAGEE BARN: Commissioner Christiansen reported that he, Principal Building Inspector Pat Kelley, Assistant Library Director Armour and Tom Sears, contractor, met at the barn for a walkthrough. The good news is that according to Mr. Kelley as long as the barn is not to be used for meetings or office space - not inhabited - we need not be concerned about earthquake stabilization retrofit. The contractor has asked that the Commission take his original submission of eleven items and prioritize each project. Chair Bizieff interjected that before the Commission prioritizes the work they should come to some conclusions on the use and access to the barn. The Commission had discussed in the past using the barn strictly for a static display where visitors would be HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of January 8,2001 able to look inside but not enter. Another possibility discussed was actual access into the barn with possibly one way in and one way out. F Commissioner Christiansen suggested that the single entry door remain the primary entrance and exit of the building but that the large sliding door could remain open, weather permitting. His concept would be self-guided tours of the structure with accessibility the same as for the Magee House. Assistant Library Director Armour reminded the Commission that we are still awaiting the results of the recent survey conducted by the Carlsbad Historical Society, which contained questions specific to the future of the barn. Final decisions on the hours of access and types of displays within the barn remain with the Historical Society Board and the membership. He suggested that in prioritizing the construction projects the commission focus on those repairs to the structure that would be necessary regardless of the type of displays ultimately contained there. Commissioner Christiansen suggested that the foundation work, which was Item 1 on the list, should remain the first priority estimated at $3,900; and removal of the dilapidated shed (Item #3) estimated at $1,630 and repairs to the windows (Item 4) for $1,650 should follow as priorities 2 and 3. - There was some discussion on the floor, whether to install a wood floor in lieu of the original dirt, and the addition of a slab sufficient to hold the old safe. Chair Bizieff suggested they consider a compressed gravel floor or concrete. Also discussed was whether or not there was a need to bring electricity into the building . Chair Bizieff suggested that the commission target those projects that deal with the shell of the building and with approval from the Carlsbad Historical Society begin the process for a Public Works Contract (less than $25,000). Decisions on the additional items, such as the floor, electricity, etc. could be made at a later date, based on the decisions for the final use of the barn. The Commission decided to ask the contractor to provide a more detailed estimate on Items 1,3,4,5,6,7,and 10 from his original list. (Perimeter foundation and interior piers; demolition and removal of the shed, new sashes for three window; new door; rework existing sliding door and hardware; repair exterior siding and existing fixtures (rain gutter, feed trough); new roof shingles) Assistant Library Director Armour will check with Public Works to see if this project has to go out to bid. I A formal motion to proceed with the work was tabled. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of January 8,2001 HERITAGE TREE SURVEY AND OTHER HISTORICAL TREE ISSUES: Heritage Tree Survev - Mark Wisniewski reported that the survey was 75% completed and following the newspaper articles about the survey, he has received over two dozen telephone calls with information on trees that should be included in the survey. Considering all the additional information he has received he asked the commission for and was granted an extension of the deadline for his final report to March 1 , 2001. Other Historical tree issues - Mr. Wisniewski provided some slides of the Canary Island date palms located on the property at the Monterey Condominiums (Gage Property) in Carlsbad. Mr. Wisniewski estimated the trees at approximately 70 feet tall. Assistant Library Director Armour asked Mr. Wisniewski to comment on the health or condition of the palms and Mr. Wisniewski advised that without proper inspection and testing it would not be possible to determine their condition. He continued that it would be necessary to access the crown of the palm using a boom-truck of some type. Assistant Library Director Armour pointed out that many of the trees that Mr. Wisniewski is photographing and including in the inventory are located on private property and it may be advisable to notify the property owners that inclusion of their tree in the final publication in no way impacts on their property rights. Those trees may be of historical interest but remain private property to be cared for or disposed of by the property owner. PUBLIC COMMENTS: (There were several members of the public in attendance who wished to speak before the Commission. Items 5 and 6 were trailed to allow for Public Comment at this point of the meeting.) Marjorie Monroy, President of the Carlsbad Historical Society, addressed the commission on the matter of the proposed removal of the Canary Island date palms on the Monterey Condominium property. The Carlsbad Historical Society plans to plead for the preservation of the trees in a letter campaign to all the property owners of the condominiums and to provide several articles for the newspapers chronicling the historical significance of the Gage adobe and these trees. The Society requested this Commission, in support of the preservation of the palms, undertake a similar plan of action and advise the Carlsbad City Council. Laurie Boone, 3955 Skyline Road, Carlsbad identified herself as a property owner since 1974 at 3080 Lincoln Street where the trees are located. She expressed appreciation for the expertise offered by Mr. Wisniewski that helped to establish the value of the trees. She was asking for additional information from the Commission to serve as ammunition for the homeowners who are opposed to the removal of the palms. - HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 Minutes of January 8,2001 Chair Bizieff asked Ms. Boone if she was aware of the reason for the removal of these palms. r- Ms. Boone replied that she was not certain because the Board did not notify the homeowners that the trees were going to be removed. She only happened to be at the site this morning when the crew showed up to remove the trees. She was aware of an incident where the tree trimmer was stung by bees and a concern over the liability. Reagan Brenneman, 402 West Broadway, Suite 1140, San Diego, from the firm of Johnson and Edwards spoke representing one of the property owners at the complex. Ms Brenneman has been attempting to delay the removal of the trees and to rally the other homeowners to petition the Board of Directors for the Homeowners Association to investigate other solutions to the perceived problem. Her firm is also considering establishing an endowment to cover the cost of the maintenance of the trees. Steve Ford, 386 S. Wood Avenue, identified himself as a homeowner on the location and was asking for support from this Commission to help the homeowners prevent the removal of the palms. Claude Daphin, 3080 Lincoln Street, identified himself as a resident of the property and asked for support from this commission to save the trees. He expressed frustration over the refusal of the members of the Board of Directors to present any proof that the trees create a liability issue. _- Chair Bizieff pointed out that this board does not have any jurisdiction over trees on private property but that would not preclude the Commission from supporting the preservation of the Canary Island date palms. Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the tree removal contractor for this project had been at the Carlsbad Historical Society Board Meeting this afternoon and told that board that it will take him two weeks to get the larger truck necessary for the job. Commissioner Christiansen stated he thought the Commission should take a stand and ask for the time to have the trees checked to determine they are safe and healthy. Additionally this Commission is interested in saving trees, especially those of historic significance that are assets to this community. Council Member Finnila suggested that the Commission investigate the possibility of providing the free services of the City’s arborist to determine the health etc. of the designated historical and heritage trees. Chair Bizieff suggested that this service, if offered, probably should be offered only at the request of the property owner. I HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 5 Minutes of January 8,2001 Commissioner Trejo expressed agreement that this Commission should issue a statement regarding the preservation of especially those at the Gage property. the heritage and historical trees and Commissioner Christiansen made the motion for the drafting of a letter from the Historic Preservation Commission, a position statement that recommends the preservation of all historical and heritage things to including living trees, Additionally, the Commission recommends and requests that the Board of Directors for the homeowners’ association allow sufficient time for experts to examine the Canary Island date palms and make every effort to preserve them. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. Following the approval of the motion there was discussion over who should receive the letter. The Commissioners developed a list which included: the Carlsbad City Council, the Monterey Homeowners’ Association, the Parks and Recreation Commission, the individual property owners, the Carlsbad Historical Society, and the City Tree Committee. Commissioner Trejo moved to send the letter to the list as stated. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously. LEDGERWOOD MEMORIAL: Assistant Library Director Armour reported that all the City Commissions involved in this project have endorsed the plan to place a tree and a plaque at the park and some sort of plaque at the Ledgerwood home site. Senior Management Analyst Keith Beverly of the City Recreation Department met with the new owners of the property and they were agreeable to having a plaque on their property. The staff recommendation will be submitted to the City Council for approval this week. SELF-GUIDED TOUR OF HISTORIC SITES IN CARLSBAD: Assistant Library Director Armour provided the draft text for the brochure and a copy of the brochure for the Gas Lamp Quarter in San Diego, which we hope to emulate. The next step is the graphic layout and selection of the historic photographs. Assistant Library Director Armour is also trying to include information about historical sites that cannot be visited at the current time, but are significant to the City’s history, such as the Carrillo Ranch. Commissioner Muth expressed how pleased she was with the quality of the contents and the obvious amount of research that had gone into this project. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 6 Minutes of January 8,2001 ANNOUNCEMENTS: Assistant Library Director Armour announced that Susan Gutierrez is working on a book to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the incorporation of the City of Carlsbad. Council Member Finnila said that the City Council had received a suggestion that the City of Carlsbad should have a float in the Rose Bowl Parade next year. The application fee is $1500 and then you have to be selected to participate. It will require the support of three of the City Council Members for this idea to go forward. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING: Commissioner Jones asked if we could investigate the possibility of establishing a Historic District from Christiansen Way to Pacific Street to the railroad including the old Carlsbad to Ocean Street by getting permission from all the property owners. Then any historical markers or monuments could be located within the Historic District at the t he Magee House and park. Council Member Finnila mentioned that the Redevelopment District runs out in 2008, and after that the Commission might consider creating the district. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m. Respectfully s bmitted, A\ x Cissie Wb J' S ton Ad mini st'ra t ive Secretary