HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-03-12; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: MARCH 12,2001 TIME OF MEETING: 5:30 PM PLACE OF MEETING: H I STO RI C P RES E RVAT I 0 N C 0 M M I S S IO N City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chairman Christiansen called the meeting to order at 538 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Bizieff, Christiansen, Jones, Muth, and Trejo Absent: None P Also Present Were: Assistant Library Director, Geoff Armour Council Planning Commission Liaison, Ann L’Heureux APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held January 8, 2001 were approved as presented. CHARLES LEDGERWOOD MEMORIAL: The commission reviewed the site map and proposed wording for the plaque to be installed at the Ledgerwood property. There was some question about the date that Mr. Ledgerwood actually arrived in Carlsbad and Assistant Library Director Armour promised to try to verify the date. Commissioner Muth suggested that the plaque was too “wordy” and offered to rewrite it for the Board’s approval. Assistant Library Director Armour mentioned that Mr. Ledgerwood’s daughter has suggested that a bas-relief bust of her father be included on the plaque, and it has also been suggested that an outline of the house be included in the plaque. Assistant Library Director Armour reviewed the original recommendations to the City Council for the Ledgerwood memorial. The recommendation was actually for two different memorials, the first being to transplant some of the dwarf apple trees to Magee Park. Two of the trees have been moved and will be identified by a small (4x6) bronze HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of March 12, 2001 - plaque. The second memorial was to be the larger plaque installed on the actual site of the Ledgerwood home. Assistant Library Director Armour had spoken with the current owner of the property who has plans to construct a wall around the property and suggested that the plaque be incorporated into the wall near the corner. The proposed plaque will be 11x17, the same size as the one at St. Michael’s Church. The commission agreed that Commissioner Muth will edit the text and the plaque will be redesigned to include an outline of the house. Assistant Library Director Armour will request a revised quote from the manufacturer and the final version of the plaque will be brought back before this commission for approval prior to placing the order. HERITAGE TREE SURVEY AND GAGE HOUSE PALMS: Assistant Library Director Armour reported that Mr. Wisniewski had been granted an extension on his contract and will have the report on the Heritage Tree Survey at the May 2001 Historic Preservation Commission Meeting. Additionally Mr. Wisniewski will be working with other departments of this City on the Forest Management program. Assistant Library Director Armour also reported that there had been a Homeowners’ Association Meeting scheduled for Magee Park to discuss the Canary Island Palms and the HOA Board did not show up. It appears that the palms are no longer in any immediate danger. /c MAGEE BARN RENOVATIONS: Assistant Library Director Armour commended Commissioner Christiansen for all the time and effort he has devoted to this project especially in the recruitment of volunteers for some of the work. Commissioner Christiansen reported the total project will probably only cost $1 0,000 once you deduct the services and work being accomplished by the volunteers and the Historical Society. They are hoping to have the entire project completed by mid- summer 2001. He also suggested that a plaque be placed on the barn in recognition of the contributions of Kay and Chris Christiansen to the preservation of our historical heritage in Carlsbad. There was some discussion as to whether the barn or the house would be more appropriate and the commission suggested the house might be more appropriate. Assistant Library Director Armour reminded the board that the “Tootsie-K Ranch” sign should probably be relocated to the barn at the time of the renovations. Assistant Library Director Armour said City Public Works will bring in a bobcat and remove the dirt for the foundation work, take down the old shedllean-to, and remove all the debris. HldTORlC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of March 12,2001 - There was further discussion on lighting for the barn, both inside and outside security type and the recommendations from the contractor for the floor material and concrete pad for the safe. MAGEE HOUSE IMPROVEMENTS: Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the Carlsbad Historical Society Board met recently to develop a list of needed repairs and improvements to the house and the list has been used to generate work orders for Public Works. One of the projects listed was the removal of the stove in the kitchen, which generated some discussion by several commissioners on the probable need for a functioning kitchen on site. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Assistant Library Director Armour announced the approaching Third Grade Art Contest and said that Laurie Boone will be taking over the tours for the students. He said that each year the issue of expanding the contest to include schools in other districts comes UP. The commission agreed to extend the invitation this year to all of the schools. PUBLIC COMMENT: rT- None. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA: 0 Treesurvey 0 Ledgerwood Plaque 0 Update on Magee Barn ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m. Respectfully SpI bmitted, . Adminisdative Secretary