HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-07-09; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesI ITEM # 2 INUTES MEETING OF: HIST0R.C PRESERVATION COMMISSIOP. DATE OF MEETING: JULY 9,2001 TIME OF MEETING: 5:30 PM PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Commissioner Christiansen called the meeting to order at 545 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Commissioner Bitieff Also Present Were: Commissioners Christiansen, Jones, Muth, and Trejo Assistant Library Director, Geoff Armour APPROVAL OF MINUTEQ: The minutes of the meeting held May 14, 2001 were approved as presented. SELF-GUIDED TOUR OF HISTORIC SITES BROCHURE: Assistant Library Director Armour was pleased to announce that the project , which had been in planning for some time, was finally completed and the finished product distributed to the members of the commission. He reported that the brochure was available to the public at both library locations, ConVis, Magee House and the Chamber of Commerce office. There are plans to turn the brochure into a PowerPoint presentation as the library has received several calls asking for Assistant Library Director Armour to make presentations to groups throughout the community. Commissioner Christiansen expressed his appreciation for all the hard work that must have gone into the production. All the commissioners were delighted with the final product and Assistant Library Director Armour suggested that we take a copy of the brochure to the residents and owners of the properties featured. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of July 9, 2001 LEDGERWOOD PLAQUE: Assistant Library Director Armour had the finished plaque on hand for the commission to see. The plaque that features a metal photographed image of the house is the first of its kind in Carlsbad. Since the actual dwelling will be torn down within the next two years, the commission felt it was important to include a photograph and were well pleased with the results. The commission discussed three options for installation of the plaque: 1) to decide on a temporary location and installation method; 2) to have Public Works erect a monument similar to the one at St. Michael’s Church; 3) to install the plaque in the wall surrounding the property. The commission had already accepted the offer of the new owner of the property to have the plaque pennanentiy installed in a wall, which he plans to build; however, the exact date the construction of the wall wit1 take place is unknown at this time. The commission decided to forgo any temporary installation and wait the six or nine months until it could be installed into the wall. HERtTAGE TREE SURVEY: Assistant Library Director Armour announced that the contractor, Mark Wisniewski has asked for another extension on the deadline due to a family illness. The basic survey work has been completed but the final report is not ready. Mr. Wisniewski is slated to attend a large convention next month that deals with Forest Management Plans and he wanted to delay the completion of the project until after he came back. rc Mr. Wisniewski will also be involved in the development of the City’s Forest Management Plan as part of a Council Goal for this fiscal year. It has a heritage tree component, which will require Mark to cover the remainder of the City and record the heritage trees. Assistant Library Director Armour also mentioned that he and Commissioner Christiansen had recently met with Doug Duncanson to discuss the City’s plans to take down several of the infected Eucalyptus trees and Cornmissioner Christiansen suggested that first they try the chemical injection treatment to see if the trees could be saved. The City has plans to take out hundreds of infected trees from Hosp Grove and replace them with a different species. MAGEE PARK PROJECTS: Barn Renovations - Commissioner Christiansen reported that the lean-to addition to the barn was removed by City staff but unfortunately there was some misunderstanding and all the wood as well as the old horse trough were removed and trashed. Commissioner Christiansen, Assistant Library Director Armour, Raul Terrango, and Jerry Rodriguez of the Parks Department met to discuss the removal of some of the dirt - HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of July 9,2001 ;r' on the inside of the structure so that the contractor could do the stabilization work. They are still working on completing the project by the end of the summer. Maaee House - Assistant Library Director Armour announced that the Carlsbad Historical Society is seeking advice from design experts for museums to help decide about display cases, timelines and other issues within the house. Gardens - The Carlsbad Arboretum and other volunteers show up on the first Saturday of every month to work on the gardens around the house. The City removed an old boxwood hedge at their request and there is now a more open look to it. However, they now have the problem of people stopping and picking the flowers. The Carlsbad Police department has suggested some signs quoting the penal code for destruction of public property. The Arboretum Society developed the wording for the signs and the City sign shop will have them prepared and installed, hopefully before the first TGIF Jazz concert at Magee Park. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY PLANS: Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the museum project discussed earlier is one of their big issues and additionally they sponsor a Senior Essay contest for the high school but there have been very few entries over the past years. They have decided to open up the contest to both Juniors and Seniors in hopes of getting more participants. c- ADDITIONAL PLAQUES/RECOGNITION: Assistant Library Director Armour reported on the method of identification used by the Oceanside Historical Society on their historical buildings. Using a number and a date on a small plaque on the structure identifies its inventory position, but anyone wanting more information must go to City Hall or another location to look up that particular number. Currently the City of Carlsbad is including basic information on the plaque at the site. Many of the properties listed in the walking tour brochure do not have any type of plaque at this time. It was suggested that the commission start with those properties to get permission from the current owners to erect some sort of plaques on those sites. Commissioner Jones suggested that a plaque be erected at the Aranda Market, Barrio Museum site. PUBLIC COMMENTS: NONE c Commissioner Trejo announced that this year the Barrio Fiesta would be September 1 6th. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 Minutes of July 9, 2001 ITEM FOR NEXT AGENDA: % 0 Ideas for sites for historical markers. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 6: 18 P.M, Respectfully submitted, /! Cissie Sexton’ Administrative Secretary