HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-03-11; Historic Preservation Commission; Minutes,- I ITEM # 2 MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: March 11,2002 TIME OF MEETING: 530 PM PLACE OF MEETING: H I STO RI C P RES E RVATl 0 N CO M M I S S IO N City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Commissioner Jones called the meeting to order at 5:31 PM. ROLL CALL: Present : Commissioners, Jones, Ladouceur, Muth, and Trejo Absent: Commissioner Christiansen Also Present Were: Assistant Library Director, Geoff Armour Mark Wisniewski, Arborist 7 Council Member Ramona Finnila APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held January 14, 2002 were approved as presented. UPDATE ON HERITAGE TREE SURVEY: Arborist Wisniewski reported the survey has been completed, the trees mapped and final draft was submitted to the committee for review. The report includes an alphabetical listing of the1 IO trees by genus and species recommended for designation as Heritage Trees by the City Council. The report also includes six other locations within the study area that have either unusual or significant plants or collections of plants, also mapped. The City’s GIS provided the color maps of the entire study area with tree locations identified. The report includes the technical description of each of the trees, its exact location, including the address of the property, and country of origin Mr. Wisniewski noted that this had been a very interesting and educational study for him and that he relied on more than a dozen references to identify each species, and often found conflicting information. Final phase will be the mock-up of the brochure and will be completed by the end of the week. Mr. Wisniewski mentioned he had identified several species in the area that are unusual for San Diego County; a stand of pines in Holiday Park that come from Australia and are used as timber trees; a ficus tree at the Army-Navy Academy may r HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of March 11, 2002 rc even be larger than the one noted in the literature at Balboa Park; a huge bougainvillea at the north end of the Army-Navy Academy; and a Torrey Pine on Highland which may be a contender for the largest one in the state at possibly more than 100 feet. The majority of the trees identified are not native to San Diego or California. He noted there were very few native trees planted in the study area, but there is one Sycamore next to Maxton Brown Park at the edge of the lagoon. That tree appears to be the only natural native tree in the study area and probably dates back to the late 1800’s. Assistant Library Director Armour interjected that the Carlsbad Historical Society is very interested in the dead Monterey Cypress in the railroad right of way that Mr. Wisniewski identified at the last meeting. There was a suggestion of cutting down the tree and taking the wood to use cross-sections of the trunk to produce displays at the library, City Hall, and schools as an accurate history of the climate of the City. Assistant Library Director Armour asked the commission for suggestions on publicizing the report and its findings. There have already been several newspaper articles about the study as it was being conducted. The Commission had talked about publishing a walking tour brochure. Commissioner Muth suggested that once the report has been accepted and approved by the City Council, the Commission and City Council have a photograph taken in front of one of the Heritage Trees to accompany a press release about the report. Mr. Wisniewski reported that he has been contacted by the North County Times for an article on the study. - Assistant Library Director Armour also announced that the second phase of the project will be to expand the original area by establishing new boundaries as follows: Jefferson and Marron streets to the north; El Camino Real to the East and the lagoon to the south. In addition to the expanded area the report would include several specific sites that are noteworthy but in other parts of the City. It had also been suggested that the City work through the press to ask residents to identify and nominate specific tress. Mr. Wisniewski plans to develop the methodology for the public to become involved in nominating trees as Heritage Trees and getting City Council approval. He will also develop text and map for the walking tour. Council Member Finnila suggested that the Commission identify some of the best looking trees, on public property, and tie ribbons around them as part of the City’s 50fh Anniversary celebration in July. Commissioner Ladouceur suggested that the trees should be included in the Third Grade tours and study of the history of Carlsbad and as acceptable content for the Third Grade Art Contest. She also suggested that a tree planting ceremony be included as part of the 50th Anniversary celebration. - HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of March 11,2002 There was some discussion about planting trees on Arbor Day but according to Mr. Wisniewski California’s Arbor Day is different from National Arbor Day which are both different from San Diego County Arbor Day. It was suggested that the Carlsbad Historical Society discuss the possibility with the school district. CITIZEN REQUEST FOR HISTORIC PLAQUE: Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the City Manager’s Office received a call from Ms. Pfafflin, who requested some manner in which she could commemorate her recently deceased husband who was the contractor who built the Alt Carlsbad building. Assistant Library Director Armour has contacted the current owner who is not interested in having a plaque on his property. The proposal was also discussed with several long- time members of the Carlsbad Historical Society and community and the consensus was that it would not be appropriate to publicly recognize one individual on a project that involved many others. It was then suggested that the Commission send a letter to Ms. Pfafflin recognizing Don Pfafflin’s contribution to the project. The commission directed Assistant Library Director Armour to write the letter on their behalf. ANNUAL THIRD GRADE ART CONTEST AND TOURS: ,- Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the letter, approved by the Superintendent‘s office, has been sent to all third grade classes. The process will be the same as last year with the Carlsbad Historical Society sponsoring tours prior to the art contest. Due to the shortage of docents, the actual tours will be limited to the Magee House and the Marron adobe. This is the first year Ms. Carron has opened the adobe for tours and it is not open to the public. The teachers have received their packets of information of subject matter for the contest entries and a list of noteworthy sites. Additionally, Susan Gutierrez has put together a book “Beckett‘s Walking Tour for Third Graders” with maps and photographs, which will be distributed to the children as well. The tours are scheduled for May with the deadline for the artwork as June 3rd. The judging is scheduled for June 8‘h and the annual awards set for the City Council Meeting of June 11 th. CONGRESS OF HISTORY EVENT: Assistant Library Director Armour had provided a program from the two-day event that was held at the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane. This major event included all the Historical Societies and Historical Preservation groups from both San Diego and Imperial counties. Members of the Carlsbad Historical Society attended and expressed an interest in bringing some of the presenters back for additional programs. The event is usually held in San Diego but the organizer for the event this year was Ann Marie Cox rc HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 Minutes of March 11,2002 - of the Vista Historical Society and she chose the library location. A former president of the Carlsbad Historical Society, Amelia Irvine, was awarded the Ben Dixon award, the most prestigious award from the Congress of History. UPDATE ON CITY'S 50TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION: The commission received a draft of the schedule of events for the celebration and Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the history book written by Susan Gutierrez has been sent to the printer. He said that the book contains photographs as well as bits of information never before published, and will be available the first of July. Commissioner Muth asked if there were any plans to change the population sign on 1-5 to the current number. CARLSBAD SANTA FE DEPOT: Commissioner Jones commented that he had heard the railroad wanted the land for additional parking. Council Member Finnila responded that the leases all along the right-of-way are being re-negotiated by NCTD. 7 Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the land on which the Depot and Rotary Park are built belongs to NCTD, and plans for double tracking may require additional room and possibly require moving the Depot. In that event, our agreement with NCTD requires a five-year advance notice, according to Housing and Redevelopment Director, Debbie Fountain. The Depot is on the national register of historic buildings and would not be demolished and every effort would be made to keep it in the vicinity of its current location. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY ACTIVITIES: Assistant Library Director Armour reported on the following activities planned by the board: 0 April - Annual Membership tea 0 May - school tours 0 June - High School Essay Contest 0 July - Friday Sundowner on the porch 0 August - Ice Cream social and lecture 0 October - Annual Membership Meeting & Brunch 0 November - Thanksgiving weekend - decorations working party in preparation for December event 0 December - Annual Victorian Christmas event Sundowner on the porch of the Magee House Sunday afternoon lecture and ice cream social HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 5 Minutes of March 11,2002 - Gary Nessim has been elected as the new president of the Society and they are working on a new strategic plan. Also in the works is a new membership directory. Commissioner Jones asked for an update on the barn renovations project. Assistant Library Director Armour reported that volunteer Raoul Tarango has finished nearly half of his portion of the work, which involved shoring up of the footings, laying some concrete and doing some work on the floor. He expects to be finished by the end of March at which time the contractor will begin his portion. It is anticipated the project will be completed within two months and will include several displays of historic farm tools, the Twin Inns Chicken and the safe. PUBLIC COMMENTS: NONE ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA: 0 Follow up on dead tree 0 Znd phase Historical Tree Survey 0 3rd Grade Art Contest Judges 0 Availability of State offered training for Historic Preservation Commissioners f- 0 Election of officers ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PM. Administrative Secretary