HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-05-13; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: May 13,2002 TIME OF MEETING: 530 PM PLACE OF MEETING: H I STO RI C PRES E RVATl 0 N CO M M I SS ION Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Commissioner Christiansen called the meeting to order at 540 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Christiansen, Jones, Ladouceur and Trejo Absent: Commissioner Mu th Also Present Were: Assistant Library Director, Geoff Armour Council Member Ramona Finnila Doug Duncanson, Public Works Manager, Parks Division Scott Carroll, Management Analyst Michael Huff, Consultant from Dudek & Associates Mark Wisniewski, Arborist F APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held March 11 , 2002 were approved as presented. COMMUNITY FOREST MANAGEMENT PLAN: City Public Works Manager from the Parks Division, Doug Duncanson gave the commission some background on the City Council’s interest in trees both in the northwest quadrant as well as citywide. They formed a Tree Committee that then developed a new street tree policy that addressed street tree planting, replacement and maintenance. Another recommendation of the committee was to develop a community forest management plan to manage the entire City tree resources. The City Council approved the funding for the plan and Parks hired a consultant to assist with the development of the Community Forest Management Plan (CFMP). Management Analyst Scott Carroll also from Public Works, Parks Division, explained to the commission that the Community Forest Management Plan contains an entire - HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of May 13, 2002 chapter devoted to Heritage Trees. Their consultant worked closely with Mark Wisniewski, the consultant who was developing the Heritage Tree Survey for the commission, in development of that chapter. Manager Duncanson introduced Michael Huff, the consultant from Dudek & Associates who then presented a twenty-minute PowerPoint overview of the history and development of the plan. Manager Duncanson reported that the Parks Department had hosted a formal Arbor Day Celebration by planting trees on the north side of Trieste Drive and by giving away nearly 300 trees. By celebrating Arbor Day and establishing a management plan, the City has met two key components required to have Carlsbad designated a Tree City USA. Of special interest to the commission was the chapter on the Hosp Grove that was planted in 1908. Mr. Huff reported that their survey revealed that approximately 60% of the trees in the grove (8800) are either dead or dying from the infestation of the red gum lerpsyllid and have been recommended for removal over the next four years. The trees that are removed can be used in various ways, recycled into mulch for the grove or used to build benches, etc. The plan calls for replanting in the grove over a fifteen- year period, approximately 400 each year. Manager Duncanson concluded the presentation by explaining the plan was to take the proposal to the Park and Recreation Commission at their next meeting, soliciting comments and suggestions and presenting the final recommended plan to the City Council in June 2002 for approval and adoption. The complete CFMP is located on the website as well as in hard copy at both library locations for public review and comment. There was some discussion about incorporating the report from Mr. Wisniewski or at least a summary of his report in the Community Forest Management Plan with reference to the location of the entire study and survey. The Commission expressed their support and appreciation of the efforts of the consultant and the Park Division of Public Works in developing the plan. ROSE CITY USA; Assistant Library Director Armour referred the commission to the draft letter in their agenda packets which is the result of a suggestion received from the California Coastal Rose Society, whose local members maintain the rose gardens at the Magee House. The Carlsbad Historical Society will probably address the Mayor and City Council in asking for a proclamation to allow Carlsbad to be designated a Rose City USA. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of May 13, 2002 THIRD GRADE ART CONTEST: Assistant Library Director Armour reported that this year they anticipate over 1,000 students will take the docent led tours of Magee House and the historical buildings in Magee Park over the next seventeen days. For the first time, teachers are able to schedule tours of the Marron adobe on Haymar Street by special permission of the owner, and they are encouraged to visit the Barrio Museum as well. The new walking tour brochure for third graders has been very well received. The judging of the artwork for this year has been set for June 1“ at Magee House and the twenty-four winners will be recognized at the City Council Meeting on June 1 lth. Last year there were over six hundred entries in the contest. Council Member Finnila mentioned that the Friends of Carrillo Ranch have sponsored a similar art contest for fourth graders. The winners of that contest will be recognized at the City Council Meeting this Tuesday night. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY ACTIVITIES: Maqee Barn renovations - Commissioner Christiansen reported he stopped by the barn and the foundation work has been completed on the north side and about half of the east side. He has a telephone call in to the contractor to see if he can get a commitment on a finish date. Contractor Tom Sears is waiting for the concrete work to be finished before he begins his portion of the work. - It was suggested that the Carlsbad Historical Society Board develop a timeline for the completion of the renovations in an effort to get the work completed. Visit to “Condor’s Nest’’ - Assistant Library Director Armour distributed a collection of recent photographs taken at the property in Pala which was the home of Hugh and Florence Magee back in 1914-1916. CHS Website - Assistant Library Director Armour also reported that the board is developing a strategic plan which includes developing their own website. PUBLIC COMMENTS: NONE ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA: Commissioner Ladouceur shared an article from the newspaper on historical sites that are “in harms way” according to the story, and also listed the preservation awards given by some neighboring cities. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 Minutes of May 13, 2002 - Assistant Library Director Armour shared the article by Barbara Brill in the North County Times that quoted Council member Finnila as suggesting tying yellow ribbons around some of the Heritage Trees as part of the 50th Anniversary celebration. Commissioner Christiansen expressed interest in Commissioner Ladouceur’s comment about historical preservation awards and the possibility of the City of Carlsbad initiating similar recognition to those residents who have been so diligent in working to preserve the history of the City. Assistant Library Director Armour said he would bring this idea up at the next Carlsbad Historical Society Board meeting. Commissioner Christiansen asked for an update on the dead cypress tree in the railway right of way. Assistant Library Director Armour has discussed it with the City’s arborist, Fred Burnell, who was reasonably sure the City could get permission to remove the tree and create some sort of display or turn it over to the Carlsbad Historical Society to use or sell. Commissioner Christiansen asked about the commemoration plaque for the first Carlsbad school that was located on the site of the Calavera Park. Council Member Finnila responded that she believed the plaque was in the meeting room at the park. Commissioner Christiansen suggested the commission look into it further and consider construction of a monument somewhere outside provided the location would not interfere with other park activities. There followed a discussion over which was the first Carlsbad public school, Calavera Hills or Pine. .- Commissioner Ladouceur asked if there were plans to erect a marker on the site of Pine School once it is demolished. Commissioner Jones reminded the board that election of officers should to be on the agenda for the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Respectfully sHbmived, Cissie Sdton Administrative Secretary