HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-07-08; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: July 8,2002 TIME OF MEETING: 5:30 PM PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive CALL TO ORDER: Commissioner Christiansen called the meeting to order at 535 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Christiansen, Jones, Ladouceur, Muth, and Trejo Absent: None rc Also Present Were: Assistant Library Director, Geoff Armour APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held May 13, 2002 were approved as presented. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: Assistant Library Director Armour reviewed the working copy of the draft goals and objectives for the Carlsbad Historical Society, emphasizing the close relationship developed over the years between the Carlsbad Historical Society, the Carlsbad City Library and the Historic Preservation Commission in the stewardship of the City’s history. The Carlsbad Historical Society has been working to develop a long-range strategic plan and surveyed the membership for suggestions for the goals and objectives as part of the process. The membership voted to approve the nine (9) Goals and Objectives and this working copy includes some suggestions for accomplishing the various goals. It was suggested that the Third Grade Art Contest be included as one of the programs supported by the Society, under Goal II. The mention of fulltime paid staff under Goal IV and then again in Goal V raised some questions. Assistant Library Director Armour admitted that the suggestion for the City to provide paid staff was a touchy subject but that some other cities do provide staffing for historical sites and programs. - HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of July 8,2002 ,- STATUS OF MAGEE BARN AND MAGEE HOUSE RENOVATIONS: Assistant Library Director Armour asked Commissioner Christiansen to report on the status of the barn renovations since he had visited the site recently. Commissioner Christiansen reported that most of the foundation work had been completed and it appeared the site was ready for the floorboards to be reinstalled and the decomposed granite installed. He suggested that the contractor who removed the floorboards should be the one to replace them since he would know the exact sequence. As soon as that has been completed, contractor Tom Sears is prepared to start his portion of the job. Mr. Sears has ordered some specialty lumber to try to match the existing con st ru ct io n . Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the City had repainted the exterior of Magee House and replaced the rotting wood on the porches. Attached to the agenda was a list of suggested interior projects as part of the Society’s take-over of the entire house (Magee House Re-do). The Society’s board members had taken several field trips to other historical society locations in the area to garner ideas for their long-range project to turn the house into a “real” museum. Commissioner Ladouceur asked if the “original conference room table” referenced in the Magee House Re-do was in fact still at the old depot and do the current occupants KNOW that the table belongs to the Carlsbad Historical Society? /c Assistant Library Director Armour replied that the table had been a gift to the Carlsbad Historical Society and they used to meet at the depot. When the society moved out of that space they left the table, and possession being what it is under the law, he is not sure who is the “rightful own e r” . HISTORIC COUNCIL MEETING RE-ENACTMENT: Assistant Library Director Armour announced the re-enactment of the first City Council meeting is planned for July I 6‘h at Neiman’s followed by a no-host dinner. The City Council, City Manager, City Clerk, City Attorney and Library Director all have parts in the re-enactment and tickets for the dinner are available at City Hall. The “Twin Inns Chicken” has been relocated to the lobby of the restaurant for the event and a permanent display of historical photographs and a commemorative plaque are being placed at the site. ORAL HISTORY PROJECTS: Assistant Library Director Armour reported on the progress of the oral history project undertaken by Carlsbad Historical Society member, Patricia Meehan. She has identified several Carlsbad multi-generation families and is collecting their “stories”. She has asked for suggested candidates to participate in the project. - REVISED “HISTORICAL PRESERVATION IN CARLSBAD” BROCHURE: Assistant Library Director Armour reminded the Commission that this document is at least ten years old and he is working on a revision. Item 7 in the agenda packet was the draft of the rewrite for the commission’s review. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of July 8, 2002 ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Commissioner Jones expressed his desire for some “new blood” to chair the Commission and formally nominated recently appointed Commissioner Ladouceur for the chair. Commissioner Ladouceur accepted the nomination and by unanimous vote was elected to serve in that capacity for the 2002-2003 fiscal year. By proper motion and vote, Commissioner Trejo was elected to serve as the vice-chair. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Under the heading of “old business”, Commissioner Christiansen asked if there was a marker at Calaveras Park for the first Carlsbad school, which was located on that site. There was some discussion about the actual first Carlsbad school, which was later called Pine School in 1894. There is a pediment monument identifying that site at the current Carlsbad Senior Center. The plaque identifying the location of the Calaveras School, built in I896 for the Kelly Ranch occupants, is mounted on a wall inside the Community Center at the park. Commissioner Christiansen suggested the plaque be moved to a location outside the park building for better visibility, possibly incorporated into a drinking fountain. ,- Commissioner Muth asked if anyone knew the location of the original Hope school and suggested the site would be appropriate for a marker. The Commission then discussed the possibility of the Carlsbad Historical Society presenting an award or awards to members of the community at the Society’s annual meeting and brunch held each October. Nominations could be submitted through the Board of the Society for final selection of the recipient. Several individuals were mentioned as candidates for such recognition. Assistant Library Director Armour still has the plaque ordered for “The Seed Man” house waiting for the construction to begin on the wall that will surround the property and incorporate the plaque. Assistant Library Director Armour announced that Susan Gutierrez, author of the book, “Windows on the Past, ” would be honored at the beginning of the City Council Meeting tomorrow night. The commission asked for a status report on the dead/dying cypress tree in the railroad right of way. Assistant Library Director Armour will check with the City‘s arborist, Fred Burnell, to see if he has acquired permission to remove the tree and salvage the wood. Commissioner Ladouceur suggested some of the wood could be used to create the actual award presented by the Carlsbad Historical Society, should they decide to accept the suggestion of this commission. rc HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 Minutes of July 8, 2002 PUBLIC COMMENTS: NONE ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA: + Cypress tree update + Historic sites for markers/plaques The commission discussed several sites as candidates and wanted to know if there was an inventory of historical sites within the City. Assistant Library Director Armour advised that fifteen years ago there was a Cultural Resources Inventory created, a five (5) volume set, which lists 325 sites, mostly structures. The study was completed as background for a proposed City ordinance that would place limitations and restrictions on properties listed within the inventory. The proposal died, no ordinance was approved, but the inventory remains in the Carlsbad City Library. Commissioner Christiansen suggested that the commission see if there is an index as part of the five-volume set, and use that index as the baseline for the identification for noteworthy sites. The commission should then purchase and install several historical markers each year. - Commissioner Jones suggested this commission should have liaisons to other City Boards and Commissions to keep abreast of what is going on. Assistant Library Director Armour reminded the commission that the Planning Commission routinely provides a liaison to the Historic Preservation Commission but has not replaced Commissioner Ann L’Heureux who was serving in that capacity prior to her resignation. Additionally, following each regular meeting of any Board or Commission, a summary report is prepared and sent to each City staff member who serves as a liaison to one of the boards or com m is s i o ns . ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Re A. pectfully subfied, Ad m i n i st r&ve Secret a ry