HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-10; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES I ITEM # 2 MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: 530 PM PLACE OF MEETING: H I STO RI C PRES E RVAT I 0 N C 0 M M IS S IO N March IO, 2003 City Council Conference Room 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive CALL TO ORDER: Chair Ladouceur called the meeting to order at 5:3 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Christiansen, Jones, Ladouceur, Muth, and Trejo Absent: None - Also Present Were: Assistant Library Director, Geoff Armour APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held January 13,2003 were approved as presented. H I STO RI C P LAQU ES : The Commissioners reviewed the suggested text for three plaques, The Luis Gaus House, the Pablo Ramirez House and the Carlsbad Theatre. There was some disagreement over the reference to “Barrio Carlos” instead of “Barrio Carlsbad” in the text of the plaque for the Ramirez site and Commissioner Christiansen made a proper motion to postpone the order and installation of that particular plaque until the current owner/occupant could review the proposed text. The motion carried unanimously. There was a discussion over the placement of the plaque for the Gaus house and Commissioner Trejo agreed to report back at the next meeting with suggestions. Commissioner Muth had several suggestions in making the inscription more succinct for the plaque for the Carlsbad Theatre to include adding a first name for the Samuels family. Assistant Library Director Armour agreed to discuss her suggestions with the - current owner, Tom McMahon, but pointed out that Mr. McMahon had already approved the text as proposed in the agenda packet. The plaque will be installed on the front wall of the building to the right of the entryway. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Minutes of March 10. 2003 Page 2 - By proper motion and unanimous vote the commission approved the purchase and installation of two plaques, one for the Gaus House and one at the Carlsbad Theatre. Presentation: Mayor Lewis arrived at the meeting with a plaque from the City Council for outgoing Commissioner John Jones, who has served the City on this commission for over ten years. Commissioner Jones has been a resident of Carlsbad since 7935 and involved in numerous City projects. Following the Mayor’s presentation Assistant Library Director Armour also presented Commissioner Jones with a plaque from the commission thanking him for his years of service. MISSION BELL: At the previous meetings the Commissioners discussed four possible locations for the installation of an El Camino Real historic bell. The final agreed upon site was adjacent to the fountain at the corner of Grand and State Streets, which was part of the original route of Highway 101. Assistant Library Director Armour met with Housing and Redevelopment Director Debbie Fountain and together they arrived at a suitable site on the City’s property, situated behind an existing bench. Bob Johnson, City Traffic Engineer, has since approved the site and the project is currently in the Public Works Streets department to determine if there are any underground obstacles that would hinder installation. - There was some discussion about the style and patina of the bell with the commissioners agreeing to an antiqued look. The commission voted approval for the purchase and installation of the bell by proper motion and vote (5-0). Assistant Library Director Armour will prepare the necessary agenda bill for the City Council approval. HERITAGE CYPRESS TREE: Assistant Library Director Armour announced that the tree in the railroad right of way is scheduled to be removed but the City’s tree maintenance crews have been busy with other projects. The City arborist, Fred Burnell, has asked for direction on the thickness of the slabs to be cut once the tree has been felled. Commissioner Christiansen suggested that the commission ask for Mr. Burnell’s professional recommendation as to what size would be suitable for display but also strong enough for a table. The Commissioners also discussed how many slabs they would want and where the slabs would be stored. Commissioner Christiansen suggested that if the public was notified that the slabs would be available for the taking, and the date they would be cut, it would eliminate the need for moving all of them to the Magee Barn for storage. There was also discussion over whether the slabs should be available for free or if it would require a donation to the Carlsbad Historical Society, and only after the Society had gotten first pick of the available slabs. - HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of March IO, 2003 MAGEE BARN: Commissioner Christiansen reported that he had spoken to the contractor, Tom Sears, who assured him the barn would be paint ready by April 1, 2003. There are still a few things to be done, including fabricating some special hardware but expects his portion of the renovations to be totally completed by April 1 !jth. Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the City has recommended using an oil stain on the exterior of the barn and the Carlsbad Historical Society has budgeted to pay a professional painting contractor for the job. PHASE II - HERITAGE TREE SURVEY: Assistant Library Director Armour reported that this project was postponed due to the death of Mr. Wisniewski’s wife and the contract had expired. Before he can begin this second phase the City will have to execute a new contract for the survey. Phase II will extend out to Hosp Grove as well as some selected pockets like the Marron Adobe, the Robinson and Kelley properties, Carrillo Ranch and Stagecoach Park. The new contract will more clearly define the areas in the scope of work statement. ANNUAL THIRD GRADE ART CONTEST: - Plans are underway for the contest and Shelly Caron has offered to allow tours of the Adobe again this year and tours of the Magee House will only be offered on Saturday. Assistant Library Director Armour explained that the Carlsbad Historical Society does not have a sufficient number of volunteer docents to host the weekday tours for all the school groups. Commissioner Trejo said the Barrio Museum would also be open for tours. Assistant Library Director Armour passed around a sample of the packet being sent to each of the schools, containing a summary of the various sites and a copy of “Beckett’s Walking Tour” to assist them in planning their own field trips to the various historical sites. The date for the Awards Ceremony at City Council is June IOth and the judging would need to be accom lished two weeks before. The date for the judging is set for Friday afternoon, May 30 from 2:OOPM to 500 PM in the Community Room at the Georgina Cole Library. Volunteer judges for this year will be Commissioners Muth and Ladouceur, Assistant Library Director Armour and Susan Gutierrez from the Carlsbad Historical Society. R CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY UPDATES: Assistant Library Director Armour reported on the next Sunday lecture, scheduled for March 16th at Heritage Hall on Railroads. The Society had been notified that the author - ’ HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 Minutes of March IO, 2003 - of a new book, “Garden Getaways,” has asked to be allowed to include the Magee House gardens and information about tours. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Commissioner Christiansen asked for an update on the proposal for St. Michael’s to sell the current property and move the church. Assistant Library Director Armour responded that the vestry voted to remain where they are currently. PUBLIC COMMENTS: NONE ITEM FOR NEXT AGENDA: e Ramirez House plaque text e e Barn Cypress Tree e El Camino Historic bell Status of Phase II Heritage Tree Survey ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 6:45PM. ,--- Respectfully y bmitted, Ad m in isf rative Secretary