HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-14; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesI ITEM # 2 *- MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: July 14,2003 TIME OF MEETING: 5:30 PM PLACE OF MEETING: H I STO RI C PRES E RVATl ON CO M M IS S IO N City Council Conference Room 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive CALL TO ORDER: Chair Ladouceur called the meeting to order at 5:35 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Christiansen, Gutierrez, Ladouceur, Muth, and Trejo Absent: None - Also Present : Assistant Library Director, Geoff Armour Mayor Pro Tem Ramona Finnila Prior to the approval of the minutes Chair Ladouceur introduced and welcomed newest appointed Commissioner Gutierrez. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held May 12, 2003 were approved as submitted. STATUS OF ONGOING PROJECTS: Historic Marker Plaques -Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the plaques for the Carlsbad Theatre, Gaus and Ramirez houses have been ordered and he is working with the owners of the Gaus and Ramirez houses to determine the most suitable location for installation on those properties. Assistant Library Director Armour also advised the Commission that the plaque for the Ledgerwood property was installed last month. After a long wait, the developer called to say the retaining wall was completed and they needed the plaque. Assistant Library Director Armour personally delivered the plaque down to the site immediately. Because of the short notice from the contractor, there was no time for any ceremony or photo opportunity. There will be more public relations involved when the three new plaques are installed and the Ledgerwood plaque can be promoted at that time. - HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of July 14,2003 - El Camino Bell - Assistant Library Director Armour announced that the bell has been ordered and we do not expect to receive it until probably November 2003. In the meantime he asked Commissioner Muth to look over the initial draft for the inscription on the plaque and to make suggestions or corrections. He reminded the Commission that contrary to the markers in Oceanside, which identify the distance from the sign (bell) to the Mission San Luis Rey, the marker on the bell in Carlsbad would identify the historical significance of the bell instead. Heritage Tree Survey - The contractor is in the process of preparing a "walking tour" brochure of the trees identified in Phase I of the survey. Assistant Library Director Armour distributed copies of the map, which showed the locations that will be included in Phase II of the survey. The contractor estimates this project will be concluded in about nine months at which time a formal report will be presented to the City Council at a regularly scheduled meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila suggested that the survey results would be a good topic for new staff member, Val Brown, to consider for the mini-films she has been creating to promote the City. Assistant Library Director Armour will contact Ms. Brown with the suggestion. Magee Barn - Commissioner Christiansen reported that the barn has been painted and that the contractor is waiting for the custom made hardware needed to hang the barn doors. Apparently the initial supplier for the hardware was not able to provide a product that would work and Mr. Sears was forced to locate another distributor. The stairs leading up to the loft have been rebuilt. The only items remaining are repairs to the gutter and downspout, replacing a few missing roof shutters, installing locks once the doors are hung, and cleaning up the construction debris. rc Commissioner Christiansen said he had learned there was a possibility that the old cistern would be moved to allow for more park space, and he pointed out that moving it from its original site might compromise its historical value. Oral History interviews - Assistant Library Director Armour reported that Library Tech and Carlsbad Historical Society board member Susan Gutierrez is continuing to gather video taped interviews with long time residents of Carlsbad. She has been most successful in locating interesting residents and capturing their stories on videotape. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila suggested Marilyn Campbell, who prepares the City calendar for residents each year, would probably be very interested in the oral histories for that project. Commissioner Christiansen asked if any of the other Commissioners had seen the thirty-minute DVD of Carlsbad History, available at the library. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of July 14, 2003 Mayor Pro Tem Finnila commented that Val Brown produced the film and it was aired eight different times on the cable channel but that was shortly after it was made for the fiftieth anniversary. - Commissioner Trejo suggested scheduling the viewing of the video as subject matter for a Carlsbad Historical Society program. SAN DIEGO ARCHAEOLOGICAL CENTER: Assistant Library Director Armour reported that he and Susan Gutierrez toured the San Diego Archaeological Center last Thursday at the invitation of the director and he distributed copies of their “Fact Sheet.” He noted that what Historic Preservation deals with is mostly the built environment, historic homes and buildings, and the natural environment such as the heritage trees, but the Center preserves and curates ancient historical artifacts, thousands of years old. The Carlsbad Historical Society had considered borrowing some displays from the Center. Having seen the displays, Assistant Library Director Armour believes the Society may contract with the Center to create some displays for Magee House. He said that in addition to the huge collection of archaeological objects on hand, there are also artisans working at the Center who can create replicas of ancient items. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCl ETY: - Garden maintenance- Commissioner Gutierrez has been volunteering his time to work on the gardens at Magee House. They have removed the hedge that prevented passersby from seeing the roses; they have transplanted several bushes, and plan to move some roses to the front of the house. Commissioner Ladouceur asked if the society had tried to recruit more volunteers to assist with the gardening. She asked Assistant Library Director Armour if there had been any success in getting the North County Times to provide space for a column featuring historical photographs and information about the Carlsbad Historical Society. Commissioner Trejo responded that it would require someone to be responsible for providing the photo and information. Commissioner Gutierrez asked if that was something Marilyn Campbell might take on. Assistant Library Director Armour said he would bring it up to the Historical Society again. Barn displays and “barn raising” event - Assistant Library Director Armour said there had been no change in the proposed display items other than the Twin Inns chicken, which will remain on display in the house instead of the barn. The Society has decided to pay for the complete restoration of the buggy that had been in the barn originally, and will be a showpiece display. They are also planning a “barn raising” social event to dedicate the barn at the grand opening of the exhibits. - HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 Minutes of July 14,2003 Upcoming proqrarns - Assistant Library Director Armour reminded the Commission that the annual Sundowner will be on the porch, July 20' from 4:OO - 500 PM. Also planned for August 17'h is another Antique Road Show in Heritage Hall, from 2:OO - 4:OO PM. The annual meeting and program will be held October 17'h but the program has hot yet been determined. - Additions to Magee House - The society has received a replacement kitchen stove for the functioning kitchen in the house that was much needed by the society for social functions and food preparation. Website - Assistant Library Director Armour referenced the copy attached to the agenda packet of an unofficial website for Carlsbad which contains information on the Carlsbad Historical Society and a photo of Magee House. The Society submitted a request to the City Web Committee asking for a link from the official City site to this page. The Web Committee denied the request citing problems with this particular site. The Commission will work with the Carlsbad Historical Society to have an official page developed and then linked with the City's official site. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Assistant Library Director Armour had spoken with Planning Director Michael Holtzmiller with regard to the missing Planning Commission liaison member of this Commission as set forth in the ordinance. At its creation, this commission fell under the Planning Department and dealt with land use issues. At the current time, the Commission is not dealing with any land use issues and the Planning Commission has chosen not to provide a liaison member; however, the Planning Director did not think it advisable to change the ordinance at this time. -- PUBLIC COMMENTS: NONE ITEM FOR NEXT AGENDA: Election of officers Updates on ongoing projects ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 6:38 p.m. ip Administrative Secretary