HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-09-08; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: September 8,2003 TIME OF MEETING: 530 PM PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive CALL TO ORDER: Chair Ladouceur called the meeting to order at 531 PM ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Gutierrez, Ladouceur, Muth, and Trejo Absent: Commissioner Christiansen Also Present Were: Assistant Library Director, Geoff Armour Arborist Mark Wisniewski - APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held July 14, 2003 were approved as presented. HERITAGE TREE WALKING TOUR: Arborist Wisniewski referred the Commissioners to the three draft versions of walking tour brochures he is developing and asked for feedback. He reported that he had already asked some non-residents to look them over and at their suggestion he added more landmarks to the map. There was some discussion about adding photographs or sketches of the trees to make it easier to identify them and Mr. Wisniewski suggested some historic photographs would be nice to include, showing what the tree(s) had looked like then and now. Mr. Wisniewski reported that since his initial Heritage Tree Inventory was concluded, at least ten of the trees identified are now gone. He said some had died; some had been lost in a storm and some the private owners had simply removed. c Also discussed was the possibility of providing markers for some of the more significant trees which would include their Latin names, common names and countries of origin. Mr. Wisniewski will research types of markers and report back to the commission. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of September 8, 2003 - The commission expressed interest in the many species found and Mr. Wisniewski explained that it would appear private citizens planted most of the non-native trees, and that the soil in the village area is extremely rich and fertile which allowed the trees to thrive. He also noted that Carlsbad had a significant number of citizens involved in horticulture. Mr. Wisniewski pointed out that Carlsbad had a large number of residents who were involved in horticulture and the soil in the village area was very good. Private citizens planted may of the species that are not native to the area. Plans are for the walking tour brochures to be available at the Information Kiosk at the train station, the gazebos at Rotary and Holiday Parks and on the City’s web page. Mr. Wisniewski concluded his presentation by announcing that he has asked members of his professional group to assist in the fulfillment of the “tour” requirement in the contract. He pointed out that there has been so much interest and publicity about the trees that any announcement of a guided tour (as required in his contract) would draw a couple of hundred people. He hopes to provide multiplel-hour tours, of 10 to 15 people each, with the help of his colleagues. He would also take that opportunity to measure some of the largest trees in town. CYPRESS TREES ON CARLSBAD BOULEVARD: Assistant Library Director Armour reported that he had received a call from Housing & Redevelopment Director Debbie Fountain regarding the realignment of Carlsbad Boulevard. She specifically asked if the trees in the median have any historical significance. rc- Mr. Wisniewski suggested the trees probably don’t have any historical significance but since we have no information on who planted them, etc. it would be difficult to determine. Assistant Library Director Armour will check with the City to see exactly which trees are involved and the timetable for the project. In the meantime, Mr. Wisniewski will see what he can find out about them. INSTALLATION OF PLAQUES: Assistant Library Director Armour advised that the plaques have been given to Facilities for installation. Commissioner Trejo has asked that the plaque for her property (Gause House) be mounted on a pedestal on the north corner, similar to that installed at St. Michael’s Church. Commissioner Trejo also reported that Mr. Ramirez would like the plaque installed on the corner of his property near the driveway. c HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of September 8,2003 /c- Assistant Library Director Armour will arrange for Commissioner Trejo to meet with Facilities regarding the installation of the two plaques. The Commission discussed placing plaques at all the historic sites in the walking tour brochure and also the possibility of installing small plaques for the trees on the tours. The plaque probably would contain the tree’s Latin name as well as country of origin. Mr. Wisniewski suggested that wherever possible, the plaques for the trees could be mounted in the hardscape. Identifying some of the others might create a challenge, and he will investigate the possibilities and report back to this Commission. The Commission also discussed hanging in Magee House, a large copy of the map of the original tree survey, marking the location of the plaques as well as the heritage trees and updating it as necessary. INSTALLATION OF EL CAMINO REAL BELL: Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the bell and shepherd’s crook has arrived and is currently being stored down in the Village area. He said the press has expressed interest in the project and want to be on hand when it is actually installed at the Fountain site. Tentative plans include a ceremony with the City Council present possibly sometime within the next few months. The plaque for the bell has not been ordered yet. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY UPDATES: rc Prowarns - 0 The Society hosted another antique appraisal at Heritage Hall last month with about twenty participants but there was another event being held in the park so parking was a huge problem. 0 September 28‘h they are hosting a program on the history of State Parks and a tour of the State Park offices off of Carlsbad Boulevard, a building that served as Carlsbad’s first fire station after World War II. 0 October 1 8‘h at 10 AM is the Annual Meeting and Program at Neiman’s including a champagne brunch and a screening of the film, “The Art of Surfing Carlsbad”. Barn displays - The Contractor for the renovations to the Magee Barn, Tom Sears, just received the hardware needed to hang the doors. Once the doors are hung, there is the clean-up work and decisions about the fencing and landscaping. In addition to that, there is still the cistern, which needs to be rebuilt, and the Rainfall Record, and the largest job, the interior displays for the museum. Once it is ready to open the facility to the public the CHS will host a “barn raising” event, probably several months from now. They are also investigating different options for a security system for the barn. rc HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 Minutes of September 8, 2003 t Website development - The Society has hired Daniel Gutierrez to develop their we bsite. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Commissioner Ladouceur complimented the City staff on the opening of the Leo Carrillo Ranch Park, citing the attention to detail as impressing. Commissioner Trejo reminded everyone that the Barrio Fiesta is this Sunday from 9AM until 6PM. PUBLIC COMMENTS: NONE ITEM FOR NEXT AGENDA: Discuss names for the tree tours instead of tour numbers. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 6:42 p.m and some of the Commissioners with Assistant Library Director Armour accompanied Mr. Wisniewski on a sample “tree” tour. - Respectblly sub itted, WAS Cissie Sex& Administrative Secretary