HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-10; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: November 10, 2003 TIME OF MEETING: 5:30 PM PLACE OF MEETING: Carlsbad City Library Admin Board Room 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Chair Ladouceur called the meeting to order at 5:35 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Christiansen, Gutierrez, Ladouceur, and Trejo Absent: Commissioner Muth Also Present: Assistant Library Director, Geoff Armour APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held September 8, 2003 were approved as corrected. HERITAGE TREE WALKING TOUR: Assistant Library Director Armour reported that Mr. Wisniewski is ill and unable to attend the meeting but has visited the Marron adobe and listed some of the trees on that property. Mr. Wisniewski has promised to deliver the draft versions of the tours to the Assistant Library Director Armour before the next Commission meeting in January. Assistant Library Director Armour reminded the Commission that there was some discussion at the last meeting about naming each of the tours and asked the Commissioners to send him any suggestions they might have. Also discussed but not decided, was the purchase and installation of markers for some of the historic trees, to include the name and age of the specimen. Mr. Wisniewski had promised to get information on the types and design of markers. Assistant Library Director Armour suggested a full report should be ready by the next meeting in January 2004; however, part of the contract calls for the inventory of trees in several outlying areas, not part of the walking tours.' Commissioner Gutierrez asked if the walking tours would be finalized and released to the public prior to the completion of the contract. Assistant Library Director Armour HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of November 10, 2003 replied that the brochures would need to be designed and produced, probably in-house, and Mr. Wisniewski will make a formal presentation to the City Council upon completion of the entire project. Promotion of the tours and availability of the brochures will follow that. HISTORICAL MARKERS & EL CAMINO REAL BELL: Assistant Library Director Armour announced that the bell was installed near the fountain at State Street and Grand prior to the first weekend in November along with the plaque. The historical markers for the Gaus House, Ramirez house and Carlsbad Theatre have not been installed yet. There is still some discussion on locations and types of installation for the two residences. The Commissioners then developed the following list as possible sites for historical plaques: • Army-Navy Academy • Gage house • Garcia's Barber Shop • Los Diego Hotel • Barrio Museum • Shirley House • Culver House • Fidel's (Cohen house) • Fire House (State Parks office on Carlsbad Boulevard Assistant Library Director Armour noted that the additional locations would need to be included in the next print of the walking tour brochure. Due to budget constraints, the Commission will have to prioritize the list and purchase only one or two plaques each year. MAGEE BARN PROJECT: Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the interior renovations have been completed but there are no locks on the doors and no electricity in the barn. The Phase II of the project includes some sort of security measures, still to be determined. Currently under way is the restoration of the buggy and the old town safe. Assistant Library Director Armour is waiting for a quotation from Burns Restoration for the safe, which is in very bad shape. Also of concern is the exterior clean-up and landscaping. The perimeter fence, which was installed for safety reasons, has been overgrown with climbing roses in some places. While everyone agrees that the chain link fence needs to go, no one wants to HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of November 10, 2003 see the roses destroyed. Several suggestions have been made to include trying to cover metal supports with wood, and substituting a split rail fence. Commissioner Christiansen suggested that when the roses are pruned they try to remove them from the fence. Assistant Library Director Armour noted that the Historical Society volunteers who work in the garden are involved with decisions about the landscaping and use of the land around the barn, and he would suggest asking the City Parks Department for suggestions. He pointed out that the most pressing matter is the security of the building and eventually the displays and artifacts contained. Another challenge will be lighting for the exhibits since there is no electricity in the barn. Although the South door will most likely be the main entrance, the west doors need to be opened for the light. Commissioner Christiansen requested the cistern be retained and repaired as well as the rainfall chart, and asked for a list of all the projects still to be completed before the barn is ready to open to the public. Assistant Library Director Armour will check with the City Parks Department to have them clean up the construction debris and ask them about providing electricity to the barn and a security system. SAN DIEGO RAILROAD COMMEMORATIVE EVENT: Assistant Library Director Armour referred to the article attached to the agenda packet for a proposed Joint Railroad Event for 2006 and pointed out that the Carlsbad depot is the only original one left in the county. He asked the Commissioners to send him any ideas or suggestions for participation in the event. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY UPDATE: Website - Assistant Library Director Armour had attached printouts of the pages from the website developed by Commissioner Gutierrez's son, Daniel. The City Webmaster will create a link from the City's official home page to the new website and the Historical Society has asked the Chamber of Commerce to create a link from their site. Election results - Susan Gutierrez was elected as the new President and the bylaws were amended to increase the Board to seven members each to serve for 2 year terms. December program - On December 6th the society will host a wreath making party and pot luck at the Magee House. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mr. Michael Shoemaker was present for the meeting and expressed his interest in the commission and the Historical Society. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 Minutes of November 10, 2003 ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 6:29 p.m. Respectfully subjptted, Cissie Se> Administrative Secretary