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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-01-12; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesI ITEM ## 2 MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: January 12,2004 TIME OF MEETING: 530 PM PLACE OF MEETING: H I STO RI C PRES E RVATlO N C 0 M M I S S IO N City Council Conference Room 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive Approved 3-8-aoOsL CALL TO ORDER: Chair Ladouceur called the meeting to order at 531 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Christiansen, Gutierrez, Ladouceur, Muth and Trejo Absent: none Also Present Were: Assistant Library Director, Geoff Armour Arborist Mark Wisniewski APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the September 8, 2003 meeting were approved as submitted. HISTORIC PLAQUES: item taken out of order Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the City Facilities staff plans to install the plaque at the Carlsbad Theatre on Tuesday, January 13‘h. As soon as the owners of the other two properties (Gaus House and Ramirez House) agree on the location, the plaques will be installed on those properties as wel1,’probably this month. HERITAGE TREE WALKING TOUR: Arborist Wisniewski reported that he had revised the previous tours increasing the number of tours to seven and reducing the walking time and content. Copies were distributed and the commission discussed the proposed names of each of the tours. Mr. Wisniewski had provided information for each tour as to type of terrain, distance and time. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of January 12,2004 Assistant Library Director Armour commented that the end product for this commission would be a walking tour brochure including maps. Arborist Wisniewski responded that his end product was to provide the information for the project. The commission also discussed locations to have the brochures available to the public as well as possibly placing markers on some of the trees on City property. The tours identify trees on private property and although the brochures would remind participants to respect the privacy of the owners and to view the trees only from public areas, there was some discussion about the need to notify the property owners whose trees would be identified in the tour brochures. Arborist Wisniewski reported that he has a meeting with the Executive Board of the Professional Tree Care Association of San Diego and they have tentatively given their support to act as tour guides for a series of tours near Arbor Day - either California Arbor Day or National Arbor Day - as part of the announcement of the tours. Mr. Wisniewski suggested that the City incorporate a news event, such as measuring the height of the large Torrey Pine, which may be the largest in the State. Mr. Wisniewski provided photos of a very old Pepper Tree located at the historic Marron Adobe that has an interesting history and is in danger of being destroyed with the proposed construction of the Rancho del Or0 interchange. Mr. Wisniewski has been asked to speak at the next scope meeting recommending the tree be designated as a Heritage Tree. Commissioner Trejo announced that the meeting is January 27'h at the Martin Luther King School at 6PM. Mr. Wisniewski identified several other notable species located on the property, many of which may well be largest in the State and could be identified as such. This project is nearly complete now that the tours have been developed. All that remains is the finishing up of the survey of the last remaining miscellaneous sites and putting together the final report. There followed a discussion over the design of the brochure, one or seven different ones, photos or not and the possibility of partnering with the Carlsbad Business Association or the Chamber of Commerce to underwrite the printing costs. It is anticipated that there will be a high demand for the tour brochures in many locations. STATUS OF MAGEE BARN RENOVATIONS: Assistant Library Director Armour distributed recent interior and exterior photographs of the barn. The basic structural work has been completed including new windows, the exterior has been painted but the big issue is the fence. Several options have been suggested to replace the chain link fence with a split rail. The mesh for the fence has already been removed but the supports are in place and there is the issue of the roses hISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Minutes of Januarv 12.2004 Page 3 growing over one section. The Carlsbad Historical Society has asked that every effort be taken to preserve the roses as the replacement fence is built. Commissioner Christiansen suggested that the new fence follow exactly the chain link perimeter to keep the original footprint of the barn and horse corral and the Commission agreed that it would be the easiest solution. Facilities is planning to pour concrete walkways to both the double doors and the single entry and Assistant Library Director Armour asked for recommendations for which door to identify as the main entryway for the museum. Because the barn as a museum will be open to the public, it will have to be ADA compliant, which may mean roping sections off and constructing a smooth walkway through the structure instead of being able to wander throughout. The exhibit would take on the look of some of the exhibits seen as theme parks. The next project to consider is whether or not to restore the original cistern and construct a cover for it. Commissioner Christiansen suggested the need for a downspout from the barn to the cistern to explain the “mechanics” of the rainwater collection in the cistern. Part of that project will also be to restore the rain gauge chart on the side of the barn. The old City safe will be one of the primary exhibits. The City Water district has the necessary equipment to lift the safe onto a truck and get it to a company in Escondido that will remove the rust and powder coat it. All that will remain to complete that exhibit is the painted detail work. Also exhibited will be the refurbished buggy, some old farm tools and the blacksmith tools. The Carlsbad Historical Society has not decided about exhibits up in the loft. Assistant Library Director Armour also reported that we have requested the City facilities staff to run electricity to the barn to allow for lighting and some sort of security system. This has been a joint project of the City, this Commission and the Carlsbad Historical Society. The Society has made this their big project for the year and is underwriting a lot of the expense for the restoration of items for the display. They are also planning a barn-raising of some type, probably towards the end of this calendar year, to celebrate the grand opening. BILL MANSON ARTICLE: Assistant Library Director Armour explained he had included this article as it dealt with the philosophical issue of what to preserve, what becomes historical in the future? HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Minutes of Januarv 12.2004 Page 4 Commissioner Gutierrez commented that in history, when cityktates had money they built things so they would be remembered thousands of years into the future, and were built to last. Assistant Library Director Armour also pointed out that to identify properties as historical is a controversial issue as well. Back in the late 1980’s the Roth study identified some 325 structures and when the report was presented to the City Council, there were hundreds of people who attended to voice their opposition to the passing of any ordinance that would put any controls over private property. The City Council reacted to the public hearing and no ordinance was passed. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY UPDATES: Assistant Library Director Armour announced the third grade tours and art contest would be coming up soon. Other programs in the planning stages include one on the history of the San Diego Zoo as well as a program from the Museum of Making Music on the history of Rock & Roll. The Society has had an appraiser to look at the Krepps estate and estimate the value at several thousand dollars. There are two paintings by Hugo Fisher (1 854-1 91 6) which are collectibles and extremely valuable. The date for the sale has not been determined but anticipate it will take place sometime in February. Assistant Library Director Armour also announced that the Carlsbad Historical Society now has two paid staff members to meet the primary need to keep the Magee House property open to the public and to conduct tours. This is a short-term solution and the Society is working on getting more volunteers and increasing membership as well as some fund raising events to keep the society in the black. Commissioner Gutierrez asked why the City could not assume the responsibility for staffing the Magee House and Assistant Library Director Armour responded that there are ongoing discussions with regard to that and other issues. JOINT MEETING PROPOSAL FOR MARCH: Assistant Library Director Armour asked the commission if they would be interested in meeting with the Carlsbad Historical Society in March as a joint celebration of the installation of the El Camino Real bell and invite the City Council for a “photo-opp.” The Commission was agreeable and Assistant Library Director Armour will work out the logistics and let the commission know the outcome. It was suggested that the meeting take place at Housing & Redevelopment if possible. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 5 Minutes of January 12,2004 PUBLIC COMMENTS: NONE ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 655 p.m. Respectfully s$mittyd, Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary