HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-03-08; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: March 8,2004 TIME OF MEETING: 5:30 PM PLACE OF MEETING: H I STO RI C PRES E RVAT I 0 N C 0 M M IS S I 0 N City Council Conference Room 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive CALL TO ORDER: Chair Ladouceur called the meeting to order at 332 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Christiansen, Ladouceur, Muth, and Trejo Absent: Commissioner Gutierrez Also Present Were: Assistant Library Director, Geoff Armour Mayor Pro Tem Ramona Finnila Arborist Mark Wisniewski Paul Riha of Stone Imagery & Design Carlsbad Historical Society President, Susan Gutierrez Carlsbad Historical Society Board Members, Lenore Bouras, Eleanor Call and Phyllis Demey APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held January 12, 2004 were approved with one correction. HERITAGE TREE SELF-GUIDED TOURS: Assistant Library Director Armour distributed the latest version of maps developed for the Heritage Tree self-guided walking tour brochure. The Board had discussed the possibility of identifying some of the more significant trees with markers of some type, and Carlsbad resident and heritage tree owner Paul Riha of Stone Imagery & Design was at the meeting to present to the Board the various materials and designs available for a project of this sort. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila asked about pricing and he responded that the carved stone markers run between $55 -$85 with a stand, where the laminate, usually used for a larger interpretive panel, would run about $1500 for a 6 foot panel plus $350 to $500 for the stand (such as a large map of all the tours.) Another option available are the stone slabs that can be dropped into an existing sidewalk. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of March 8, 2004 The Commissioners discussed the number of trees that have been identified in the various tours, how many should have markers and what type. Also discussed was what information should appear on the plaque; numbers to correspond to the tour brochures; botanical names or drawings? The Commission also reviewed the proposed names for the seven tours and Mr. Wisniewski asked to table any formal vote to accept the names until he could verify the content of tour number two. Mr. Wisniewski reported that the next step would be the printing of the brochures and would like for the Commission to consider May lEith, 2004 as the date for publicizing this program and provide the brochures and guided tours throughout the day. MAGEE BARN: Assistant Library Director Armour passed around some recent photographs of the barn that will be incorporated into a full color brochure being prepared by Parks. The chain link fence has been replaced with a wooden one and the concrete entry walkways have been installed. He reported that facilities will be running electrical line into the barb to provide lighting and a security system of some sort. The final phase of the project involves the development of displays and exhibits for the barn. To date the exhibits will include the renovated Shipley buggy, the town safe, the anvil and some blacksmith tools, other old farming tools and Juno's headstone. No decision has been reached about the Twin Inns Chicken. The Historical Society is working towards completion of the exhibits and opening the barn with a Barn Raising or similar celebration. Still being considered are the renovations to the old cistern and the Rain Record chart. Also discussed was making the barn accessible to handicapped to be ADA compliant. THIRD GRADE ART CONTEST: Assistant Library Director Armour reported the tours are being scheduled for the last two weeks of March. The Historical Society is only hosting the tours at the Magee House but has provided points of contact and telephone numbers for the Barrio Museum, the Marron Adobe, St. Michael's Church and ConVis for the train station, should the teachers want to schedule tours of those facilities. June 8'h has been confirmed as the City Council meeting where the awards will be presented. The judging has been set for the Friday before the Council Meeting, June 4'h. Judges this year will be Commissioners Muth and Ladouceur and Historical Society President Susan Gutierrez. PLAQUE INSTALLATIONS : Assistant Library Director Armour announced that the plaque at the theatre has been installed but the other two have not. Facilities staff will work directly with Commissioner Trejo for the construction and installation of those two. He suggested that the Board consider installing plaques for the buildings on the walking tour. c HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of March 8, 2004 HISTORICAL SOCIETY UPDATES: Assistant Library Director Armour shared a copy of the brochure developed by the Parks and Recreation Department for the Carrillo Ranch Historical Park and announced that they are working on a similar one for Magee House and Park. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila asked about the reference to the Carlsbad Arboretum Foundation in the text for the Magee Park brochure and explained that their existence is not highly known. Assistant Library Director Armour commented on the newly installed interpretive signs and photographs In Magee House, the work of Society President Susan Gutierrez and her husband, German, who is a Commissioner on this board. April 17‘h is the date set for the Krepps estate sale in Heritage Hall. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila suggested that the Historical Society contact the City’s Volunteer Coordinator for volunteers to help with the estate sale and other projects at the park. The new flyer detailing hours for the Magee House was distributed and Society President Susan Gutierrez explained the plans for self-guided tours as well as the opportunity to schedule private tours followed by high tea. The Society is planning an official opening for the new displays, piggybacking on the Carlsbad Community Place and Spirit, highlighting families and individuals who were involved in the development of the City. The next display will involve Carlsbad artists including brief biographies. The Society has decided to honor Amelia Irvine, who recently passed away, with a memorial plaque of some sort in the garden near the birdbath. It was suggested that perhaps a bench or something larger and Mayor Pro Tem Finnila suggested looking at the various items available at Anderson’s Nursery. PUBLIC COMMENTS: NONE ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m. Respectfully s#bfi &#& Cissie S xton Ad m i n iitrative Secretary