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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-05-10; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesApproved as corrected 711 2/04 MINUTES MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: 530 PM PLACE OF MEETING: May IO, 2004 City Council Conference Room 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive CALL TO ORDER: Chair Ladouceur called the meeting to order at 535 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Christiansen, Gutierrez, Ladouceur, Muth, and Trejo Absent: None Also Present Were: Assistant Library Director, Geoff Armour Mayor Pro Tem Finnila Arborist Mark Wisniewski APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held March 8, 2004 were approved with one correction. UPDATE ON HERITAGE TREE SURVEY & INAUGURAL TOUR: Assistant Library Director Armour announced that the inaugural tours have been scheduled for Saturday, May 15fh, from 9:00 AM to 11 :00 AM. The City’s Communication Director had sent out a Press Release for the event. Arborist Mark Wisniewski reported that he has trained volunteer tour guides to lead the various tours, all to start at the Gazebo in Rotary Park, and he anticipates each tour will take about 1 hour and 20 minutes. In addition, he has scheduled an interview with the Union Tribune prior to Saturday. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila offered to announce the tours at the City Council meeting tomorrow evening and Assistant Library Director Armour offered to notify our school’s liaison with the information. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of May 10, 2004 House) and also to act as liaison to the Ramirez family on the plaque for their property. The plaques have already been purchased and are at Facilities awaiting installation. Assistant Library Director Armour advised the Commission that he had received a call from the Army & Navy Academy asking about any restrictions as to changes or demolition of the property once known as the Red Apple Inn. This prompted a discussion about historical markers for privately owned properties, and the need to identify the twenty-four properties listed in the walking tour brochure as a start. It was agreed that the old Schutte property (Neiman’s) should be identified with a plaque and it appeared there was a perfect location on the brick wall out front. Assistant Library Director Armour will check with the current owner to see if he can get permission to install one there. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY UPDATES: Assistant Library Director Armour announced that the Society made about $1400 at the Krepps estate sale and actually sold only a small amount of the inventory. He also discussed the need for volunteers for docents at Magee House as well as to assist with Society events and said that the City’s Volunteer Coordinator will be focusing on City volunteer opportunities this year. The “Tours and Teas’’ idea has been a successful fund raiser and the Society will continue to offer the program. Assistant Library Director Armour concluded that the board is trying to determine what would be an appropriate manner to recognize members of the Society and has been discussing a donor wall or a bench with multiple memorial plaques. He continued that no decision had been made to date. Commissioner Ladouceur suggested the Society look into forming a club at the high school with a focus on the history of Carlsbad and perhaps offer the opportunity to volunteer at Magee House to satisfy their community service project. Assistant Library Director Armour concluded his report with information on the approaching Gastelum Family reunion to be held the last week in July. This family was one of the early pioneer families in this area and the Society plans to try to collect oral histories from some of those attending the reunion. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Pro Tem Finnila announced that the City has been contacted by Mira Costa Community College to see if we are interested in acquiring the mural on the Oceanside campus depicting early settlers. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 Minutes of May 10, 2004 The Commission responded that they were interested and would like additional information from the College. Assistant Library Director Armour announced the judging for the Third Grade Art Contest is set for May 28th at the Cole Library and awards will be given at the City Council meeting on June 8'h. Commissioner Muth announced her intention to resign from the Commission stating health and transportation issues as her reasons. The Commission asked her to stay at least until after the Third Grade Art Contest as she has long been a valuable judge for this event. Commissioner Muth agreed to serve in that capacity again this year. PUBLIC COMMENTS: NONE ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 6:37 p.m. Cissie Sex& Ad minis tra tive Secretary