HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-09-13; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesI lTEM#2 I MINUTES MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: September 13,2004 TIME OF MEETING: 5:30 PM PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room 9250 Carlsbad Village Drive CALL TO ORDER: The Commissioners moved into the Council Chambers to use the projector for a presentation and Chair Gutierrez called the meeting to order at 536 PM. . ROLLCALL: Present: Commissioners Christiansen, Gutierrez, Smith and Trejo Absent: Commissioner Ladouceur Also Present Were: Assistant Library Director, Geoff Armour Mayor Pro Tem Finnila Dennis R. Gallegos of Gallegos & Associates APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held July 12, 2004 were approved as submitted. GALLEGOS & ASSOCIATES PRESENTATION: Chair Gutierrez introduced Mr. Gallegos whose firm conducts archaeological research in connection with new development in the area. Mr. Gallegos explained that his firm does cultural resource studies, both historic and prehistoric. Mr. Gallegos provided in-depth information on the various archaeological sites around the county and in Carlsbad, and the requirements established in the 1970’s for archaeological studies prior to any development and grading. He accompanied the information with a slide show mapping various sites throughout San Diego County and photos of artifacts recovered. He explained that many of the artifacts and reports on the different sites are located at the San Diego Archaeological Center. Assistant Library Director Armour asked if there were any artifacts from the Carlsbad area stored at the San Diego Archaeological Center that the Carlsbad Historical Society could take on long-term loan to create an exhibit at the renovated barn at Magee Park. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Minutes of SeDtember 13. 2004 Page 2 Mr. Gallegos responded that the San Diego Archaeological Center wants the public to have access to the artifacts and probably would consider the loan depending on the level of security for the exhibit. Chairman Gutierrez distributed a packet of information on archaeology in Carlsbad and the “Harris site” located in the San Dieguito River valley in North County and on the National Register of Historic Places as one of the most important archaeological sites in the United States. HERITAGE TREE SURVEY & WALKING TOUR GUIDES: Assistant Library Director Armour announced that information on the Heritage Tree walking tours was being included in the City’s 2005 calendars that are mailed to all the residents at the beginning of the year. He had a prototype of the brochure for the Board to examine and approve. He explained that we would like to produce the brochures in- house so that it would be easier to make changes. Already one of the trees identified has been removed. He indicated that future plans include three large interpretive signboards showing all the tours, to be displayed at Magee House, the Cole library and the Depot ( ConVis) where stacks of the brochures for the individual tours would also be available. Arborist Mark Wisniewski reportedly has some potential donation sources in mind to defray some of the costs. Commissioner Christiansen reported that there is evidence that the City’s tree trimming crew trimmed some City owned trees incorrectly and Mayor Pro Tem Finnila asked that he contact Doug Duncanson in Facilities to discuss this further. The Board unanimously approved the prototype design for the walking tour brochures to be produced in-house by Library Programs and Graphics. PLAQUES FOR GAUS HOUSE, RAMIREZ HOUSE, NEIMAN’S: The text for the plaque at Neiman’s was approved by the owner and has been ordered. Assistant Library Director Armour explained that the text was so long that they were only able to fit it all on the plaque by using all capital letters. There was some discussion about some missing detail and Assistant Library Director Armour agreed to research it and possibly make some changes. Assistant Library Director Armour also reported that the City has given the plaques for the Gaus House and the Ramirez House to the individual owners to decide on the best location. He believes that the Ramirez plaque will be mounted on a pillar to the right side of the driveway. The installation for the Gaus House plaque has not been decided. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of September 13, 2004 RED APPLE INN: Assistant Library Director Armour reported that he put this item on the agenda to discuss the Commission’s tour of this building last month. Assistant Library Director Armour had spoken with General Bliss and the bottom line is that nothing is going to happen to this building for some time. The school wants to do a renovation to the entire campus. The immediate issue is the fate of the large Moreton Bay fig tree, which is very valuable, and possibly the single most beautiful tree in the City. Mark Wisniewski has offered to consult with the school to preserve this specimen. Commissioner Christiansen said he had also spoken to Mr. Wisniewski regarding the danger of damage to this tree from the renovations to the building. Commissioner Christiansen said he was very appreciative that the school contacted the Commission to discuss their future plans for this site. He also expressed tha importance of asking to stay in the “information loop” with them and any plans for the site so that they kr,ow the Commission is very interested in preserving the trees and at least soriIt. dt the building. Assistant Library Direcior Armour reminded the Commission that although the school had contactea them to discuss the plans, ultimately the building and trees are on private property and the owners will decide. UPDATE ON CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Maqee Barn - Chairman Gutierrez suggested the possibility of pouring some additional concrete inside the barn over the remaining dirt floor. Assistant library Director Armour reported that the buggy was still being restored but the safe was restored and has been delivered to the barn. There was some discussion about whether to repair the roof or replace it in its entirety. The current plan is for the City to repair the roof, but probably not until next season. They will run a line from Magee House over to the barn for the security system with motion detectors. November 6‘h Program - The Society’s annual meeting will be on November 6’h at Heritage Hall from 1O:OO AM until noon. The Display Committee is focusing on local art, particularly the art on display in Magee House, for this event and will have a brochure and guided tour prepared for that day. King Karl Crown- Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the replica was given to the library by Kay Christiansen many years ago. It was on display for some time and then kept in a vault at City Hall. The crown was taken to a local jeweler who has replaced missing stones and cleaned it up to get it ready for a permanent display. Plans for now are to place it on display at Magee House as soon as they can find an appropriate secure case for it. The crown has been valued at $25,000 but the value is not the gems but the labor involved. Cruise Ship tours - Assistant Library Director Armour also reported that the Village Business Association has made an arrangement with a tour group based in Los HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Minutes of Seotember 13. 2004 Page 4 Angeles to incorporate an optional shore tour for passengers on their 4-day tour from LA to Mexico. When the ship docks in San Diego, a bus will bring them up to Carlsbad to Rotary Park for walking tours of the area. These tours are scheduled to begin in October and occur every Tuesday. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Commissioner Smith asked if there were plans to preserve the pediment sign over the old school district office. Assistant Library Director Armour responded that he had a conversation with the school district about the sign and they do not want to remove it. He has also spoken to the City Recreation staff about incorporating it into the recreation center when it is built but for the present it will remain at the Senior Center. PUBLIC COMMENTS: NONE AI. ' -, 3 r ADJOURNMENT'i . ,'.C' By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m. Respectfully s@@, Cissie &ton ' Administrative Secretary X &te O* k u IM w X + c1 LQ m4 W a