HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-05-09; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesApproved: * 11, Za6
PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room
Chair Gutierrez called the meeting to order at 5:40 PM.'
Present: Commissioners Gutierrez, Ladouceur, and Smith
Absent: Commissioners Christiansen and Trejo
Also Present Were: Staff Liaison Susan Gutierrez
Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director
The minutes of the meeting held January IO, 2005 were approved as corrected.
Chair Gutierrez distributed copies of the expenditure reports for this Commission for the
past five years and suggested that the Commission take more responsibility for the
budget and expenditures than in the past.
Deputy Library Director Smithson explained that for budgeting purposes, the Library
Local History Room is included under this org key but with a separate account number.
The requested budget for FY2004-05 was $1800 which is also the amount requested
for FY2005-06. The Commission has a remaining balance of approximately $1200 for
this year, which will roll over into the Library's contingency account if unspent at the end
of this fiscal year.
The Commissioners reviewed the expenditure detail, discussed possible expenditures
from the current balance (see next item) and discussed procedures for requesting
additional funds for projects in the future.
Deputy Library Director Smithson will bring budget information for FYO5-06 to the next
regular meeting.
Minutes of May 9, 2005
Staff Liaison Susan Gutierrez distributed the draft copy of the tree tour booklet put
together by the Library’s graphic artist. Each Commissioner was asked to review the
draft and make any corrections on the single copy, and return the draft document to the
Deputy Library Director Smithson explained that the Library’s programs and graphics
division could probably produce I00 copies of the booklet but if the production number
were to exceed 100, the job would need to be sent to an outside printer.
Staff Liaison Gutierrez advised the Commissioners that one of them would need to take
the responsibility of contacting a printer and getting an estimate for the production of
the tour booklet if it was decided to print more than 100 copies.
There was some discussion about costs for the tree brochures and the new plaques
and prioritizing the projects based on available funds.
Commissioner Ladouceur suggested an annual Tree Tour event and Chair Gutierrez
responded that one of the Commissioners would have to volunteer to organize the
event or the Commission could recommend to the City Council that the City approve an
annual event and assign it to staff to accomplish.
Chair Gutierrez commented that he recalled a discussion from the last meeting about
creating a single page tour map of the Village area as well.
There are some loose ends to the completion of the Heritage Tree Survey and tour
maps to include Council acceptance of the report and approval of the designation of the
Chair Gutierrez suggested this project be tabled until such time as the permanent staff
liaison person is appointed and those issues regarding City approvals can be
add ressed.
Staff Liaison Gutierrez advised the Commission that two of the three plaques ordered
last year were still waiting to be installed. Both of those plaques are to be installed on
pedestals provided by the property owners. The plaques are in the custody of the
property owners and the costs for the installations have not been determined nor
encumbered for this year.
Deputy Library Director Smithson offered to send a letter to the property owners to try to
expedite the installation of the two remaining plaques before the end of this fiscal year.
The Commissioners expressed concern over permission to install historical marker
plaques and the need to seek advice from the City Attorney’s office on the matter.
Page 3
Ms. Gutierrez reminded the Commission that at the meeting in January of this year the
Commissioners created a prioritized list of locations for historical marker plaques and
voted to purchase the first three; however, nothing has been done to further that
project. She continued that it would be up to one of the Commissioners to take
responsibility for this project, which would include contacting the property owners to get
permission to install the plaques and determining the text content.
There was more discussion on the selections back in January and the probability that
the Army Navy Academy will tear down the old Red Apple Inn building. No decisions
were made.
Staff Liaison Gutierrez reported the barn has a new roof and alarm system and the
restored buggy and Twin Inns chicken are both in the barn.
Commissioner Ladouceur asked about the termite inspection and Ms. Gutierrez
responded that she had filed a work request with the City’s facilities and has not
received a response to date.
Chair Gutierrez also reported that the barn was in need of a thorough cleaning,
especially the loft area, which the Carlsbad Historical Society wants to use for seasonal
Deputy Library Director Smithson distributed a copy of the letter sent to all the
participating schools asking them to judge the artwork and submit only the top three
winners from each school to the Libra to be posted. The award presentations from
City Council are scheduled for June 14 followed by a small reception for the children
and their families. Chair Gutierrez volunteered to be present for the Mayor
proclamation and Commissioner Ladouceur volunteered to assist with the reception.
Chair Gutierrez asked if the Library approached the Arts Commission to see if they
would take over this annual program.
Staff Liaison Gutierrez responded that the Arts Commission has expressed a
willingness to assist with the program but will not take over responsibility for the
program in its entirety.
Staff Liaison Gutierrez suggested that the Commission discuss and vote at the next
meeting whether or not to continue the program. She continued that if the Commission
wants to continue with the tradition, one of the Commissioners would have to step
forward and volunteer to run the program.
Chair Gutierrez suggested that the Commission revisit their duties and responsibilities
as set forth in the Municipal Code and then develop a plan for projects for the year.
Minutes of May 9.2005
Page 4
Chair Gutierrez had asked this to be added to the agenda. The Carlsbad Historical
Society recently had a program on archaeology and the artifacts from this area. Mr.
Gallegos had offered to give some of the artifacts to the Historical Society for display in
the barn.
Chair Gutierrez suggested this commission recommend to the City to take the
necessary actions to grow the museum, include all the history of the area and find a
home for the artifacts.
Staff Liaison Gutierrez explained to the Commissioners the provisions of CEQA, which
requires an archaeological survey of lands to be developed, and the survey company is
responsible for any artifacts removed from the site and the curation of those items. Mr.
Gallegos has a warehouse full of artifacts from various Carlsbad sites that he may be
willing to donate to the City if appropriately displayed and safeguarded.
Commissioner Ladouceur asked if there was a Council Member assigned to this
Commission as a liaison or did former Council Member Finnila attend the meetings out
of personal interest. Chair Gutierrez offered to call the Council office and ask the
There was some discussion about the role of the Commission and the process for
forwarding recommendations to Council and the agenda item was tabled for further
discussion at the next regular meeting.
By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 7:OO p.m.
Respecffully su@itted,
- Cissie sexfon
Ad m in istra t ive Secretary
2.42.01 0
Chapter 2.42
2.42.010 Created.
2.42.020 Membership.
2.42.030 Term of office.
2.42.040 Duties.
2.42.050 Rules and procedures.
2.42.010 Created.
created. (Ord. NS-433 8 1 (part), 1997)
A historic preservation commission of the city is
2.42.020 Membership.
Membership on the historic preservation com-
mission shall consist of the following:
A. Five regular members and one ex officio
representative from tbe planning commission. All
regular members of the commission must have
knowledge of and a demonstrated interest in historic
preservation and local history. Three members will
have a background or an interest in architecture,
archaeology, history, biology, engineering, geology
or a related field. Two members will have an inter-
est in local history and will serve at large from the
B. All members of the commission must be
Carlsbad residents and registered voters. The ex
officio representative shall not be entitled to a vote.
Appointment to the historic preservation commission
shall be made by the city council. The planning
com~~~&ion shall appoint a member to serve as the
ex officio representative. (ad. NS-433 8 1 (part),
2.42.030 Term of office.
Of the five members of the commission first
appointed, one member shall be appointed for three
years and two members shall be appointed for four
years. The successors shall be appointed for terms
of four years. If a vacancy occurs other than by
expiration of a term, it shall be filled by appoint-
ment by the city council for the unexpired portion
of the term. Each member shall hold office until
reappointed or a successor is appointed. (Ord. NS-
433 0 1 (part), 1997)
(Crlsbd 2-98) 62- 1
242.040 Duties.
Duties of the historic preservation commission are
as follows:
A. The commission shall act in an advisory
capacity to the city council, planning commission,
housing commission, and design review board in all
matters relating to the identification, protection,
retention, and preservation of historic fesources
within the city.
B. It shall be the responsibility of the commis-
sion to provide advice to the city council on the
following matters:
1. Criteria for guidelines to be used in a com-
prehensive historic survey of properties within the
2. The designation of historic resources;
3. Maintaining the Carlsbd historic resources
inventory adopted by the city council;
4. Hiring of staff or consultants to conduct a
comprehensive survey of properties within the
boundaries of the city to identify historical sites and
5. Participation in and promotion and dissemina-
tion of public information, education, and inteqre-
tive programs pertaining to historical areas and sites;
6. Cooperation with local, county, state, and
federal governments in pursuit of the objectives of
historic preservation; and
7. Any other matter which the commission
deems necessary to protect historical resources.
C. The commission shall be responsible for:
1. Publicizing and periodically updating survey
2. Maintaining a Cadsbad historic resources in-
3. Investigating and reporting to the city council
on the use of various federal, state, local, or private
funding sources available to promote historic preser-
vation in the city;
4. Rendering advice and guidance, upon the
request of the property owner or occupant, on the
restoration, dteration. decoration, landscaping, or
maintenance of any historical area or site; and
5. Performing any other functions that may be
designated by the city council. (Ord. NS-433 9 1
(part). 1997)
2.42.050 Rules and procedures. The historic preservation commission shall estab- .
lish such rules, regulations, and procedures consis-
tent with this chapter for the ttansaCtion of business
and shall keep a public record of its resolutions,
transactions, findiags, and determinations. (Ord: NS-
433 8 1 @art), 1997)
(Carl~M 2-98) 62-2