HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-09-12; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesApproved: /I - /+ 2005
DATE OF MEETING: September 12,2005
PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room
Chair Gutierrez called the meeting to order at 5:31 PM.
Present: Commissioners Christiansen, Gutierrez, Ladouceur, Smith,
and Trejo
Absent: None
Also Present Were: Interim Library Director Heather Piuuto Mick Calarco, Recreation Supervisor, Carrillo Ranch
Chair Gutierrez asked if anyone recalled who was assigned the task of compiling a list
of all the plaques and markers purchased by the Commission (Item 3 paragraph 4 in
the minutes). Commissioner Smith responded that she did not recall that the task was
Chair Gutierrez commented he would create the list by visiting various sites.
The minutes of the meeting held July 11, 2005 were approved with one spelling
Chair Gutierrez referred to the copy of the Municipal Code relating to historic
preservation within the City and the duties and responsibilities of this commission.
The Commissioners discussed the details of the Code and whether or not most of it still
applied. They expressed concern over the fact that when Council Member Finnila
retired from the Council they no longer had a Council Member attending this
Commission’s meeting.
HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of September 12,2005
Commissioner Christiansen commented that his understanding of the duties of the
commission were as an advisory group and to provide education. He suggested that
the Commission decide what they wanted to do and then check the code to see if it was
within their purview.
At this point, Interim Library Director Pizzuto introduced herself as the temporary staff
liaison while Deputy Library Director Smithson is on maternity leave. She stated that in
preparing the agenda for this meeting she was also searching for background
information on what the Commission had done in the past and what it is tasked with
doing. She thought it might be helpful for their discussion today to see the original
responsibilities as specified in the code. She also asked if the Commissioners each
had a copy of the Boards and Commissions notebook prepared by the Council office.
Chair Gutierrez said he had emailed the Mayor and pointed out that the Commission
has not had much support this year due to several changes in staffing at the library. He
also asked to have a Council member attend the meetings and a representative from
the Planning Commission appointed to this Commission as provided in the Municipal
Chair Gutierrez also said he had seen Council Member Kulchin on Saturday at the
Carlsbad Historical Society annual meeting and she suggested he contact the City’s
Volunteer Coordinator, Sue trey to recruit volunteers to become docents at the Magee
House and barn.
Interim Library Director Pizzuto asked if the suggestion was for volunteers for
commission work or for the Historical Society.
Chair Gutierrez responded that this Commission has always been involved in the
Magee House and barn as the property belongs to the City. The Carlsbad Historical
Society is responsible for the museum within the buildings but the Historical
Preservation Commission is also involved.
Chair Gutierrez reminded the Commissioners that he had requested suggestions for
projects from the Commissioners at the last meeting. He had received a long list from
Commissioner Ladouceur, which he would incorporate into a master list for the
Commission’s consideration.
Chair Gutierrez asked for any other suggestions to be added to the master list he was
co m p i I i ng .
Commissioner Christiansen suggested the Commission request the City provide a
clean up crew for the Carlsbad lands adjacent to the El Salto waterfalls and then
maintain the area.
Minutes of September 12,2005
Commissioner Christiansen suggested another idea was to create some sort of
memorial for Kay and Chris Christiansen who were some of the founders of the
Carlsbad Historical Society. Commissioner Trejo suggested memorials for Amelia
lrvine and Grace Mason as well and Commissioner Smith added Ann L’Heureux ‘s
name to that list as a long time Carlsbad Historical Society member.
Interim Library Director Pizzuto asked if they were speaking of the Carlsbad Historical
Society or the Historic Preservation Commission and Commissioner Smith responded
that they were currently speaking about the Carlsbad Historical Society but that the
Society and the Commission overlap a lot.
Chair Gutierrez thought this commission should recommend to the City Council that the
City should keep the museum open and work more closely with Carrillo Ranch as
centers of Carlsbad history.
Commissioner Smith said she was concerned about the old Kelly house built by the
grandfather and the barn out there that is in really bad shape.
They discussed the Tootsie Kay Ranch sign that was donated to the City a long time
ago but is still out on Sunny Creek. Commissioner Christiansen remarked that it was
supposed to be moved to the barn once the renovations were complete. Chair
Gutierrez said the sign is way too large. The Commissioners discussed what could be
done with the large sign but came to no decision.
Commissioner Trejo suggested Commission support some neighborhood changes that
had been recommended in the Barrio Plan. The community wanted a roundabout at
Walnut and Roosevelt to reduce the traffic speed, and this Commission could ask the
Council to consider it again.
Commissioner Trejo also suggested opening up Chestnut Street across the railroad
tracks to provide access to the beach.
Chairman Gutierrez read the list provided by Commissioner Ladouceur and commented
on the need to print more of the Historic Carlsbad self guided walking tour brochure.
Chair Gutierrez suggested the Commission pay to become members of the Congress of
Commissioner Smith commented that she thought installation of the existing plaques
should be the first priority and then move ahead with providing plaques for the other
locations chosen in January.
Chair Gutierrez said he would distribute the master list of suggested projects and the
Commissioners should be prepared to prioritize them at the next meeting.
HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Minutes of SeDtember 12.2005 Page 4
Historical Plaques - Commissioner Trejo advised the Commission that she and Mr.
Carreon had decided to have the plaques for their homes mounted on the pillars beside
their respective driveways instead of having separate pedestals constructed.
Library staff will contact Mark Sainz who previously provided an estimate for the
installation and ask him to contact the homeowners directly to arrange for a time to
install the plaques.
Heritage Tree Walking tour brochure - Commissioner Christiansen asked for a status
report on the letter to the property owners whose trees were included in the Heritage
Tree survey and walking tour.
Interim Library Director Pizzuto responded that her understanding was that the
Commission agreed it might be useful to have the report on the tree survey presented
to Council to assure the Council is informed of the Commission’s recommendation for
that preservation effort before a letter would go to any citizen involved. Staff has been
working to backtrack events to see if the report was ever presented to Council or
perhaps presented as part of the Community Forest Plan.
Chair Gutierrez and Commissioner Smith both expressed support for the suggestion
from Interim Library Director Pizzuto.
Commissioner Christiansen stated he would like this to move forward and Interim
Library Director Pizzuto responded that staff would continue to do the research and
preparation necessary to get the matter before the Council.
Commissioner Christiansen offered to call Geoff Armour who had worked on the
Community Forest Goal and see what he might recall about either the goal outcome or
the Heritage Tree Survey report.
By proper motion, Commissioner Smith proposed the Commission delay any action
relative to the tree walking tour brochure and letters to property owners until the report
had been reviewed by the City Council and approved. Commissioner Trejo provided
the second and the Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the motion as
Interim Library Director Pizzuto asked about any other current projects and Chair
Gutierrez replied that in addition to the existing plaques and tree walking tour, the
Commission had postponed any decision on whether or not to continue the third grade
art contest and had discussed purchasing more historical marker plaques.
Minutes of September 12, 2005
Chair Gutierrez asked who was going to be assigned as the staff liaison to the
Commission and Interim Library Director Pizzuto explained that the permanent
assignment of a staff liaison would not take place until after the new library director was
appointed. Although the appointment of a new director did not directly impact the staff
liaison, there were several things waiting for decisions and at this time the library is very
short-staffed She continued that the library is trying to provide support for this
Commission until the staffing shortage has been resolved.
Commissioner Christiansen asked for clarification on action items between now and the
next meeting. He will be contacting Geoff Armour for information on the tree survey
and Interim Library Director Pizzuto would be checking for information at work. He
asked couldn’t they agree on at least one project more, like El Salto.
The Commission did not support a motion for action.
The Commissioners then discussed several other buildings downtown that should
probably be identified as historical sites Chair Gutierrez suggested they needed a more
detailed walking tour map identifying what all the old buildings used to be in the
downtown area, and Commissioner Smith replied that she has all of that information
recorded since she has been a lifelong resident.
None present.
Commissioner Trejo announced that the Barrio Fiesta was yesterday and they had very
good attendance. County Supervisor Horn attended and presented the five
scholarships to students at the Village Academy. Supervisor Horn also toured the
Barrio Museum.
By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 721 p.m.
Respectfully p bmitted,
Cissie Sdxton
Administrative Secretary