HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-11-14; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesApproved:ITEM #2 MINUTES MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: November 14, 2005 TIME OF MEETING: 5:30 PM PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Chair Gutierrez called the meeting to order at 5:35 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Christiansen, Gutierrez, Ladouceur, Smith, and Trejo Absent: None Also Present Were: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Bobbie Hoder, Volunteer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Ladouceur moved the minutes be approved as submitted. Chair Gutierrez commented that he did not feel the minutes reflected the amount of time that was spent reviewing the Municipal Code, which established the responsibilities and duties of the Commission, that he feels are obsolete and no longer apply. He referred the Commissioners to the City of Carlsbad Historic Preservation webpage that contains a summary of the Commission duties and reflects changes in their mission from what is listed in the Municipal Code. There being no further comments, Commissioner Christiansen seconded the motion to approve the minutes as submitted and by proper vote the minutes of the meeting held September 12, 2005 were approved as presented. AGENDA DEVELOPMENT AND PROTOCOL: Library Director Pizzuto advised the commission that she had put this on the agenda as a discussion item because the previous meeting was conducted in a conversational manner making it extremely time-consuming to assemble the minutes to follow the published agenda. She asked that the meeting follow the agenda and finish all discussion on each item before moving ahead. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of November 14, 2005 Library Director Pizzuto also reminded the Commissionors that they had requested the agenda packet earlier than previous months and staff had complied. She suggested the downside of establishing the agenda and mailing the packet early is the occasion when a Commissioner wants to add something to the agenda but it has already been published. Chair Gutierrez responded that he preferred getting the packet earlier than seven days prior to the meeting and the other Commissioners concurred. Chair Gutierrez asked for the minutes to be separated from the agenda packet and mailed much earlier as a reminder of tasks assigned for completion by the next meeting. Commissioner Ladouceur suggested that the meeting agenda be routinely compiled two weeks prior to the meeting. In that way, both the Chair and any of the Commissioners who wished to add an item to the agenda would know they must notify the staff liaison for the Commission at least two weeks before the meeting date. Commissioner Ladouceur also suggested that each Commissioner take their own notes especially if they have action items or tasks they are responsible for completing during the period between the meetings. Chair Gutierrez offered to send email reminders to any Commissioners who have tasks or responsibilities for information for the next meeting. Library Director Pizzuto confirmed with the Commission that they would like to receive the packet two weeks prior to the meeting; in which case, three weeks prior to the meeting would be the deadline for requesting items for the agenda. STAFF REPORT ON CURRENT PROJECTS: Heritage Tree Survey - Library Director Pizzuto introduced Bobbie Hoder, a recently retired Planning Department manager and staff liaison to the Planning Commission for twenty years. Library Director Pizzuto explained that she had asked Ms. Hoder to assist with the assessment of the Heritage Tree Survey project and to help identify what next steps were needed. Ms. Hoder volunteered to assist with the project and Library Director Pizzuto asked her to inform the Commission of her findings. Ms Hoder explained that the survey report contains many typographical errors that would have to be corrected before the report could be presented to the City Council. She continued that this report is now several years old and therefore it would be necessary to determine if the trees identified are there, and if not, an addendum to the report would contain that information. She also pointed out that the report would need to be submitted to the Planning Department to determine if an Environmental Review would be required. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of November 14, 2005 Library Director Pizzuto added that staff has contacted the author, Mr. Wisniewski, and asked for a digital copy of the report and photographs to produce a clean document suitable for copying for the City Council. Ms. Hoder stated it would also be necessary to notify the private property tree owners that their tree is included in the report and provide them with a copy of the appropriate portion of the report before the report went to Council. Chair Gutierrez asked if a letter was necessary if the Commission did not move ahead with a walking tour and Library Director Pizzuto explained there would actually be two letters for the private property owners: one letter would advise that their tree was identified in the report; a separate letter would notify them of the Commission's intent to publish the information in a tour brochure. Ms. Hoder suggested the Commission consider holding a public meeting to discuss the report and invite all the owners of the private property trees to give them the opportunity to address the Commission with any concerns. Following that meeting the Commission would present the report to the City Council through an agenda bill, and the report would appear as a public hearing on the agenda providing another opportunity for the private property tree owners to comment on the report. Commissioner Ladouceur suggested the walking tour project be tabled until the report was finalized and presented to City Council. Commissioner Christiansen expressed concern over the number of trees identified in the draft walking tour that have been removed. He suggested the Commission send the previously drafted letter to the property owners immediately in an effort to save the remaining trees. Ms. Hoder responded that to send the letter now would be premature because the property owner would need access to the referenced report, and the report is not ready for release, even in draft form. Library Director Pizzuto emphasized the importance of proceeding with the project in an orderly manner to move it forward to completion and acceptance by the City Council. Commissioner Ladouceur suggested the City contract with Mark Wisniewski to prepare the addendum to the report and move forward in the process as recommended by Library Director Pizzuto and Ms. Hoder. There was no formal motion or vote on this item. Historic Marker Plaques - Gaus & Ramirez dwellings -Library Director Pizzuto referred the Commission to the written update report and provided a photo of a possible readymade monument on which to install the plaques. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 Minutes of November 14, 2Q05 The Commissioners discussed various plaques and methods of installation. Chair Gutierrez referenced the plaques in Julian and their various methods of installation. Commissioner Ladouceur commented that all the plaques should be uniform in size and that the installation should be somewhat uniform and consistent, and Chair Gutierrez suggested that the size should vary depending on its intended location. There was disagreement among the Commissioners as to whether or not the consistency in size, material and appearance was desirable and practical. Several of the Commissioners expressed support for the bronze plaques ordered in the past. Library Director Pizzuto suggested several ways to proceed, to include contacting the supplier of the readymade pedestal for an estimate and contacting the Julian Historical Society for information on their procedure and guidelines for placement of historical markers in that town. Commissioner Trejo will speak with her family again to see if they will construct the pedestal she originally had in mind when she agreed to the plaque for the Gaus house. Library Director Pizzuto asked if the Commission would like to set some standards for future plaques and Chair Gutierrez reiterated his suggestion that they determine the installation as well as the location before ordering a plaque. Several of the other Commissioners disagreed with his concept, stating they wanted a consistency that would be recognizable as a City of Carlsbad historical marker. After more discussion, Library Director Pizzuto offered to research the cost of various methods of installation and options in size for the Commission's review. Chair Gutierrez offered to email a list of existing plaques to the Commissioners. Self-guided tour- Library Director Pizzuto provided the quotes for the reprint of this brochure ranging from $2,400 to $2,700, depending on the number ordered. Chair Gutierrez suggested the Commission order a smaller quantity and the Commission agreed. By proper motion and vote the Commission voted to order a quantity with a cost not to exceed $2,000. Library Director Pizzuto offered to research other options for funding the printing in the future PLAQUES INSTALLATION: The Commission did not take any action on installation of the two remaining plaques based on the earlier discussion of on-going projects and possibilities to be researched. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 5 Minutes of November 14, 2005 CONGRESS OF HISTORY MEMBERSHIP: By proper motion and vote the Commission unanimously approved the membership expense for the Congress of History, requesting staff to take the necessary actions. DEVELOP PROJECTS LIST: Library Director Pizzuto suggested prioritizing the long list compiled by this Commission by identifying two immediate projects and three long-range projects using the multi- voting process. The resulting list would be provided to the Mayor as requested in his response to Chair Gutierrez's request for some direction for this Commission. The Mayor suggested the Commission provide a list of ideas they would like to pursue and any costs associated. Chair Gutierrez responded that his letter to the Mayor followed a telephone conversation he had with Marilyn Strong in the Council office in which he expressed his frustration in determining the responsibilities of this Commission. Chair Gutierrez interpreted the Mayor's response to imply that the Mayor and Council were looking for a list of projects recommended by this Commission as having historical significance and worthy of consideration for the City to undertake and fund. Chair Gutierrez continued that the list before the Commission contains several projects of this nature. Library Director Pizzuto referred the Commission to the last meeting at which one of the goals expressed was to look at all the options for spending their time and energy and identifying what, as the Commission, they would want to pursue; to develop a prioritized list of what they wanted to accomplish and in what order. She continued that perhaps there were two things they could accomplish by reviewing the list. Chair Gutierrez interjected his concern that the Commission was missing an opportunity to send forward a few items to the Mayor and Council for consideration as City projects but if they send forward a list of thirty or so they would get bogged down in the process. Commissioner Christiansen suggested each Commissioner choose his or her favorite project and then present their argument for support to the rest of the Commissioners, and to use that as a basis for prioritizing the list. Chair Gutierrez concurred and asked Commissioner Christiansen to present his choice. Commissioner Christiansen responded that he would like "preserving El Salto falls" to be one of the Commission's priority projects. Commissioner Christiansen described the location of the falls as near the quarry with portions of the falls in Oceanside and Carlsbad. He had discussed the preservation with the Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation and believes the State Fish and Game Commission may also be interested in preserving the area. He had a five-minute DVD about the falls that he offered to share with the Commissioners. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 6 Minutes of November 14, 2005 Commissioner Christiansen referenced a conversation he had with former Council Member Julie Nygaard about Carlsbad's Williamson Act funds (agricultural preserve funds) when she had suggested applying in January for a planning grant for this project. Library Director Pizzuto asked the Commissioner if he could define the scope of involvement for the Historic Preservation Commission in this project. Commissioner Christiansen suggested that although the project was only in the formative stages, he could see the Commission take the lead in bringing the different agencies together recognizing the opportunity to do something of long-term historic significance for the City. Library Director Pizzuto asked the Commissioner if he would have a clearer picture of this Commission's involvement after his meeting next week with the Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation. Commissioner Christiansen responded that he would have more information and a clearer scope of involvement after the Williamson Fund grants were awarded by the City Council sometime in January. Library Director Pizzuto asked Chair Gutierrez if he wanted to continue with the discussion by allowing the other Commissioners to champion their number one project and he responded that he would like to present his number one priority and then have each Commissioner do the same, moving then those favorites to the top five on the list to be prioritized at the next meeting. The development of the museum in the Magee House and Barn is his first choice for a Commission project, to include custom-made display cases and which he estimates could cost up to $30,000. He would also like to see more of Carlsbad's history emphasized on the City's webpage to include promoting the museum. Commissioner Ladouceur said that she supported continuing the programs and projects already undertaken by the Commission to include the continued identification and marking of historical locations (plaques) which serve to educate the Citizens on areas of historical importance. Chair Gutierrez added that the City needs one large explanatory plaque for the tourists so they can see the entire layout of the town in addition to individual plaques at various locations. Commissioner Ladouceur also expressed the importance of finishing the Heritage Tree report to City Council and continuing the Third Grade Art Contest. Commissioners Ladouceur, Smith and Trejo expressed dismay at a letter received from the Carlsbad Historical Society Board indicating they could not guarantee providing school tours of the Magee house and barn in 2006. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 7 Minutes of November 14, 2005 Commissioner Smith supported the continuation of installation of historic plaques, especially downtown, but also felt the El Salto falls project needed further investigation, as she was not sure how this Commission would get involved in the planning department process. Chair Gutierrez added that he liked her suggestion that they commission some historical murals around town, and suggested one for the side of Magee barn, funded by the City Council. Chair Gutierrez asked Commissioner Trejo if the roundabout for Walnut and Roosevelt was a new idea or something promised in the past? Commissioner Trejo responded that it was part of the Barrio plan but the plan was never adopted by the City Council. Chair Gutierrez asked if there was any way to put a historic spin on the project to carry it forward as a project for this Commission and Commissioner Trejo responded that she thought it would be a good traffic safety improvement. Bobbie Hoder, previous Planning Department employee, suggested that Commissioner Trejo take her suggestion to the Traffic Safety Commission for consideration as this type of request falls within their purview. Commissioner Smith suggested this Commission investigate the possibility of saving the old Grandpa Kelly house, currently located on the Rancho Carlsbad property. Library Director Pizzuto reviewed the "favorites list" established by the Commissioners at this meeting that totaled maybe eight or nine projects that could become the list to be prioritized by the Commission instead of the larger one. Chair Gutierrez proposed that any further discussion or action on prioritizing the list be tabled until the next meeting due to the lateness of the hour. Library Director Pizzuto suggested that Commissioner Christiansen provide additional information on the El Salto falls project before they took action on prioritizing the list.. She also offered to provide copies of the DVD for the Commissioners to view prior to the next meeting. Commissioner Christiansen asked if the Commission was limited as to the length of the meeting? Library Director Pizzuto responded that to her knowledge there is no set time period for this or any other Board or Commission meeting but that it appears there are two Commissioners who need to leave because of other commitments. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 8 Minutes of November 14, 2005 By proper motion and vote the Commission approved tabling the prioritizing of the potential projects list until the next meeting. Commissioner Ladouceur asked Library Director Pizzuto to please reorganize the list of potential projects so that those identified as "favorites" appeared at the top, and to email the revised list to the Commissioners prior to the next meeting. FUTURE CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY PROJECT REPORTS: Chair Gutierrez asked Library Director Pizzuto why this item was on the agenda?. Library Director Pizzuto responded that it was added to the agenda following a suggestion from the last meeting, as updates from the Carlsbad Historical Society had previously been a routine item on the agenda. Although Commissioner Smith volunteered to serve in this capacity, there was no formal decision. The Commissioners discussed the natural overlap between the two groups because so many of the Commissioners are also members of the Society. They also felt it was important to keep abreast of projects being undertaken by the Historical Society as well as the Friends of Carrillo Ranch group. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Library Director Pizzuto announced that the staff support for this Commission at this point would remain with the Library. That it was her recommendation as the new library director as she felt library staff could provide continuity and was prepared to support the Commission's activities. The library has invested a substantial amount of time to try to sort through what has transpired in the past and to get the projects back on track. Deputy Library Director Smithson will be the staff liaison upon her return from maternity leave next week. Library Director Pizzuto also pledged her continued involvement until such time as Deputy Library Director Smithson has returned to her regular work schedule and is brought current with Commission issues. Chair Gutierrez referenced the email message received from Commissioner Christiansen wherein he had advised Council Member Sigafoose would be attending tonight's meeting. Commissioner Christiansen responded that the Council Member called him earlier this afternoon to advise that she would not be able to attend after all. Chair Gutierrez asked if she would be attending the future meetings and Commissioner Christiansen responded that she had accepted his invitation for the sole purpose of viewing the DVD on El Salto, and he had no indication that she would attend future meetings. Chair Gutierrez responded that Council Member Kulchin had mentioned that Council Member Sigafoose was being assigned as a Council liaison to this Commission. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 9 Minutes of November 14, 2005 Several Commissioners offered their congratulations to Library Director Pizzuto for her promotion and thanked her and Bobbie Hoder for all their hard work in on the Heritage Tree Survey project. PUBLIC COMMENTS: NONE ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cissie Sexron Administrative Secretary Staff Report to the Commission November 14,2005 Meeting HERITAGE TREE SURVEY & WALKING TOUR* Original survey (report) and walking tour binders relocated to Library Administration Survey copied and forwarded to Parks Department, as requested, for accessibility of Parks and Recreation Commission Survey report proof-read with errors identified in preparation for creating a public document Letter to Mark Wisniewski requesting inventory report in electronic form for editing (to include photos). Research underway to identify and assemble all documents relating to the original project. (Necessary information in order to create time line of past action.) o Nextsteps . Create new time line for tasks identified as necessary and as yet incomplete . Once report received in electronic form, make corrections needed as identified by proofreader H Identify procedure for processing City documents and reports through Leadership Team and City Council *The Heritage Tree walking tour brochure should not move forward until the Heritage Tree Report has at least been presented to the Leadership Team, and probably the City Council. HISTORIC MARKER PLAQUES FOR GAUS AND RAMERIZ HOUSES P Contacted Mark Sainz who met with property owners and determined plaques could not be installed on existing posts (posts too narrow.) > Researched purchase of readymade pedestals P Met with property owner for apprwal of design of readymade pedestal o Nextsteps . Contact supplier for price and availability of readymade pedestal, to include delivery . Check with City regarding any permit requirements = Contact contractor to arrange for installation of plaques on pedestals “HISTORIC CARLSBAD, A SELF GUIDED TOUR” BROCHURE > Contacted the printer to locate digital file from the last printing of the brochure > Requested quotation for reprint order o Nextsteps . Commission to approve re-order number and expenditure