HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-01-30; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesApproved: , ,TCM »o^g-/3-2.00(0 I ITEM #2 MINUTES MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: January 30, 2006 TIME OF MEETING: 5:30 PM PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Chair Gutierrez called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Gutierrez, Ladouceur, Smith, and Trejo Absent: Commissioner Christiansen Also Present Were: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Library Director Pizzuto pointed out to the Commissioners that the audiotape of the last meeting reflected that Commissioner Smith had volunteered to report on Carlsbad Historical Society events and projects simply for informational purposes and the Commission had not decided whether to accept her offer. The Commissioners discussed the subject again and Commissioner Trejo proposed a minute motion to accept Commissioner Smith's offer to have her report as a routine item on the Commission's agenda. The motion was seconded and by unanimous vote, approved. The minutes of the November 14, 2005 meeting were then approved as amended by the minute motion above. STAFF REPORT ON CURRENT PROJECTS: Lib_rary Director Pizzuto announced that Deputy Library Director Smithson has returned from her leave of absence and will be re-assuming the responsibilities as staff liaison to this Commission, and Library Director Pizzuto would continue to be involved with the Commission at the Department Head level. Heritage Tree Survey - Library Director Pizzuto then reviewed the staff report attached to the agenda and advised the Commission that since the agenda packet was mailed, she had met with Mark Wisniewski who has agreed to provide the addendum needed to HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of January 30, 2006 bring the report up to date. He is also working directly with Bobbie Hoder on corrections to the original manuscript and hopes to be able to provide the Library with the file in electronic format. Commissioner Ladouceur suggested the Commission send a letter of thanks to Ms. Hoder for the volunteered time she has spent on this project. Library Director Pizzuto replied that she was pleased to do so, although it might be premature at this point since Ms. Hoder has agreed to continue to work on the project to see it to conclusion. Chair Gutierrez asked if Mr. Wisniewski was going to complete this work for free, and Library Director Pizzuto responded that Mr. Wisniewski expressed a desire to "finish" the project to his satisfaction for the contract already paid. They did discuss the possibility of additional work in the future and if that becomes necessary, the Library will assist the Commission in seeking some additional funding. Historic Marker Plaques for Gaus and Rameriz Houses - Commissioner Trejo presented the Commission with a drawing of the proposed pedestal for the installation of the plaque in her yard (Gaus house) and the Commission had no objections to this design. Library Director Pizzuto asked if she had spoken with her neighbor (Rameriz house) about a similar installation but Commissioner Trejo had not. "Historical Carlsbad. A Self Guided Tour" Brochure - Library Director Pizzuto reported that the brochure had been re-printed at a cost of under $2,000 in accordance with direction from the Commission. The Commission discussed locations for the 2,600 copies and determined that 300 of should be sent to the Convention and Visitors Bureau in the Depot, 300 to Magee House and 300 to Carrillo Ranch, and the remaining copies distributed between the Libraries. In addition to the three projects above, Library Director Pizzuto advised the Commission that she had spoken to the City Attorney, Ron Ball, who has offered to attend a Commission meeting to review the City Ordinance and web site descriptors of the roles and responsibilities of this Commission. He had suggested it might be helpful as the Commission prioritizes their proposed projects list in assessing how the projects align with their charge as a commission. Library Director Pizzuto also announced that three seats would become available on this Commission in April 2006; Commissioners Gutierrez, Christiansen and Trejo. Neither Commissioners Christiansen nor Trejo are eligible for reappointment. Chair Gutierrez suggested this Commission develop a list of potential candidates for the positions. Library Director Pizzuto responded that the Mayor would make the appointments to fill the vacancies from applications received by the City Clerk's office. She continued that while not appropriate for the Commission to identify and endorse new members, the Commissioners as individuals could encourage Carlsbad residents known to have an interest in the Commission to submit an application. Library Director HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of January 30, 2006 Pizzuto suggested the Commissioners contact the City Clerk's office for clarification on the process. The Commissioners discussed the offer from City Attorney Ron Ball and the best time for him to attend a meeting, especially with the expiring terms in April. Library Director Pizzuto suggested the Commission decide on a date and then she will pursue it with the City Attorney as his calendar is often filled well in advance. By proper motion and vote the Commissioners requested the City Attorney's presentation for their March 2006 meeting, based on his availability. PROJECT PRIORITIZING: Library Director Pizzuto referred the Commission to the list that has been a "work in progress" for the last three meetings. She suggested that they review the list and remove those suggestions that are clearly not within the Commission's purview and then establish a method of prioritizing the remaining suggestions either using a multi- voting process or some other agreed upon method. Commission Trejo announced she would need to leave the meeting at this time due to another commitment. The Commissioners then decided not to multi-vote but to concentrate on eliminating those suggestions clearly not appropriate for this Commission and bringing back the refined list for a vote when all the Commissioners were present. It was so moved, seconded and approved. THIRD GRADE ART CONTEST: Deputy Library Director Smithson reminded the Commissioners that last year the process for the contest was changed to make it easier for staff to handle the logistics and she was asking for direction from the Commission in this regard for this year. A spirited discussion followed about whether or not the Carlsbad Historical Society would conduct tours of Magee house and whether or not that was a requirement for the contest to be held. Commission Ladouceur moved to table the decision until the March Commission meeting so that all the Commissioners would be present to vote. — Deputy Library Director Smithson commented that if the Commissioners tabled a decision until their March meeting, there would probably not be sufficient time to conduct the contest to its conclusion before school ends this year. There was no second to the motion on the floor and it was therefore not considered. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 Minutes of January 30, 2006 Deputy Library Director Smithson asked if the Commission might consider canceling the contest for this year and address it again for next year. Commissioner Ladouceur said she would not support a motion to cancel the contest. The Chair recognized Ms. Kathy Tetalman, a resident of Carlsbad, who asked to address the Commission on this issue. Ms. Tetalman urged the Commission to continue the contest for a number of reasons. She pointed out that it was free publicity for the City and Commission and suggested they contact the local newspapers for a wider coverage of the awards event at Council. She also pointed out that the contest is a local tradition that gets the parents and children involved at a time when art in the public school is very limited. The Commission discussed the possibility of calling a special meeting in February to address this issue with all the Commissioners in attendance, but then rejected the idea. Chair Gutierrez asked Deputy Library Director Smithson to review the process for the contest again. He expressed concern over the demands on the Carlsbad Historical Society to conduct tours and referenced a letter received at the last meeting putting the Commission on notice that tours may not be available. He continued that he did not believe this contest could be successful without the Carlsbad Historical Society conducting the tours. His recommendation was to discontinue the contest, permanently. In addition to his opinion on the necessity of the Magee House tours, he further supported his position by pointing out the number of hours Carlsbad Historical Society President, Susan Gutierrez, spent last year in getting the information to the schools, collecting and displaying the art work and the rest of the process. Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that the time spent by Ms. Gutierrez was compensated as a library employee, acting as temporary liaison to this Commission. Ms. Smithson further explained that the process is the responsibility of the staff. Library Director Pizzuto explained that this item was on the agenda for the Commission to decide whether or not to conduct the contest this year following the method used last year, which meant the schools determined the winners and submitted only the winning art pieces. Commissioner Ladouceur moved to conduct the contest, using last year's method of judging. The motion was seconded, there was no further discussion and the motion was approved unanimously with Chair Gutierrez abstaining. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 5 Minutes of January 30, 2006 BUDGET: Library Director Pizzuto asked Chair Gutierrez to speak to this item on the agenda as he had asked that it be added for the meeting. Chair Gutierrez asked if there were any proposed changes for the next fiscal year and Library Director Pizzuto responded there were none. PUBLIC COMMENTS: See comments above relative to the Third Grade Art Contest. There were no others. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Administrative Secretary ITEM # 3 Staff Report to the Commission January 30, 2006 Meeting HERITAGE TREE SURVEY > Contacted Mark Wisniewski and arranged for electronic transmittal of original report and negatives of photographs. > Scheduled meeting with arborist Wisniewski and Bobbie Hoder to discuss Addendum to original report to identify any trees no longer standing. o Next steps • Once report received in electronic form, make corrections needed as identified by proofreader • Discuss scope of additional work • Establish schedule for completion and public review HISTORIC MARKER PLAQUES FOR GAUS AND RAMERIZ HOUSES > Discussed'new design with property owner of Gaus House > Identified additional provider of ready-made installation options o Next steps • Commission decision on standardized installation/pedestal look and location • Check with City regarding any permit requirements "HISTORIC CARLSBAD. A SELF GUIDED TOUR" BROCHURE > Ordered and received 2,600 copies at a total cost of $1,994.45 but subject to small discount. Final total unknown at this time.