HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-03-13; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesITEM #2 MINUTES MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: March 13, 2006 TIME OF MEETING: 5:30 PM PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Commissioner Ladouceur called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Christiansen, Ladouceur, Smith, and Trejo Absent: Commissioner Gutierrez Also Present Were: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the January 30, 2006 meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission were approved as submitted. STAFF REPORTS: Heritage Tree Survey - Library Director Pizzuto reviewed the notes contained in the agenda packet outlining the steps taken on the completion of the Heritage Tree Survey project. She reported that the Library has received the revisions to the original survey from Mr. Wisniewski who is now working on the revisions to the expanded survey area and hopes to have it completed by the end of this month. She added that still needed are the review by the Planning Department and revised maps. There is also the issue of the photographs contained in the original document as it contains a combination of original black and white and color photographs. Library Director Pizzuto said she had discussed the report and shared the current document with the City Manager for an advanced review. He was very interested in the work so far and talked about the next steps in terms of previewing the information with the City Council. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of March 13, 2006 Commissioner Christiansen asked if a letter had been sent to the property owners and if not, could Library Director Pizzuto give him an approximate time that they would be notified of the Heritage Tree on their property. Library Director Pizzuto responded that she would not be comfortable giving him a "not later than" date as some of the steps in the process are outside the Library's control, like the Planning Commission review for environmental impact and the Parks & Recreation Commission approval as the study relates to the Forest Management Plan. However, she said, the intent of these updates is to keep the Commission informed of the progress being made in preparing a document to go forward in the process without any unnecessary delays. Commissioner Christiansen asked why this project would require an environmental impact report (EIR) and Library Director Pizzuto explained that it is standard procedure for processing any document that has an impact on the community to be subjected to a review by the Planning Department to determine whether or not it requires an environmental impact report. She continued that it is our hope that this document will not require an EIR. Commissioner Ladouceur mentioned a large ficus tree recently removed from private property and wondered if it had been included in the original report. Library Director Pizzuto offered to check on that for her and remarked that the Commissioners would each receive a copy of the survey once the document was ready to print. Plaque installation - Deputy Library Director Smithson asked Commissioner Trejo to bring the Commission up to date on the status of the installation of the plaques at the Gaus and Rameriz houses. Commissioner Trejo said the construction of the pedestal for the installation at the Gaus house was under construction and she had not spoken to Mr. Carrion recently about the installation at the Ramirez property. Deputy Library Director Smithson asked if she would like for the staff to follow up with Mr. Carrion and Commissioner Trejo said she would check with him once more and Commissioner Ladouceur offered to accompany her to discuss the matter with Mr. Carrion. Historic Carlsbad: A Self Guided Tour Brochure- Deputy Library Director Smithson announced that the brochures arrived and had been distributed, with the majority of the inventory at the Cole and Dove Lane Libraries. Third Grade Art Contest - Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that the letters to the third grade teachers had been sent and the artwork is due by Thursday, May 25th and the presentation of awards by the City Council will follow at the June 6th meeting. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of March 13, 2006 She extended an invitation to all the Commissioners to take part in the events on June 6th, which will include the refreshments in the park following the awards presentation. As the Commission has one more meeting before the June date, she said final arrangements and an update will be given at the May meeting. Ordinance Review with the City Attorney - In order for City Attorney Ron Ball to attend a meeting of this Commission, it will be necessary to change the meeting date to a night other than Monday. Deputy Library Director Smithson reminded the Commission that they were divided as to whether they should wait until the new Commissioners were appointed or have City Attorney Ball attend a meeting as soon as it fit his schedule. Commissioner Smith responded that she thought it would be to their advantage to have the City Attorney come and speak to them in May if at all possible and a change in the date would not be a problem, as long as it wasn't a Thursday. Deputy Library Director Smithson suggested that we ask for a May date, possibly a Wednesday night, and have the Administrative Secretary notify the Commission once we have a date from the City Attorney. Commissioner Ladouceur suggested that if the City Attorney could not schedule a time in May then perhaps the Commission should wait until the vacant positions were filled so that the new Commissioners would also have the benefit of hearing the information. Commissioner Christiansen asked for clarification on the purpose of the presentation by the City Attorney and Library Director Pizzuto responded that at the last meeting, members of this Commission expressed an interest in having the City Attorney come and review the purview and responsibilities of the Commission as well as the ability to take on projects. At that time Library Director Pizzuto offered to invite the City Attorney to come to a meeting and review the ordinance, what the Commission is tasked with doing and talk about that in relation to the projects and priorities as contained in the goals priority list. Commissioner Ladouceur added that she believed Commissioner Gutierrez wanted the Commission to have a vision and developing a list of priorities was part of that and perhaps his thought was for the City Attorney to explain the Commission's legal boundaries. She reminded them that they had encountered some difficulties related to the Historic Tree Survey and letters to the private properties owners. In their interest to get things done, they had the "cart before the horse" on this project. Library Director Pizzuto added that this discussion about the City Attorney's involvement began in relation to the list of priorities (goals) and what falls within the area of responsibility of the Historic Preservation Commission. It was suggested that looking at the list in tandem with some advice would help to define areas that are clearly within the purview of the Commission versus things outside that purview. She HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 Minutes of March 13, 2006 continued that things identified as being outside the purview of the Commission would not prevent them as individuals from pursing them. Commissioner Ladouceur responded that she might be responsible for some of the confusion in that her list of priorities contained many ideas that were Carlsbad Historical Society business and not the Commission's and perhaps confused the issue. Deputy Library Director Smithson asked for a decision from the Commissioners on a day of the week for the meeting with the City Attorney. The Commissioners were reluctant to make a decision since two of those attending (Christiansen and Trejo) both have expiring appointments next month, and Commissioner Gutierrez (whose term is also expiring but he could be reappointed) was absent. Commissioner Trejo asked when the new Commissioners would be appointed and Library Director Pizzuto responded that it was at the discretion of the Mayor and many factors are involved including the number of applications on file, the number of Board and Commission vacancies and the amount of time he and the Council have to devote to interviewing the candidates. PROJECT LIST REVIEW; Commissioner Ladouceur suggested that on the list under her name were lots of projects that fall within the category of "Education and Outreach" and can be combined and condensed into one. Commissioner Smith commented that she had reviewed the latest version of the list and marked through those which she felt did not fall within the responsibilities of the Commission but rather were more the business of the Carlsbad Historical Society. Commissioner Ladouceur listed her three top priorities for the year as the Historic Plaques, Heritage Tree project and the preservation of El Salto Falls. Commissioner Smith asked about the appropriateness of the El Salto Falls project as the property is in Oceanside, not Carlsbad. Commissioner Christiansen responded that it was his understanding that the falls are partially in Oceanside and partially in Carlsbad. He added that Oceanside is currently the lead agency in pursing the reclamation of the site, and there is expressed interest from Council Members from both Cities to use the site as a nexus point for the existing Carlsbad Trail System and Oceanside's proposed system. He continued that opinions vary on the extent of preservation of the site with some wanting to retain it in its natural state, as a unique natural resource, while others want to HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 5 Minutes of March 13, 2006 develop it as much as possible. The same development company that built the shopping center in Oceanside, Quarry Creek Shopping Center, has the option to purchase the quarry land on the Carlsbad side. Their plan is to raise the grade by twenty feet which in effect shortens the falls by twenty feet, so they can get more square footage of development on the site. Commissioner Christiansen felt this was not an acceptable preservation of the site. Commissioner Ladouceur asked what Commissioner Christiansen saw as this Commission's role in support of the preservation of the falls and he responded that a letter to the City Council from the Commission advising them that this is a unique natural resource and worthy of preservation. He added that the matter is time-sensitive, and probably the most time-sensitive item on the list. Commissioner Smith suggested finding out if Oceanside has an Historical Preservation Commission and join forces on this project. The Marron adobe is in Oceanside and located in the same area. Commissioner Trejo also expressed support for the preservation of the El Salto Falls. The Commissioners watched the DVD on El Salto which had been distributed earlier and Commissioner Christiansen added that the site is a Native American sacred site, possibly the oldest agricultural land in North County, and the falls are closer to the beach than any other in the state. He urged the Commission to support this high-profile project. Commissioner Ladouceur suggested the Commissioners go through the list in an effort to finalize their priorities and possibly eliminate some, and then move forward on the El Salto project if everyone is in agreement. Both Commissioners Ladouceur and Smith commented that the Third Grade Art Contest needs to continue on the list as a priority. Commissioner Smith also supported the Historical Plaques project and asked if there was a list of all the plaques previously installed and Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that she would check the files to see if there is a single document containing that information. Commissioner Trejo identified her preferences for priority projects as first the El Salto Falls project followed by the Third Grade Art Contest and the school tours. Commissioner Smith asked to remove the murals from consideration and stated her she supported an annual workshop for the Commission to help them develop a general plan of action for each year. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 6 Minutes of March 13, 2006 Commissioner Ladouceur reiterated the priorities as she understood them from the discussion as follows, not in any order: Historical Plaques El Salto Falls Heritage Tree Project Third Grade Art Contest - Annual Event Commissioners' Workshop - Annual Event In addition to those priorities restated, she suggested that they discuss the Magee Barn and Museum project as it was suggested by Commissioner Gutierrez as his priority project for the Commission and he was not present at this meeting. She expressed her concern over the project as being more appropriate for the Carlsbad Historical Society who would need to come up with the $30,000 estimated budget. Both Commissioners Smith and Trejo agreed with her position but Commissioner Christiansen suggested it was an opportunity for the Commission and the Historical Society to cooperate on a project. Commissioner Smith responded that the City has already replaced the roof on the barn and provided a new foundation slab and security system. There was some discussion over whether as generalized statement about working in cooperation with the Carlsbad Historical Society should be added to the list but the idea was rejected, on the basis that the Commissioners were also members of the Historical Society, as individuals. Commissioner Ladouceur also mentioned the suggestion to increase the history content on the City's webpage and Commissioner Smith responded that the City's web site has a link to the Carlsbad Historical Society web site and that should be sufficient, as the Society's web site is a more logical place for historical information. There was a discussion about the suggestion for a high school history club that could generate docents for the Magee House and therefore tour guides for the Third Grade classes in conjunction with the art contest but generally agreed that this was more likely a Historical Society item. The Commissioners agreed on the five topics previously restated and chose to prioritize those five projects and affix some immediate action to some. The first priority was identified as the El Salto Falls and Commissioner Christiansen volunteered to contact the City of Oceanside to see what direction they were taking towards the preservation of the site and what agencies were involved. In addition, staff will prepare a letter from this Commission to the Carlsbad City Council recommending the preservation of the site as a high priority. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 7 Minutes of March 13, 2006 The next three were the continuation of projects already in process: the Heritage Tree report, the annual Third Grade Art Contest and the identification and installation of historic marker plaques. The final priority project was the suggestion for an annual Commissioner workshop for training and goal setting for the year. Having reached consensus on identifying the top five projects, Commissioner Ladouceur asked if the Commissioners would like to prioritize everything else on the list and Commissioner Smith suggested removing the remainder of the brainstorming ideas for projects for this year. Library Director Pizzuto suggested that the Commission clarify the projects to identify the final product or outcome desired. Commissioner Christiansen offered to contact the City of Oceanside, and Commissioner Smith would contact the Oceanside Historic Preservation Commission in an effort to clarify the involvement of this Commission with the preservation of El Salto falls, and Commissioner Christiansen would draft the letter to the City Council. Commissioner Christiansen moved to adopt the five projects as the Commission's priorities for this year and with Commissioner Smith providing the second, the motion carried unanimously. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY REPORT: Commissioner Smith reported that the City had brought in replacement cabinets for remodel of the Magee House kitchen but they were not installed as they were not "authentic" to the period. She also commented that she was advised she should not attend the Society Board meetings but they would let her know if there was anything significant to report to this Commission. Other information she shared was the financial success of the teas hosted at the museum, the hiring of a new decent and subsequent extended tours. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Commissioner Christiansen reported that on Saturday, March 18th, at 11:30am, the last two cars of the Coaster will be the "Peace Train" to the Santa Fe Depot in San Diego where the riders will join with others and march to Balboa Park for an demonstration against the United States involvement in Iraq. Commissioner Ladouceur thanked outgoing Commissioners Trejo and Christiansen for their eight years of service on this Commission. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 8 Minutes of March 13, 2006 PUBLIC COMMENT: None ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 7:02 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM # 3 Staff Report to the Commission March 13, 2006 Meeting HERITAGE TREE SURVEY > Received revisions to original survey from Mark Wisniewski. > Identified additional changes necessary to prepare document for processing through Planning Department to determine need for environmental impact report o Next steps • Locate photos from History Room Collection for improved imaging • Revise maps based on revisions to original survey . fc-'S. HISTORIC MARKER PLAQUES FOR GAUS AND RAMERIZ HOUSES •'•' ^"' > Discussed timeline for construction & installation for Gaus House > Discussed possibility of similar construction & installation for Rameriz property o Next steps • Receive and pay invoices for installation(s) "HISTORIC CARLSBAD. A SELF GUIDED TOUR" BROCHURE > Brochures have been distributed as directed by the commission to the Cole Library, Dove Library, Convention and Visitors' Bureau, and Carrillo Ranch. In addition, brochures from the Cole Library allotment were sent to 3rd grade teachers as a resource for their art projects. THIRD GRADE ART CONTEST > Letters are being distributed to 3rd grade teachers. Winning artwork from each school is to be turned in to the Cole Library by Thursday, May 25, and the winners will be presented to City Council at their meeting on June 6, 2006. ORDINANCE REVIEW WITH CITY ATTORNEY. RON BALL > Mr. Ball has Council Briefings on Mondays and is unable to confirm any time before 7:00 p.m. To schedule a discussion, we would need to change a meeting of the Commission to another day to accommodate Mr. Ball's schedule. o Next steps • Commission approval to change the May or July meeting time to accommodate a presentation from Mr. Ball.