HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-03-12; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesITEM #2 MINUTES MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: March 12, 2007 TIME OF MEETING: 5:30 PM PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Chair Ladouceur called the meeting to order at 5:36 PM. ROLL CALL: Present' Commissioners Christiansen, Daly, Ladouceur and Smith Absent: Commissioner Hinman Also Present: Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes were approved with one typographical correction. STAFF REPORTS: Heritage Tree Survey- Deputy Library Director Smithson produced the final copy of the report prepared now in electronic format. The layout included spaces for the photographs, which will be scanned and saved in electronic format as well to prepare the document for printing. Once the photos are merged, Mr. Wisniewski will review the document to confirm it duplicates his original submission The document will need to go to the Planning Department for an environmental review. Chair Ladouceur asked if that meant the Commission could move forward on the walking tour brochures and Commissioner Christiansen asked about the letters to the property owners whose trees are listed in the report and subsequently will be listed on the tours. Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that the process as she understood it requires a final document that can be duplicated and available for public review before we can notice the property owners. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of March 12, 2007 Ramirez Plaque - Deputy Library Director Smithson sent a letter to Mr. Carreon requesting that he contact her about having the plaque installed. Commissioner Smith has spoken to Mr. Carreon on the telephone and believes he has decided that he wants the plaque mounted on the stucco wall at the property boundary. Commissioner Smith will contact him again to try to expedite the installation. South Coast Land Company Plaque - The plaque has been ordered and should arrive within the next thirty days. In the meantime, a location for the installation needs to be discussed with Mr. Garcia at the barber shop. Proposed Ordinance revision - The revisions recommended by the Commission for qualifications for appointees are ready to forward to the City Attorney's office Also of concern is the reference to the creation and update of the Historic Index and Library Director Pizzuto has offered to address the matter with the Assistant City Manager and ask for guidance on how,to best proceed. Planning Commission liaison - Deputy Library Director Smithson advised that if this Commission wants a Planning Commissioner to attend these meetings as a liaison as set forth In the Municipal Code, she will need to appear before the Commission and make a formal request. Commissioner Smith said that she had been advised that the Planning Commissioners refused to fill that vacancy because the Commission as a whole felt there was no correlation between the two. Commissioner Ladouceur commented that she thought it was important for this Commission to know what development was taking place that might impact historical sites. She added that if the Planning Commission felt they did not have time to attend the Historic Preservation Commission meetings, then perhaps they could notify this commission when any property with historic value might be involved. Commissioner Smith commented that current Planning Commissioners may not know about the historical significance of some property like the Robertson Ranch development. That property was part of the original Kelly Ranch which was part of the old Agua Hedionda Land Grant and the old Kelly house is scheduled to be destroyed to make way for the new development as is the old windmill. Commissioner Daly suggested that having a Planning Commissioner as liaison to this Commission could not have prevented the development of the property which was privately owned and sold unless the planned use violated the zoning or code. The Commission discussed whether there was any value in identifying in advance property of historical significance being considered for development or if the City could require the property owner to allow the City to purchase the property to preserve it. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of March 12, 2007 Although Deputy Library Director Smithson offered to prepare a presentation for the Planning Commission in support of a liaison, the Commissioners agreed that ai; they really need is a "heads up" from the Commission when there are plans involving historically significant structures or property. The Commissioners also discussed attending the Planning Commission meetings as an alternative and identify historically significant properties in danger. Inventory of existing markers - Deputy Library Director Smithson distributed the list of existing historical markers as prepared by the Reference Librarian at the Cole from minutes of previous meetings. She asked the Commissioners to review the list and to identify any that they know are missing from this list. Commissioner Smith identified several locations that she was sure have markers and she will visit the sites and report back to the Commission on markers at the Granary, Heritage Hall, the Gazebo, the Depot and Neiman's. The Commissioners asked for the list of potential plaques to be placed on the next agenda for review and decision. CONGRESS OF HISTORY MEMBERSHIP: The Commission voted unanimously to approve renewal of the membership for another year by proper motion. THIRD GRADE ART CONTEST: Deputy Library Director Smithson advised that the City Council meeting for June 5th has been canceled and was the date for the presentation of awards for this year's contest. In working with the Council office, the only available dates were May 15 or June 19th, which is five days after the last day of school. The Commission agreed on the June 19th date. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY UPDATE: Commissioner Smith reported that the third grade classes were making reservations for the tours of Magee House on Mondays and Wednesdays. The Society is again scheduling the teas at Magee House and several members visited the Ranch House and Chapel at Camp Pendleton. The old outhouse has been removed by City facilities for repairs HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 Minutes of March 12, 2007 COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Commissioner Christiansen announced that the Carlsbad Open Space Committee will be making a presentation to the City Council tomorrow night and he will be speaking as a private citizen. He mentioned that at the last Commission meeting, Commissioner Hinman offered to represent the Commission at the meeting and review the letter previously sent to the Council in support of the preservation of the falls. As Commission Hinman has the flu and is absent from this meeting, Commissioner Ladouceur offered to fill in for her if she was not able to attend tomorrow. PUBLIC COMMENTS: NONE ADJOURNMENT: By proper mo^n, the meeting was adjourned at 6:41 p.m Cissie Se/ton Administrative Secretary