HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-05-14; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesApproved: I ITPMā€¢7. <-' 11 tM MINUTES MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: May 14, 2007 TIME OF MEETING: 5:30 PM PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Commissioner Hinman called the meeting to order at 5:32 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Christiansen, Daly, and Hinman Absent: Commissioners Ladouceur & Smith Also Present: Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the March 12, 2007 meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission were approved as submitted. Staff Reports: Heritage Tree Survey - Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that the Planning Department reviewed the survey and determined that the project is "consistent with the Community Forest Management Plan for which a mitigated negative declaration was previously adopted." Mr. Wisniewski's has reviewed the electronic version and approved the content. The next step is to get the survey on the agenda for a Parks & Recreation Commission meeting and notice a public meeting. Commissioner Christiansen asked if there was a tentative date for the meeting with Parks & Recreation and the letters to the property owners of trees identified on private property. Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that we did not have a date yet and that we would need to have copies printed before we can move forward. Ramirez Plaque and South Coast Land plaque - Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that the South Coast Land Company plaque finally arrived but she has not spoken with Mr. Garcia about installing the plaque. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of May 14, 2007 Commissioner Hinman volunteered to contact Mr. Garcia to determine when and where he would like it installed. Deputy Library Director Smithson still has not heard from Mr. Carreon in response to her letter and the installation of the plaque at the Ramirez house. Commissioner Smith was going to try to contact him to check on the status. The Commission discussed hosting an annual event to highlight the plaques installed during the past year. Proposed Ordinance revision - Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that the Library Director will take it to the Assistant City Manager before it is submitted to the City Attorney's office. THIRD GRADE ART CONTEST & AWARDS: Deputy Library Director Smithson reminded the Commission that the awards presentation had to be moved out to June 19th and the schools have been notified of the change. The art is due at the Cole Library by Friday, May 18th. She asked for the Commissioners to be present to assist with the awards and attend the cookies and punch reception afterwards. REMAINING PLAQUES FOR FY06-07: The Commissioners reviewed the list established in January of last year and prioritizing the sites for future plaques. Commissioner Christiansen commented that he would like to see a plaque for the Barrio Museum moved to the top of the list as the next site for a plaque. There was also discussion of the Red Apple Inn and the Army Navy Academy and whether it was one or two plaques. By proper motion, stipulating that if the monies were available in the budget, the Commissioners voted unanimously to purchase plaques for the Barrio Museum and the Red Apple Inn. There was some discussion of the accuracy of the text in the walking tour brochure and Commissioner Hinman volunteered to confirm with Connie Trejo and Offie Escobido for the Barrio Museum. The text for the Red Apple Inn will duplicate that contained in the brochure. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of May 14, 2007 PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO THE VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: Deputy Library Director Smithson informed the Commissioners present that Commissioners Ladouceur and Smith had asked that this be placed on the agenda and have expressed concerns over some of the proposed changes. Debbie Fountain, Director of the Housing & Redevelopment, has offered to attend this Commission's July meeting to discuss the proposals. The Commissioners were enthusiastic about the offer and Deputy Library Director Smithson gave them the website address and links containing more information and some of the presentations that were made to the public, should they want some background prior to the July meeting. Commissioner Christiansen commented that he attended one of the presentations and has issue with an "urban village" concept. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY UPDATES: Commissioner Smith was not present to report. There was some discussion of the email recently received and information concerning the gazebo at Holiday Park and possible sale of the Carlsbad Theatre. Commissioner Hinman commented that Historical Society President Susan Gutierrez was asking this commission to send a letter to the City Council identifying both structures as being of historical significance. Deputy Library Director Smithson suggested that if this Commission wanted to take action on a letter to the City Council, it item would need to be on the published agenda, and it would be very timely to have it on the same agenda as the presentation from Director Fountain. COMMISSION COMMENTS: None. Deputy Library Director Smithson distributed copies of the Congress of History newsletter, Adelante. PUBLIC COMMENTS: NONE ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 6:16 p.m. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM # 5 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Recommendations for Future Plaques 1. South Coast Land Company/Garcia's Barbershop (2956 State St.) 2. Red Apple Inn/Army Navy Academy (2585 Carlsbad Boulevard) 3. Barrio Museum (3304 Roosevelt St.) 4. Cohn House/Fidel's Norte (3003 Carlsbad Boulevard) 5. Gage House/Monterey Condominiums (3080 Lincoln) 6. Los Diego Hotel/Caldo Pomodoro Restaurant (2907 State St.) 7. Killian Building (2900 State St.) 8. Mission Santiago (3329 Roosevelt) 9. Fire Station/CA State Forestry Station (Carlsbad Blvd) Prioritized by the Commissioners at the January 10, 2005 Regular Meeting - #1 received 4 votes, #2 received 3 votes, #3 received 2 votes and #s 4-7 received 1 vote each the remaining 2 did not receive any.