HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-11-05; Historic Preservation Commission; Minutes#2 MINUTES MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: November 5, 2007 TIME OF MEETING: 5:30 PM PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Chair Ladouceur called the meeting to order at 5:31 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Christiansen, Daly, Hinman, Ladouceur & Smith Absent: None Also Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the September 10, 2007 meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission were approved as submitted. HERITAGE TREE REPORT: Commissioner Hinman asked if the owners of Heritage Trees (those on private property) would be provided with a copy of the section devoted to the care of the trees and Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that she believed the private property owners would have access to the entire report, on line. The Commissioners discussed the report and its recommendations as well as the letter to property owners and impacts memo. Both Commissioners Ladouceur and Hinman commented on the style in which Mr. Wisniewski presented the scientific information in that it has a personal story feel with all the historical information and made it more enjoyable to read. Commissioner Christiansen expressed concern at the number of trees that have been removed since the original report was created as well as the evidence of improper tree trimming. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of November 5, 2007 Kristin Kirwan, 1475 Pine Avenue, asked if the Heritage Tree Report addresses the impact of the trees on property value adding that the presence of the trees in Carlsbad influenced their recent purchase of a home here. She also offered her services pro bono for the design of a walking tour brochure. There being no further public comment, by proper motion and vote the Commission accepted the final report and approved its moving forward to the Parks & Recreation Commission for approval and presentation to the City Council. Chair Ladouceur asked about next steps and Library Director Pizzuto responded that the report will be submitted for an agenda item to the Parks & Recreation Commission for their November 19th meeting, but its inclusion depended on the number of items already submitted for that meeting. Chair Ladouceur asked if the Commissioners needed to also attend and Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that both she and Kyle Lancaster, Public Works Superintendent, Parks Division, would make the presentation and Mark Wisniewski would be there to answer any questions. Deputy Library Director Smithson added that if adopted by the City Council, the Heritage Tree Report would become a part of the Community Forest Management Plan. ORDINANCE REVISION: Deputy Library Director Smithson distributed a copy of the response from the City Attorney's office regarding the request for a change in language in the current ordinance with regard to requirements for appointment to this Commission. This Commission would like to remove the requirement for one member to have been a resident for a specific number of years and substitute "long-term" resident instead. The City Attorney's office would prefer a specific number of year's residency but not necessarily the 30-year current requirement. After some discussion the Commissioners agreed that they preferred the "long-term" specification and moved to approve the revision to the ordinance as previously presented. By proper vote the revision was approved unanimously. STAFF REPORTS: Plaque installations - Deputy Library Director Smithson asked for a motion to approve the $180 for the installation of the plaque at the South Coast Land Company building. By proper motion and vote the Commission approved the expense. Red Apple Inn plaque - Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that the plaque has been ordered and should be forthcoming. There were some issues with the fax machine at the Cole Library which resulted in a delay in the company receiving the approval for the final copy. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of November 5, 2007 Ramirez Plaque - Deputy Library Director Smithson reported no action on this item and Commissioners Smith and Ladouceur promised to contact Mr. Carreon within the next couple of weeks to see if the installation could be expedited. Barrio Museum - Deputy Library Director Smithson reminded the Commission that upon further discussion, they decided at a previous meeting to identify the intersection as significant in the Barrio, and attach the plaque to the Museum building; however, the project was put on hold until the Commission had developed a criteria for the historic marker program. Commissioner Hinman is working on the draft content for this plaque based on input from the Commissioners and Deputy Library Director Smithson asked her to forward the draft to the Library to be included in the agenda for the January meeting. Chair Ladouceur suggested trying to coordinate the installation of the Ramirez house, Red Apple Inn and the Barrio Museum plaques. HISTORIC MARKER PLAQUE PROGRAM: Chair Ladouceur referred to the material provided in the September meeting packet and commented that the purpose, though not formally stated anywhere, was to establish the property's historic significance and create an educational tool. The Commission examined the several examples of existing marker programs throughout the country, extracting some of the consistent language and criteria as being appropriate for this Commission's program. Both Commissioners Christiansen and Smith suggested one criterion would be the "first" building or site within the City, such as the first post office or first school, etc. Commissioner Hinman suggested another criterion would be a place or structure that was "significant in the collective memory", such as Ground Zero in New York City. The Commissioners requested staff collect these notes and create a draft document for them to work with further in the development of the definition and purpose of their program. PROPERTIES OF CONCERN: El Salto Falls - Commissioner Christiansen distributed the second draft of a letter he had sent to the Commissioners earlier, written on behalf of the Carlsbad Historical Society to the State Housing Commission with the regard to the development of the El Salto Falls area and quoting a portion of this Commission's letter to the City Council several months ago. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 Minutes of November 5, 2007 Gazebo in Rotary Park - Deputy Library Director Smithson advised that this item had been on the City Council agenda for the meeting on October 23rd, which was canceled due to the Fire Storm. She acknowledged that this Commission had voted at a previous meeting to remove the gazebo from their list of concerns and she was providing this as an informational item only. Buena Vista Creek area - Commissioner Christiansen announced that the Imagine Carlsbad group would be meeting at the Carlsbad Senior Center on November 26th The group has invited a representative from McMillan Development, who has the option to purchase this property, to speak with regard to the plans for development of the area. Commissioner Daly asked how the site could be developed if it is already a registered Native American sacred site. Commissioner Christiansen offered the development and building of the Quarry Shopping Center as an example of development not ON the site but adjacent. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY UPDATES: Commissioner Smith reported that the Historical Society has several new displays in the Magee House relative to the 50th Anniversary of Carlsbad High School. COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS: Commissioner Ladouceur announced the Fall Days at Carrillo Ranch sponsored by the City Recreation Department. Commissioner Christiansen had several announcements: • On November 26th at 5:30 there will be a speaker at the Carlsbad Sr. Center to talk about the San Diego County pilot solar hot water heating program & rebates. • On Saturday, from 10AM to 3:00 PM there is a solar home tour with a number of homes in North San Diego County. • On November 15th at 7AM a bus will be leaving the Chamber of Commerce to provide transportation to anyone interested in attending the hearing at the Coastal Commission with regard to the desalination plant here in Carlsbad. Deputy Library Director Smithson distributed copies of the photos from the Third Grade Art Contest Awards presentation. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Kristine Kirwan, 1475 Pine Avenue, asked if the City of Carlsbad has adopted or been approached to adopt the Mills Act for historical homes? She explained that the Mills Act is a program that each City must first adopt, in which any homes designated as HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 5 Minutes of November 5, 2007 having historical significance, the property owner enters into a ten-year contract preventing any change in the footprint of the home for which they receive a 40% to 60% reduction in their property taxes. She added that San Diego City, Chula Vista and Coronado currently participate. Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that the Mills Act would fall under the purview of the Planning Department and possibly the Planning Commission and that to date the City Council has chosen not to designate specific historical properties. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, themeeting was adjourned at 7:06 p.m. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary