HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-01-14; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesApproved:3-to - MINUTES MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: January 14, 2008 TIME OF MEETING: 5:30 PM PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Chair Ladouceur called the meeting to order at 5:35 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Christiansen, Daly, Hinman, Ladouceur & Smith Absent: None\a. Also Present: Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the November 5, 2007 meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission were approved as submitted. HERITAGE TREE REPORT: The Commissioners commented on the recent newspaper article about the Heritage Tree survey moving forward through the Parks and Recreation Commission. Commissioner Hinman asked if the large "sausage" tree in the back yard of the Kreutzkamp House at 624 Laguna Drive was included in the first phase report on Heritage Trees. She had looked at the report and did not find the address listed as one of the tree sites. Commissioner Smith checked the map of the survey/report area and pointed out that Phase I stopped at Laguna and did not include any properties on the north side of the street with the exception of Maxton Brown Park. The Commission asked staff to check and see if the tree was included in Phase II of the report. Deputy Library Director Smithson shared a copy of the letter which was sent on November 6th, to all property owners who had trees listed in the report. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of January 14, 2008 ^^^^ Commissioner Christiansen asked if there has been any feedback as a result of the letters and was told that the Library had not received any calls nor had anyone come into either location to review the copy of the report. Deputy Library Director Smithson added that following the press release in December, there are now more copies of the report available for public review as well as access on the web page. During the month of December there were 204 page views of the tree survey on line. The tentative date for the report to go to City Council is sometime in February and Deputy Library Director Smithson will advise the Commissioners once there is a firm date. ORDINANCE REVISION: Deputy Library Director Smithson reported she has no update on the status as that the Deputy City Attorney is currently out on medical leave. "DRAWING ON CARLSBAD'S PAST" 3RD GRADE ART PROGRAM: Deputy Library Director Smithson reported she had spoken with the City Council Secretary asking for possible dates for the presentation of awards and was given two choices, May 20 or June 17th. She reminded the Commission that last year the awards ceremony was the Tuesday after school was out for summer recess and only one student was unable to attend. There was some discussion about which date would be best and Commissioner Smith offered to contact the Lead 3rd Grade Teacher and see which date the teachers would prefer. STAFF REPORTS: Plaque Installations - Commissioners Ladouceur and Smith reported having spoken with Mrs. Carreon about the installation of the plaque at the Ramirez House. She reported that Mr. Carreon is installing the plaque himself and hopes to have it done by the end of next week. South Coast Land Office - The Commission approved the installation by Mark Sainz and the location has already been determined by Mr. Garcia. Red Apple Inn - Mark Sainz has agreed to install this plaque once it is received. "Center of the Barrio" - Commissioner Hinman is working on the text for this plaque to be located on the Barrio Museum building but recognizing the intersection as the center of the Barrio. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of January 14, 2008 There was some discussion about holding a celebration of some sort highlighting the newest four plaques, possibly in the summer. VOLUNTARY HISTORIC MARKER PLAQUE PROGRAM CRITERIA: The Commission reviewed the draft of the proposed plaque program crafted from their discussion at the last meeting and approved the Program Goals & Objectives, Program Form and Program Criteria. They discussed at length the desired process for identifying sites and the obtaining permission to install the plaques. Also discussed was the establishment of some conditions/agreements and responsibilities which do not currently exist. The criteria will be updated to include the current discussion and the next steps developed. There was some discussion about the annual budget for the Commission provided in the Library's departmental budget and whether it is sufficient to continue to support the Third Grade Art Contest, the plaques and installation costs, and any future printing of brochures for the walking tour, etc. The Commission requested a report on the last five years actual expenditures for the March meeting. PROPERTIES OF CONCERN: Commissioner Ladouceur reported that there are some buildings being demolished at the Army & Navy Academy to make way for more dormitories. Commissioner Hinman reported that the current resident of the Kreutzkamp house is the end of the line, has no heirs, and the property should be considered for a historical plaque. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY ACTIVITIES: Commissioner Smith reported they received a request from an Oceanside School for a tour of Magee House for next week and the Society is preparing for the Carlsbad High School 50 Reunion celebration which will include a convoy from Oceanside to Carlsbad, with activities and booths in Magee Park. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Commissioner Ladouceur suggested that the Commission provide each school a copy of the Heritage Tree Report or at least a letter to the schools to let them know this report is available in the Libraries and could be included as subject matter for the Third Grade Art Contest. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 Minutes of January 14, 2008 PUBLIC COMMENTS: None ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 7:12 p.m. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary