HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-03-10; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesApproved: | ITEM #2 MINUTES MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: March 10, 2008 TIME OF MEETING: 5:30 PM PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Chair Ladouceur called the meeting to order at 5:31 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Diaz, Hinman, Ladouceur & Smith Absent: Commissioners Christiansen and Daly Also Present: Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the January 14, 2008 meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission were approved as submitted. WELCOME NEW COMMISSIONER: Deputy Library Director Smithson welcomed newly appointed Commissioner Raul Diaz and asked him to share information about himself and his interest in the Commission. STAFF REPORTS: Plaques and installations - The Ramirez House plaque should be installed by the end of the month. The pedestal base has been constructed, similar to the one in at the Gaus House. Mr. Ramirez is doing the installation himself. The plaque for the Red Apple Inn has not been received but when it arrives it will be installed by Mark Sainz. The plaque at the South Coast Land office has not been installed yet but Mark Sainz has agreed to do it and has spoken with Mr. Garcia about placement. Deputy Library Director Smithson suggested having both plaques installed about the same time and planning an event during Historic Preservation Week to recognize out- going Commissioners as well as the new historic plaques. City Council routinely issues HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of January 14, 2008 a proclamation for Historic Preservation Week in conjunction with the Third Grade Art Contest awards recognition. Commissioner Hinman provided the draft of the text for the plaque to be installed at the Barrio Museum identifying the "Heart of the Barrio" intersection. There was some discussion about the installation and several Commissioners supported the idea of a pedestal similar to the Guas and Rameriz houses. By proper motion and vote, the Commission approved the text for the plaque and suggested including a photo of the intersection if available in the Library's History Room archives. Deputy Library Director Smithson will ask the Reference Division at Cole to research the photo. Heritage Tree Survey - Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that she had not heard back from Mr. Wisniewski as to whether the sausage tree at the Kreutzcamp house is included in Phase II of the survey. As for the Phase I presentation to the City Council, there is still no scheduled date for the Parks Department to take it forward. There are some issues with the sewer laterals and tree roots and Public Works would like those resolved before presenting the Heritage Tree Survey to Council. Deputy Library Director Smithson also also reported that in February two of the trees identified in the report for designation as Heritage Trees were removed for safety reasons. These trees were located in the rear of the Packard Dental building and after one fell on a parked vehicle and caused damaged to the adjacent tree, the City assessed the situation and found it necessary to remove them both. The Heritage Tree Report was posted on the City's webpage on the Internet and in December there were 204 page views and in February there were 72, indicating there is still interest. Proposed Ordinance revision - No progress to report on the revision. Plaque Criteria - No progress to report. The Commissioners did discuss whether or not it was advisable to install the plaques on City property other than on private, which would then allow installation by City staff. Also discussed was the prospect of asking Council to approve a standardized historical marker plaque program. Commission budget - Deputy Library Director Smithson provided the Commission with the budget figures and expenditures for 2004, 2005, and 2006. The Library consistently includes $3,000 in the budget for the Commission but Deputy Library Director Smithson said the proposed budget for FY08-09 was $4,000 in anticipation of expenses for a printing of Phase II of the Heritage Tree Report. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of January 14, 2008 Commissioner Ladouceur mentioned a previous discussion of providing markers for the Heritage Trees once designated by the Council and asked if the cost of providing the markers could be added to the budget in the future. Deputy Library Director Smithson suggested the possibility of including markers for Heritage Trees as part of the plaque program under development. THIRD GRADE ART CONTEST & AWARDS: Deputy Library Director Smithson requested approval of the letter to be sent to the schools and asked Commissioner Smith to confirm the number of third grade classes. Commissioner Smith reported that she had spoken with Laurel Ferreira, the lead third grade teach for the District and confirmed the June 17th date for the awards presentation at Council. Ms. Ferreira will provide the names of the lead teachers who should receive the letters at each of the schools. The schools will be asked to follow the same procedure as last year, judging the art at each location and only sending their top three for awards. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY UPDATES: Commissioner Smith reported on the success of the Carlsbad High School 50th Anniversary event at Magee House and Park and the year book displays in Heritage Hall. The Society has hosted a couple of large tour groups recently, one group of 44 from El Cajon, and is looking for more docents to assist with the tours for the 3rd-graders. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commissioner Ladouceur mentioned the historical building in Escondido that was burned in the recent fire and also an article out of the LA Times about Dianne Keaton visiting the Carrillo Ranch with a camera crew to include the house in a book she has written about California homes. Commissioner Ladouceur asked if there were opportunities for the Historic Preservation Commission to meet with other City Commissions or to make a presentation about this Commission's projects. She thought perhaps the Sister City or Senior Commissions would benefit. Commissioner Diaz asked if either the Design Review Board or the Planning Commission ever contact the Historic Preservation Commission for information about possible historical significance of an area or building being developed. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 Minutes of January 14, 2008 Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that the Municipal Code calls for a liaison from the Planning Commission to attend meetings of this Commission but that we have been unsuccessful in getting them to appoint someone to that position. Both Commissioners Ladouceur and Smith praised the Carlsbad Magazine, especially its articles on the history of the City and commented on the wonderful collages located inside Faraday at the west end entrance. PUBLIC COMMENTS: NONE ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary