HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-05-12; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesApproved: <?-08 -ITEM #2 MINUTES MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: May 12, 2008 TIME OF MEETING: 5:30 PM PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Commissioner Smith called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Diaz, Daly, Hinman, and Smith Absent: Commissioner Ladouceur Also Present: Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Commissioner Hinman, the minutes of the regular meeting held March 10, 2008 were approved as submitted. STAFF REPORTS: Plaques & installations - The plaque for the Army and Navy Academy (Red Apple Inn) has been received and was inspected by the Commission. Deputy Library Director Smithson has sent a letter to the Academy requesting an appointment to discuss final installation on the campus. Deputy Library Director Smithson distributed copies of two separate photographs from the Local History Room for consideration as an addition to the plaque for the installation at the Barrio Museum identifying the intersection. The Commissioners discussed which would best represent the intersection and made their choice. Commissioner Diaz questioned the sentence about the Mexican Revolution and the use of the term "fleeing". As a copy of the text is not part of the packet today, the Commissioner asked that it be on the next agenda for further discussion. Heritage Tree Report - Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that it has been six months since the Parks and Recreation Commission accepted the report with plans to take it forward to the City Council but due to an issue on sewer laterals (which involves trees in general) they are not moving it forward at this time. Once the sewer lateral issues have been resolved, the Public Works Parks Division will move forward with the agenda bill for the Heritage Tree Report. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of May 12, 2008 Deputy Library Director Smithson advised that the full report is still available on the website and had 96 hits in March, taking it into the top twenty pages chosen on the Library's website, and 22 hits in April, indicating there is still some interest in the report. Ordinance Revision - The revision which requests a change in the qualifications for individuals to serve on this commission is still in the City Attorney's office for consideration and will hopefully be finalized before the appointment of a replacement for Commissioner Ladouceur, whose term has expired. Plaque program criteria - The draft document was distributed for approval of the changes and staff is putting together a historical recounting of events and a timeline relative to staff liaisons and the Cultural Resources Survey and Inventory as it relates to the Municipal Code and duties of this Commission. The Commissioners discussed what properties were previously designated as Landmarks by the City Council as well as the locations of all historical markers in the City. THIRD GRADE ART CONTEST: Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that the letters were sent to the schools and Commissioner Smith advised that many of the tours have been scheduled. Deputy Library Director Smithson added that the winning artworks, three from each participating school, are due on May 23rd to allow sufficient time for the preparation of the Certificates which will be presented at the June 17th City Council Meeting. Commissioners Smith, Ladouceur, Hinman and Diaz plan to attend to assist with the presentations which will be followed by the informal cookie and punch reception out on the lawn between the Council Chambers and the Cole Library. PROPERTIES OF CONCERN: Commissioner Smith shared with the Commissioners the letter received from the President of the Carlsbad Historical Society which contains several suggestions for actions this Commission could take towards the preservation of the 325 privately owner properties listed in the Cultural Resources Survey of 1990. The Commissioners discussed the unique circumstances surrounding the survey in that Council accepted the report and inventory and later rejected it as an official City document, directly impacting the responsibilities of this Commission as set forth in the Municipal Code. Commissioner Smith commented that as a life-long resident of Carlsbad she could identify historically significant properties relative to the occupants of the structures, not just the architecture which was the basis for the 1990 report. "HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of May 12,2008 ^^ The commission requested putting the letter from the Carlsbad Historical Society on the next meeting agenda for discussion of the recommendations. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY UPDATES: Commissioner Smith reported that the Historical Society received a letter from a citizen urging the Society's involvement in the preservation of El Salto Falls as well as the preservation of the Highland property referenced previously, which prompted the aforementioned letter. She added that there are at least a dozen tours scheduled for Magee House in preparation for the Third Grade Art Contest. COMMISSION COMMENTS: None PUBLIC COMMENTS: Donna Regan of 5607 Lake Vista Drive in Bonsall addressed the Commission with her concerns about the property on Highland Drive specifically as well as the apparent lack of any communication between this Commission and the Planning Department with regard to permits for demolition or significant changes to those properties listed in the Cultural Resource Survey. Ms. Regan shared her experiences with the Historic Preservation Commission in La Mesa and the processes they followed. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. ff ( Ut/o<jxjt /Qtjfy Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary "The Heart of the Barrio" The intersection of Walnut and Roosevelt (2nd Street) has been the heart of Carlsbad's Barrio since the turn of the 20th Century. Clustered here at various times were grocery stores, a pool hall, and a restaurant. Many original Barrio residents found a home in the "neighborhood" after fleeing the Mexican Revolution. Original text approved by the Commission for the plaque at the Barrio Museum at March 08 meeting F:\HISTORIC PRES COMM\Historical Markers\The Heart of the Barrio 3-08 version.doc Hen ITEM # 6 CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY May 12, 2008 TO:Suzanne Smithson and Members City of Carlsbad Historic Preservation Commission ISSUES INVOLVING HISTORIC PROPERTIES At our Historical Society Board Meeting on May 5, it was brought to our attention by a citizen that a home located at 4379 Highland Avenue was planned for demolition by its owner. The citizen noted that the home is listed in the City's Cultural Resource Survey, which was compiled by Roth & Associates in 1990. Although the permit process for this change has not been initiated, there was some concern about losing the property. Recognizing that the City currently does not have a means of denying citizens from making approved changes to any of the 325 privately owned properties listed in the Survey, the Society recommends that the Commission consider the following: 1. Develop a means of notifying or educating owners of these properties about the historic significance of their homes or businesses. Information contained in the 4-volume Cultural Resources Inventory would be a good basis for providing this education. 2. Have appropriate City staff keep the Society and the Commission informed of any plans to demolish or significantly change any of these properties. This would give the Society and others adequate notice to get final documentation, photos, and oral history information before changes are made. 3. If a historic property is approved for remodel, consider options for preserving the exterior look of the original structure, a technique that worked very well with architectural and structural changes to Carlsbad-by-the-Sea. Thank you for your consideration of these issues. Susan Gutierrez, President Carlsbad Historical Society P.O. Box 252 • Carlsbad, California • 92018-0252 • (619)434-9189