HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-09-08; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesApproved #2 MINUTES MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: September 8, 2008 TIME OF MEETING: 5:30 PM PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Commissioner Smith called the meeting to order at 5:35 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Diaz, Daly, Hinman, Ladouceur and Smith Absent: None Also Present: Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Kyle Lancaster, Public Works Superintendent APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion (Hinman/Diaz) the minutes of the May 12, 2008 meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission were approved as submitted. Item #4 on the agenda, the Heritage Tree Report was taken out of order. HERITAGE TREE REPORT: Deputy Library Director Smithson introduced Public Works Superintendent Kyle Lancaster who provided the Commission with an update on the status of scheduling the Heritage Tree Report for presentation to City Council. Superintendent Lancaster explained that an issue with street trees and sewer laterals was currently being studied by the Public Works Department and the City Attorney's office and that staff had been directed to delay taking the Heritage Tree Report forward until Council had made a decision on this issue. Superintendent Lancaster distributed an updated copy of the adoption/presentation process for the report and reminded the Commissioners that the report needed to be sent to the City Council Members at least two weeks before it is scheduled for their meeting agenda. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of September 8, 2008 Superintendent Lancaster suggested that it might be advisable to combine the two reports for a single presentation to Council, providing the Phase II report is in its final form. PLAQUES & INSTALLATIONS: Barrio plaque - The Commissioners reviewed the previous text approved at the March 2008 meeting and unanimously agreed to amend the text by eliminating the word "fleeing". Red Apple Inn plaque - Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that she had met with General Bliss and they had identified some appropriate locations for the plaque and he was meeting with his facilities staff to determine the best location and estimated they would not install the plaque until after school is out or possibly after school is back in session in the fall. South Coast Land Company plaque - Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that Mark Sainz is coordinating with Mr. Garcia on the installation. Plaque Program development - There has been no change in the status of the proposed program. Questions about locating plaques in the public right-of-way need to be addressed by other City Departments. The Commissioners asked that the proposed program go forward to be finalized but did not want to wait to order the plaque for the Barrio. Commissioner Diaz suggested that the City create an interactive map with the location of each plaque and information from the walking tour brochure. Deputy Library Director Smithson advised the Commission that the print file for the walking brochure had been located and the Library has asked for a quote for production of the brochure with some edits. ORDINANCE REVISION: Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that she has not heard anything further from the City Attorney's office with regard to the proposed changes but added that there is a team of City staff reviewing the duties and responsibilities of all the Board and Commissions to determine if the ordinances need changes. She added that there has been no word from the Mayor's office about an appointment to replace Commission Ladouceur and, according to the current ordinance, she is requested to continue to serve until they name a replacement. PROPERTIES OF CONCERN: Commissioner Diaz reported that he had read the 1990 Cultural Resource Survey and Inventory and was interested in the history surrounding its dismissal by the Council. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of September 8, 2008 _ ___ The Commissioners were given information about how to access the DMS (document management system) from the City's website to do their own research into the minutes of City Council meetings and Historic Preservation Commission meetings during the time of the controversy over the study and report. Reference was made to the letter received by Commissioner Smith from the Carlsbad Historical Society recommending several actions to be taken by this Commission and Commissioner Smith will craft a letter acknowledging receipt of their letter. The Commission made no decisions to act on any of the suggestions at this time. On a request last month from Commissioner Diaz reported with regard to receiving notice on any demolition or renovation permits, the Commission was provided with information on how to access the Building Department page on the website where this information is available and updated regularly. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY UPDATES: Commissioner Smith announced the annual meeting will be a tea in November in the Magee House. She also reported that the Society has received the donation of a player piano which was once located in the Twin Inns. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commissioner Ladouceur distributed copies of an email she had received with regard to the El Salto Falls property and an agenda item on the Oceanside City Council meeting of September 10th. PUBLIC COMMENTS: NONE ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 7:34 p.m. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary HERITAGE TREE REPORT Adoption/Implementation Process - September 2008 Update - 0 Provide finished product (Phase I of the Heritage Tree Report) and draft letter to property owners for review by Assistant City Manager (ACM) & City Attorney's office. 0 Provide an Executive Summary of the report(as directed by ACM) 0 Reproduce finished report (Phase I) for review by Historic Preservation Commission. 0 Notify property owners of heritage tree sites, according to direction from Assistant City Manager and City Attorney's office. 0 Provide copies of the finished product to the Parks & Recreation Commission. 0 Request time on Parks & Recreation Commission meeting agenda for arborist to present report. 0 Request Parks & Recreation Commission accept the report and have Public Works prepare Agenda Bill for City Council to review and consider adoption of the report* as an Addendum to Chapter 7 of the Community Forest Management Plan (as adopted by City Council in 2003) - thereby designating the subject trees as Heritage Trees in accordance with Municipal Code Title11, Chapter11.12, Section 11.12.140. 0 Issue a Press Release advising the public that the report is available (online, or at the Clerk's Office, and at the Libraries) for review and comment from December 26 2007 to January 26, 2008. a Provide each City Council Member and the City Manager's/City Attorney's office with a copy of the report for review in advance of the scheduled City Council meeting. O Request City Council adopt the report as noted above. Q Upon adoption by the Council, provide a link to or copy of the Addenda to the Community Forest Management Plan. Q Contact property owners of Heritage Trees for notification of inclusion of their trees in a walking tour brochure. Q Develop final version of tour brochure & maps and provide to Council as informational item. Q Print and distribute tour brochures, including one to private tree owners. *with the report's Recommendations for City-owned trees to be addressed as indicated in the corresponding Impacts Memorandum/Matrix dated September 12, 2007. Last updated 9/08/08 "The Heart of the Barrio" The intersection of Walnut and Roosevelt (2nd Street) has been the heart of Carlsbad's Barrio since the turn of the 20th Century. Clustered here at various times were grocery stores, a pool hall, and a restaurant. Many original Barrio residents found a home in the "neighborhood" after fleeing the Mexican Revolution. Htfl Original text approved by the Commission for the plaque at the Barrio Museum at March 08 meeting S F:\HISTORIC PRES COMM\Historical Markers\The Heart of the Barrio 3-08 version.doc ITEM # 6 TO: CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY May 12,2008 Suzanne Smithson and Members City of Carlsbad Historic Preservation Commission ISSUES INVOLVING HISTORIC PROPERTIES At our Historical Society Board Meeting on May 5, it was brought to our attention by a citizen that a home located at 4379 Highland Avenue was planned for demolition by its owner. The citizen noted that the home is listed in the City's Cultural Resource Survey, which was compiled by Roth & Associates in 1990. Although the permit process for this change has not been initiated, there was some-concern about losing the property. Recognizing that the City currently does not have a means of denying citizens from making approved changes to any of the 325 privately owned properties listed in the Survey, the Society recommends that the Commission consider the following: 1. Develop a means of notifying or educating owners of these properties about the historic significance of their homes or businesses. Information contained in the 4-volume Cultural Resources Inventory would be a good basis for providing this education. 2. Have appropriate City staff keep the Society and the Commission informed of any plans to demolish or significantly change any of these properties. This would give the Society and others adequate notice to get final documentation, photos, and oral history information before changes are made. 3. If a historic property is approved for remodel, consider options for preserving the exterior look of the original structure, a technique that worked very well with architectural and structural changes to Carlsbad-by-the-Sea. Thank you for your consideration of these issues. Susan Gutierrez, President Carlsbad Historical Society P.O. Box 252 • Carlsbad, California • 92018-0252 • (619)434-9189 Page 1 of 1 BV Creek Stakeholders and PC Core group Last month the Oceanside Recreation and Parks Commission voted unanimously to send & letter requesting Mayor Wood to place an item on the City Council agenda to have the 4 acres of the Quarry Creek site that is in Oceanside designated as a city park. This letter from the Oceanside Commission states what they would like to see done with the 4 acres of this land that are within the city limits of Oceanside- make K a park. The Mayor listened to the wishes of the Commission and scheduled this item for hearing before the City Council: When : 5_pjmJ/yejd Sepjemlrer 10th Where: Oceanside City Council Chambers City Hall, 300 No Coast Highway (Mission exit off 1-5) Please attend this hearing to show support for preserving this land as a park! This 4 acres of land is right next to the sacred El Salto waterfall. On the concept Master Plan submitted by McMilljn to the City of Carlsbad this area was designated as a recreational vehicle parking lot- a parking lot next to the sacred waterfall!. At a community meeting on August 11th McMillin provided new pretty pictures of his development which showed this area next to the falls as park. McMillin and Hanson have both been lobbying city staff (and probably Council) objecting to the action to make this area a park- in spite of the plans they showed us at the community meeting. Staff have stated that the letter did not accurately reflect the direction by the R & P Commission and that somehow the Reclamation Plan and subsequent development proposal by the McMillin will address land use. (See att tetters from staff and the R & P Commission). Recall that Mcmillin already said they would preserve the falls- and then built that awful retaining wall right up to them- and that is what they call preservation ! The key issue is that the residents of this area, and the City's R & P Commission are clear that they want this 4 acres to be a public park- and they are asking the Council to support this action. There is a process to go through to change land use. Our objective is for the Council to give staff driection to start the process to make this a park- which includes changing formal zoning and General Plan designation. If this is approved then under state mining law Hanson would reclaim the land for a park- instead of for industrial uses as it is now zoned. If the city delays this decision until after reclamation then the taxpayers would likely incur the costs to change the land to a park- and we of course have no assurances that this will ever happen. Please help spread the word so we have a good showing of support to protect this very special area- not with empty words like Mcmillin has done in the past- but by designating it a park and thereby assuring this area is preserved for us and future generations. http://us.f807.mail.yahoo.com/dc/launch?.rand=e8igrl Ic6rrfl 9/8/200}