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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-11-17; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesApproved /-_/2 - a 009 | ITEM #2 MINUTES MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: November 17, 2008 TIME OF MEETING: 5:30 PM PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Commissioner Smith called the meeting to order at 5:32 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Diaz, Daly, Ladouceur and Smith Absent: Commissioner Hinman Also Present: Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the September 8, 2008 meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission were approved as submitted (Daly/Ladouceur). STAFF REPORTS: Plaques & Installations- • Barrio Intersection- Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that she has sent the text and photo to the company for a quotation for the Barrio plaque. • General Bliss has chosen a site for the Red Apple Inn plaque to be located on the side of the building facing Carlsbad Boulevard and Mark Sainz is to install it. • Garcia's Barber Shop/South Coast Land Company - waiting to hear back from Mark Sainz for status of this installation. Trustee Diaz reported that he had checked the City's website and learned that the Army and Navy Academy has a new Master Plan and asked if it was possible for the Commission to look at the Master Plan. Commission Smith mentioned that the Commission toured the campus a few years ago to check on the situation with the huge ficus tree (mentioned in the Heritage Tree Report, Part I) that was tearing up the floor in the dining room and the status of the preservation/demolition of the actual building previously occupied by the Red Apple Inn. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of November 17, 2008 The Commissioners discussed the possibility of getting a look at the new Master Plan for informational purposes and was referred to the Planning Department for more information. Heritage Tree Reports - Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that she had spoken with Mr. Wisniewski asking for a status of Phase II of the report and he was hoping to have it completed and delivered by the end of the year. Once the written report is finished there is still the work to be done with the City's GIS department to get the sites mapped and the maps produced for inclusion the final version. She reminded the Commission that at their last meeting Parks Supervisor Kyle Lancaster suggested that due to the delay in submitting the report to the City Council, it might be possible to present both Phases I and II to the Council simultaneously. Commissioner Smith asked if it would require the same process for Phase II as was followed for Phase I; acceptance by this Commission and then presented to the Parks and Recreation Commission for acceptance before it would be presented to Council. Deputy Library Director Smithson confirmed that it would follow the same process. Ordinance revision - Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that she has an appointment with Deputy City Attorney Edmonson to finalize the requested changes to the language regarding qualifications for appointment to this Commission. The adoption of the revised ordinance is not on the projected City Council schedule for the next couple of months. Commissioner Smith asked if Deputy Library Director Smithson would check with the City Clerk's office to see if there are any applications on file for appointment to this Commission. Commissioner Ladouceur asked if she would be advised when her replacement was appointed and Deputy Library Director Smithson said she would watch the Council agenda for any Boards or Commission appointments and advise Commissioner Ladouceur accordingly. Plaque program - Commissioner Diaz asked for a list of addresses where are plaques installed and Commissioner Smith referred him to the walking tour brochure. There was some discussion about whether the list of plaques previously developed included all the plaques in the City or just those that involved this Commission. Deputy Library Director Smithson advised that the "list" was developed from minutes of the Historic Preservation Commission meetings and asked those Commissioners who have been active in the Carlsbad Historical Society to add to the current list any existing plaques that are not included. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of November 17, 2008 The Commission reviewed the adoption/implementation process for their proposed plaque program and agreed to some changes. Deputy Library Director Smithson requested the Commission to prioritize the projects for this year and by proper motion the Commission unanimously voted the finalization of the program for providing plaques for historical sites as the top priority. Commissioner Diaz suggested that the plaque program be identified as markers for "Historical Points of Interest," and that during his research into past practices of this Commission he had found several sites that were given that designation by the City Council. Deputy Library Director Smithson requested approval from the Commission to place the order for additional brochures for the Historical Walking Tour based on the quotation from the new printer. Commissioner Smith suggested ordering the brochure as is, but a minimum amount, and then edit the content during the next calendar year and the Commissioners agreed. CITY BUDGET IMPACT: Deputy Library Director Smithson reported to the Commission that due to the current economic climate the City was asked all City Departments to cut back and reduce costs for the current year. In response to the request, the Library has cut all its supply budgets by 10% which includes the budget for this Commission. Deputy Library Director Smithson continued that the reduction would still allow for the reprint of the brochure, the purchase of the Barrio plaque, the printing of Phase II of the Heritage Tree Report and the 3rd Grade Art contest awards and refreshments. PROPERTIES OF CONCERN: El Salto Falls- Former Commissioner Don Christiansen was on hand to provide the Commission with an update on the Sherman open space and Hansen Aggregate property. Don had attended the tour and workshop hosted by Hansen recently and brought with him a copy of the newspaper article about the event. Mr. Christiansen briefed the Commission on the status of the properties located in both Oceanside and Carlsbad and the many groups interested in the development and/or preservation of the site. Cultural Resource Study and Report - Commissioner Diaz reported on his research into the study having located at least four properties recommended to City Council for designation as a Historic Point of Interest. He has been in the process of comparing the Cultural Resource Inventory with the properties where the Commission installed plaques and also identifying all those locations designated by City Council. He HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 Minutes of November 17, 2008 _ __ explained the challenges in that the Cultural Resource Inventory is about architecture while the plaques are about people. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY UPDATES: Commissioner Smith reported that the Annual Meeting was held a week ago Sunday as a tea at the Magee House and attendees were treated to a demonstration of the "Orchestrion" player piano recently donated by Paul Eckard who had previously purchased it from the Twin Inns. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Deputy Library Director Smithson announced that she has been asked to participate in Envision Carlsbad on the staff side and she will keep the Commission updated on the progress. PUBLIC COMMENTS: NONE ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 7:14 p.m. Cissie Sexfon Administrative Secretary Historic Marker Plaques Program for Designated Points of Interest in the City of Carlsbad Adoption/Implementation Process 0 Write draft proposal for the program and get approval from Commission. Q Request information from City Department with regard to City sign ordinance and whether we can use City right-of-way and monument sign mounting. Q Provide draft proposal of program for review by Assistant City Manager (ACM) or Community Services Leadership Team representative (Jim Elliott). Q Finalize proposed program and submit to City Manager for approval to move forward to City Council. Q Prepare agenda bill and resolution for City Council requesting approval and adoption of the program and obtain a meeting date from City Manager's office. • During the routine review process for agenda bills may be the first time the City Attorney's office will see the proposed program and may have recommendations for changes before the final program can go forward. Q Provide each City Council Member and the City Manager's/City Attorney's office with a copy of the program for review in advance of the scheduled City Council meeting. Q Revise walking tour brochure to include all current historic markers. Q Print and distribute tour brochures, including ones to property owners included in the brochure. LI Work with CIS towards the development of an interactive map based on the walking tour brochure and plaque sites. F \HISTORIC PRES COMMMHistorical Markers\Adoption-lmplementation Process - Plaque program doc 1/6/09 Historic Preservation Commission - Historical marker plaque program Program Goals & Objectives* *in support of City's Municipal Code § 22.04.030, and with City Council approval • Recognize and landmark local historic resources, sites and persons that are significant in the area of architecture, archaeology, Carlsbad history and traditional culture; and • Promote preservation and rehabilitation of historical properties, sites and structures through community education by the installation of historical marker plaques. Program Form - Standardized Plaque • Bronze metal, dark green finish 11 x 17 w/rear & front rosettes for mounting • Content includes a brief description of the significance of the resource and a metal photo when available (text in sentence case structure) • Includes at the bottom of each plaque "COURTESY OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION" , Program Criteria - Resources, structures, and sites • of a significant age relative to the founding of the City • having importance/significance in the "collective memory" of the community • qualifying as the "first" of its kind in the City (i.e. first post office, first school, etc.) • representing the cultural history of the region and the City Process for identifying suitable resources, structures, sites • Historic Preservation Commission may identify up to 3 sites each year to be presented to the City Council for approval • Private Citizens may nominate sites by submitting recommendation in writing to the Historic Preservation Commission • The Commission will retain responsibility on which sites to recommend to Council. • Historic Preservation Commission will host an annual event publicizing the recent installations. Conditions, Agreements, and Responsibilities • Obtain permission to place historical marker plaques in the right-of-way, or develop a letter requesting permission to place the marker on private property at no expense to the owner. • Draw up an informal agreement stating the program is voluntary with no restrictions on the property and no requirements of the owner now or in the future other than to return the plaque to the City of Carlsbad in the event they remove it from the current location. • Allow for input from property owner on content, provided it meets established criteria. • Installation method to be site specific and, if on private property, approved by property owner. Fiscal Impact • Historic Preservation Commission expenses are currently under the Library's Departmental budget. Annual budget amount is sufficient to cover the costs of the plaques at this time. 1/6/09