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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-03-09; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesApproved _______
DATE OF MEETING: March 9, 2009
PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room
Commissioner Ladouceur called the meeting to order at 5:37 p.m.
Present: Commissioners Diaz, Daly, Hinman, and Ladouceur
Absent: Commissioner Smith
Also Present: Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director
The minutes of the January 12, 2009 meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission
were approved as submitted (Diaz/Daly).
Deputy Library Director Smithson announced that Planning Commissioner Sondra
Boddy has volunteered to be the liaison to this Commission and sends her regrets at
now being able to attend this meeting.
3rd Grade Art Contest- Deputy Library Director Smithson advised that the letters had
been sent to the third grade teachers. Once the Library receives the winning entries,
the next step will be to send invitations to the teachers, principals, students and parents
to attend the awards ceremony and reception scheduled for the June 9th City Council
Plaques & installation - Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that-contractor
Mark Sainz had picked up the plaques from her office and was to schedule a time with
the property owners to install them. She has not received his invoice which indicates
he has not finished the project yet.
Barrio plaque - Deputy Library Director Smithson advised that she recently responded
what she believed was the last questions from the manufacturer of the plaque and
anticipates it should arrive in a few weeks.
Minutes of March 9, 2009
Commissioner Daly volunteered to speak with Connie Trejo or Ofie Escobedo, who own
the Barrio Museum property, regarding the location for installation of the plaque, which
identifies the intersection as the "heart of the barrio".
Heritage Tree Report - Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that she has not
been able to reach arborist Mark Wisniewski for an update on his progress on Phase II
but that she had spoken to the City's GIS department to work with Mr. Wisniewski on
the mapping of the tree locations.
She reminded the Commission that Parks and Recreation are waiting for the sewer
lateral issue to be resolved by City Council before they take the Heritage Tree agenda
bill forward. She added that it is highly possible, and in fact suggested by Parks, that
the Phase I and Phase II be presented to Council as one package.
Budget FY2009-10 - Deputy Library Director Smithson briefed the Commission on the
recent spending reductions for the current year which included costs associated with
the printing of Phase II of the tree survey. She advised that costs for reprinting of the
walking tour brochure remained in the budget for this year and there are no projected
cuts at this time in the Commission's portion of the Library budget for FY2009-10.
Envision Carlsbad - Deputy Library Director Smithson distributed cards containing
information on the Envision Carlsbad website and explained that she is currently
working on the staff team for this project. She explained the purpose of the project was
to obtain resident input into the updating of the City's General Plan which is 15 year old.
Deputy Library Director Smithson asked the Commissioners to please complete and
return the survey they should have received in a recent utility bill and urged their
participation in the Community workshops scheduled during the months of March and
Deputy Library Director Smithson referred the Commissioners to the last meeting when
they approved a change to one paragraph of the ordinance but decided to delay
sending it forward to the City Attorney until after they reviewed the entire ordinance.
She shared with them a preliminary timeline for proposing a rewrite of parts of both Title
2 and Title 22.
The Commissioners discussed multiple sections of both ordinances; questioning duties
and responsibilities in relation to what the Commission is actually doing. They tabled
any decision on this item until the entire Commission is present.
1990 Cultural Resource Survey & Inventory - Deputy Library Director Smithson had
a copy of the SANDAG report from 1980 for the Commission's review, which listed 33
properties in the City as having historical value.
Minutes of March 9, 2009
The Commission also reviewed a collection of agenda bills, resolutions, and meeting
minutes documenting the history of the 1990 Cultural Resource Survey and Inventory,
its acceptance and later demise, leaving the City with no formal inventory per se.
Discussion ensued over whether a list of those properties already designated by
Council as Historic Points of Interest together with those properties whose owners have
agree to the installation of historical plaques could not be considered the basis for a
new voluntary inventory.
Army and Navy Academy - Commissioner Ladouceur commented that the
Commission would now be able to stay alert to any moving forward on the Army and
Navy Academy Master Plan since Planning Commissioner Boddy will now be attending
these meetings.
El Salto Falls - Commissioner Ladouceur advised that this item was on the agenda for
the last Housing Commission meeting and that she and several others spoke against
the plan to build affordable housing on that property. She mentioned that there was a
report at the meeting about contamination of the landsite and high levels of carcinogens
in the land. The item is scheduled for the Planning Commission's next meeting on April
15th, and Commissioner Ladouceur urged the Commissioners to either attend or write a
letter objecting to the planned development.
In the absence of Commissioner Smith, Commissioner Ladouceur reported that the
Society has applied for a grant to repaint the barn and members have continued to
make periodic changes in the displays inside the Magee House. She also announced
that the annual meeting will be in November this year and the program will feature a
presentation on the history of the Carlsbad Flower Fields.
None present.
By proper motion (Daily/Diaz), the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Cissie Se>0:on
Administrative Secretary