HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-01-11; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesI ITEM #2 1 MINUTES MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: January 11,2010 TIME OF MEETING: 5:30 PM PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Chair Hinman called the meeting to order at 5:34 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Daly, Diaz, Hinman, Smith and Wachter Absent: none Staff Present: Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the September 14, 2009 meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission were approved as submitted (SmithIDiaz). HERITAGE TREE REPORT STATUS: Deputy Library Director Smithson advised that the Heritage Tree Report was accepted by the City Council at their October study session but no action taken to designate Heritage Trees, incorporate the study into the Community Forest Management Plan or adopt the recommendations. She added that the Parks and Recreation Department has a new Director, and that the decision to move the report forward and request Council action is up to the Parks and Recreation Department and Commission. Phase II of the report has been received and has been sent to the printer for an estimate on the printing. This report will need to follow the same process as Phase I, meaning this Commission will need to accept the report and then submit the report to the Parks and Recreation Commission for acceptance. Parks and Recreation will be responsible for taking the report forward to City Council at their determination. Budget permitting, Phase II will be on this Commission's March meeting agenda for approval. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Minutes of Januarv 11.2010 Page 2 Because it requires Council action to designate "Heritage Trees", the pursuit of a Heritage Tree walking tour is not appropriate at this time. HISTORIC CARLSBAD WALKING TOUR BROCHURE: Deputy Library Director Smithson advised that the current supply of this brochure is limited and asked for direction from this Commission as to reprint. There was much discussion but consensus reached that the brochure needed several changes before it was printed again, to include either identifying the photo on the cover or replacing it. The Commissioners also requested information on the feasibility of having the brochure on the City's website instead of printing it due to costs involved. BUDGET FY2001-11: Deputy Library Director Smithson advised that the Library had not received information from Finance regarding the budget for the next fiscal year but anticipates a flat budget, with no increases. The Commissioners discussed purchasing additional historical marker plaques which led into the discussion of the rewrite of the ordinance (next agenda item). Commissioner and life-long Carlsbad resident Smith volunteered to create a list of all the historically significant buildings and homes for this Commission to use as a reference in considering installation of the markers in the future. ORDINANCE REVISION, CHAPTER 2.42 AND 22.04 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE: The Commissioners reviewed the red-line changes to the ordinances with the most attention to the addition of the Historical Point of Interest as a designation and the procedures and restrictions associated. There was no action on the revisions as the Commissioners had questions about the feasibility of the additional requirements being proposed that would impact other City departments. This item was then continued until the next meeting. PROPERTIES OF CONCERN: Ramirez house - as was discussed earlier, it appears that the house is occupied and probably sold, and the plaque remains as it was installed. El Salto Falls (Quarrv Creek) - Commissioner Hinman reported that she attended the Planning Commission meeting in November and the subsequent City Council meeting where she re-read this Commission's letter in support of preserving the El Salto Falls and HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of January 1 1,201 0 in opposition to the approval of a General Plan amendment to update the Housing Element to include the Quarry Creek site. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY UPDATES: Commissioner Smith reported that she no longer has access to the Carlsbad Historical Society Board meetings to report on their activities as her husband is no longer on the Board. Commissioner Hinman will contact a member of the Board to get an update. COMMISSION COMMENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS: Deputy Library Director Smithson distributed copies of the photographs taken at the Third Grade Art Contest awards Council Meeting and advised the Commission that the date for next year's awards was already on the Council calendar for June 1,2010. Deputy Library Director Smithson reminded Commissioners Hinman and Daly that their terms would expire in April 2010 and that they should submit their letters requesting re-appointment as soon as possible. Deputy Library Director Smithson advised the Commission that the "Adelante" newsletter from the Congress of History in San Diego was now being delivered electronically; therefore, she would forward the email to them in the future instead of a printed copy. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, (DiazISmith) the meeting was adjourned at 655p.m. / Cissie Sex.ton Administrative Secretary