HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-05-10; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesApproved:I ITEM #2 | MINUTES MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: May 10, 2010 TIME OF MEETING: 5:30 PM PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Chair Hinman called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Diaz, Daly, Hinman, Smith and Wachter Absent: none Staff Present: Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Courtney Enriquez, Mgmt Analyst, Housing & Neighborhood Svcs APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the March 8, 2010 meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission were unanimously approved as submitted (Smith/Wachter). SNAPSHOTS IN TIME - STREET BANNERS: Management Analyst Courtney Enriquez provided the Commission with an overview of the new program initiated by the City's Housing and Neighborhood Services Department and designed to celebrate Village Redevelopment by highlighting some of the history and the arts in the Village area. A similar program, Salute to Our Military Heroes, is also available for honoring active duty service personnel who either reside in the City of Carlsbad or have immediate family that reside within the City. THIRD GRADE ART CONTEST - "DRAWING ON CARLBAD'S PAST": Deputy Library Director Smithson advised the Commission that post cards were mailed in April reminding the third grade teachers that the deadline for submitting the artwork is this week. Following receipt of the art, invitations to the awards at the June 8th Council meeting will be sent to the winning students and their families. Deputy Library Director Smithson then reviewed the process with the Commissioners for the awards presentation, photographs and reception at the Council meeting. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of May 10, 2010 _ HERITAGE TREE REPORT PHASE II: Deputy Library Director Smithson advised that Commission that we have submitted the document to the printer but have requested a revised estimate based on the number of anticipated copies required. Copies of the report will be send to the Commissioners when we receive them and approval of the report will be tentatively set for the July meeting. It is anticipated that the process for Phase II will be the same as for the initial report. HISTORIC CARLSBAD WALKING TOUR BROCHURE: The revisions recommended by this Commission have been incorporated into the brochure and the print copies should be delivered soon. ORDINANCE REVISIONS FOR CHAPTER 2.42 & 22.04: By proper motion (Diaz /Daily) and vote, the Commission unanimously approved the final version of the recommended revisions and requested staff to forward to City Attorney's office for review. Deputy Library Director Smithson advised that a preliminary review by the Planning Director was also in order as the proposed changes would impact the Planning Department. PROPERTIES OF CONCERN: Deputy Library Director Smithson referenced the recent donation received by the City from the Hi-Noon Rotary to be used towards the costs of the relocation and refurbishing of the gazebo. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY UPDATES: Commissioner Smith advised that the third grade teachers have been scheduling their annual tours of the Magee House. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Diaz /Daily), the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Cissie Sextan Administrative Secretary