HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-01-14; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesApproved: ITEM #2 MINUTES MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: January 14, 2013 TIME OF MEETING: 5:30 PM PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Chair Levy called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Diaz, Garcia, Gutierrez, and Levy Absent: Commissioner Smith Staff Present: Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Mick Calarco, Recreation Services Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion and vote (Gutierrez/Di'az) the minutes ofthe November 19, 2012 meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission were unanimously approved as submitted. Approval of the minutes ofthe May 14, 2012 was tabled until the next meeting. ORDINANCE REVISIONS FOR CHAPTER 2.42 & 22.04 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE: Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that last month the City Attorney's office contacted her about some additional language changes but further progress was has been delayed. PLAQUE PROGRAM: Deputy Library Director Smithson reminded the Commission that at their last meeting they discussed the various designations for historically significant properties and the differences in criteria and restrictions associated with them. She introduced Mick Calarco from the City's Parks & Recreation Department, who holds a Master's Degree in Historic Preservation and had agreed to attend the meeting to answer some of those questions. Mr. Calarco explained the various designations at the local, state and national levels and suggested the Commissioners consider criteria used by the state and the National Parks Service HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of January 14, 2013 as guidelines. The Commissioners asked many questions and discussed the various options as they worked toward agreement on their ultimate goal for properties in the City. The discussion led back to the proposed ordinance revisions and the establishment of an index of historic properties composed of those already designated by Coundl Resolution prior to the 1990 survey. Mr. Calarco offered to provide some links for further research and the Commission accepted his offer with appreciation. THIRD GRADE ART CONTEST: Deputy Library Director Smithson distributed copies of the draft letter announcing this year's art contest dates. The invitation to participate in the contest is sent to all Carlsbad Unified Schools and private schools which are located in Carlsbad. Information in the letter includes contact information for tours at Magee House and Commissioner Gutierrez suggested that it include the availability of a "trunk show" for those classes who cannot get to the Magee House for a tour. The letters will be included in packets that will be sent to S""*^ grade teachers in Febrary The Council date for the awards for the winners is scheduled for May 28*^. PROPERTIES OF CONCERN: Marron Adobe - Deputv Library Director Smithson announced that the draft EIR is dosed and the final EIR will be available for public review at the libraries. She also reminded the Commissioners that the adobe is hosting tours again and that schedule had been provided to them previously. Santa Fe Depot - PEM has received bids from a contractor who is experienced with restoration of historical properties. The contractor is recommending a different roofing material for the project. Deputy Library Director Smithson will try to schedule a visit and/or report to this Commission from the contractor once a contract has been signed. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY UPDATES: Commissioner Gutierrez reported that the Society is applying for a Community Activities Grant to cover the costs of installing some interpretative displays in the Magee barn. The Society President has been working closely with the Museum of Natural History in Balboa Park to allow them to borrow some exhibits, especially those on paleontology. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of January 14, 2013 ANNOUNCEMENTS: Deputy Library Director Smithson announced the sad news ofthe passing of Commissioner Smith's husband last weekend and promised to forward memorial service information when available. Deputy Library Director Smithson reminded the Commissioners that the Congress of History Annual Conference is being held this year on March 1 & 2 in Vista and the registration form is induded in their recent issue ofAdelante. Anyone wishing to attend should let her know by the end of January to allow sufficient time to pay for their registration. Deputy Library Director Smithson also referred the Commissioners to the handbook they received when they were appointed and guidelines about speaking in public as individuals and not as representing the Commission. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Gutierrez/Di'az) and vote, the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m. Cissie Sextc^n Administrative Secretary