HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-07-08; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesApproved ITEM #2 MINUTES MEETING OF DATE OF MEETING TIME OF MEETING PLACE OF MEETING HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION July 8, 2013 5 30 PM City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER Chair Murray Levy called the meeting to order at 5 35 p m ROLL CALL Present Commissioners, Gutierrez, Levy, and Smith Absent Commissioners Diaz and Garcia Staff Present Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol Librarian Amy Davis Prior to the formal agenda. Deputy Library Director Smithson read a proclamation from Mayor Matt Hall thanking Commissioner Smith for her continued service on this commission APPROVAL OF MINUTES By proper motion (Gutierrez/Levy) and vote, the minutes of the January 14, 2013 meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission were unanimously approved as submitted CARLSBAD HISTORY ROOM PRESENTATION Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol explained that she has been the Genealogy Division Head for many years but only recently began supervising the local history room She provided some background information on the development of the local history collection within the library, and explained the origin of many of the documents and photographs, collected over the years from long time local residents and donated by their heirs A huge undertaking has been the inventory of the items in the collection, including the many maps, and the digitalizing of photographs HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Mmutesof July 8 2013 Librarian Amy Davis, who works directly with the local history collection, provided the Commission with information on recent acquisitions of nearly 3,000 Shipley family documents, two albums of Schutte family photographs and documents from the Ledgerwood family The Commission asked to be notified when additions to the collection are received SANTA FE DEPOT REPAIRS Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that the buildtng code for the City requires the roof on the depot to be replaced with non wood material instead of with the wood shingles used for the original construction It had been suggested that this Commission request a waiver from code enforcement to allow replacement material to be the same as original construction in order for the structure to maintain its historical integrity On a motion by Commissioner Gutierrez, second by Commission Smith, the Commission voted to request a waiver forthe roofing material and requested staff to draft a memo for Chair Levy's signature to the City's Code Enforcement section formalizing their request ORDINANCE REVISIONS Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that following the conversation about the proposed ordinance changes with Recreation Services Manager Mick Calarco at the January meeting, there were concerns that the changes might impact the City's Certified Local Government (CLG) status, a requirement when the City applied for grant money for Carrillo Ranch In his research Mr Calarco discovered that the City has not been a Certified Local Government since 1997 or 1998 Mr Calarco was only recently placed in charge of many ofthe City-owned historic properties and he would like to see the City re-certified and is checking the requirements The Commissioners asked if Recreation Services Manager Calarco would attend another meeting of this commission to update them on the details of his research PROPERTIES OF CONCERN Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that the update ofthe general plan includes a neighborhood enhancement plan forthe barrio The Commissioners asked if the plan identified specific boundaries for the barrio CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY UPDATES Commissioner Gutierrez reported that the Carlsbad Rotary has volunteered to do some much needed maintenance to the interior of the Magee House and barn HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Mmutesof July 8 2013 ANNOUNCEMENTS Deputy Library Director Smithson presented the Commissioners with photographs ofthe awards ceremony at Council for the Third Grade Art Contest winners and reminded them that the art will remain on display at the Georgina Cole Library through July PUBLIC COMMENTS None ADJOURNMENT By proper motion (Gutierrez/Smith), the meeting was adjourned at 6 25 p m Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary