HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-09-08; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesM I N U T E S MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: September 8, 2014 TIME OF MEETING: 5:00 PM PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chair Gutierrez called the meeting to order at 4:59 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Boone, Díaz, Garcia, and Gutierrez Commissioner Levy arriving at 5:04 p.m. Absent: None Staff Present: Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Scott Donnell, Senior Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion (Boone/Díaz) and vote, the minutes of the May 12, 2014 meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission were unanimously approved as corrected. VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN: Senior Planner Scott Donnell provided background on the master plan project which will define a vision and establish development standards for the village and barrio areas. He provided copies of a PowerPoint presentation that identified the area involved and included examples of some pedestrian friendly improvements designed by Dover, Kohl & Partners, the firm hired by the City for this project. He also provided copies of the flyer which had been sent to residents and included information on the many opportunities for the community to get involved in the plan during August and September. The Commissioners discussed the information provided. Mr. Donnell emphasized the value of input from this Commission during the process to identify historical sites within the master plan area. Commissioners Díaz and Gutierrez had both been interviewed by the consulting firm. ITEM #2 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Minutes of September 8, 2014 meeting SELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR FOR FY2014-15: Commissioner Garcia agreed to serve as Char for the remaining fiscal year and Commissioner Gutierrez agreed to continue in the Vice Chair position as well. The Commissioners were unanimous in their approval. NOVEMBER 2014 MEETING DATE: Board Liaison Smithson explained that this was on the agenda to determine whether or not the Commissioners wanted to change the meeting date since their regular Monday meeting date is the day before the Veteran’s Day holiday on Tuesday. The Commissioners were not in favor of changing the date. ORDINANCE REVISIONS FOR THE MUNICIPAL CODE: Board Liaison Smithson provided an update on the status explaining the many staff changes within the City and Library as having an impact on the project as well as some additional recommendations for removing some detail from the proposed revisions. PROPERTIES OF CONCERN: Buena Vista Reservoir – The Commissioners discussed their tour of the property and the pros and cons of retaining the area as open space or a park. McClellan residence - Research indicated no listing of this property in any of the documents identifying historically significant structures. House in the 3800 block of Monroe – article in 92008 magazine – Commissioner Gutierrez had read the article in the magazine containing an interview with the current owner of the property which described the property as having some significant historical value. Since there is no mention of the property in the Cultural Resource Inventory as prepared by Roth & Associates in 1991, some research should be done. Santa Fe Depot - The Commission asked about the status of the renovations to the roof and structure. Staff Liaison will check with City Facilities and report at the next meeting. Bungalow type buildings- Commissioner Díaz asked if the Historical Society ever considers relocating historical buildings as these structures will probably disappear as revitalization of the Village and Barrio continues. Commissioner Gutierrez, speaking on behalf of the Historical Society, responded that the Society not really involved in restoration currently. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY UPDATES: Chair Levy reported that the Society’s annual meeting will be held on October 25 from 10 until noon in Heritage Hall in Magee Park with breakfast provided by the Village Pie Shop. The program will feature local mystery author Taffy Cannon and advance reservations are required (see the Historical Society’s website for further information). HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 Minutes of September 8, 2014 meeting BOARD LIAISON COMMENTS:  Third Grade Art Contest wrap-up- The artwork is currently still on display at the Cole Library but will be removed next week and returned to the winners along with the photo of the group at the ceremony. Copies of the photograph were also distributed to the Commissioners.  “Pop-up Plaza”- Urban Place has been working with the redevelopment in the Village and is planning a week-long variety of events in the parking lot adjacent to the fountain. The space will be repurposed for that week only.  Commission vacancy- Public Notice has been posted for the Commissioner Levy’s position which has been “vacant” since April during which time he has graciously continued to serve.  Local history room collection- Now available in the Library’s catalog is public access to a number of resources in the local history room collection. A demonstration will be scheduled for this Commission sometime next spring.  State of the City video- A link to the video is available on the City’s home page.  New webpage – Launch of the new City’s webpage is scheduled for later this month, and the Historical Walking Tour will be in a GIS format. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commissioner Díaz asked that the proposed Historic Resource Inventory be added as an agenda item for the next meeting for discussion and develop criteria and process for adding more properties to the inventory in the future. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Ms. Linda Geldner announced that she had submitted her application for appointment to this Commission having recently graduated from the Citizen’s Academy and herself an architect and interested in architectural history. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Gutierrez/Díaz), the meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m. Cissie Sexton Recording Secretary