HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-11-14; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesITEM #2 M INU TES Ap roved: -/3 -17 MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: November 14, 2016 TIME OF MEETING: 5:00 PM PLACE OF MEETING: Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Chair Garcia called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Garcia, Geidner, Boone, Diaz Absent: none Staff Present: Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Approval of Minutes: The Commission, by proper motion (Garcia/Geidner) and vote, unanimously approved the minutes of January 11, March 14, September12, and October 6, 2016 meetings. 2017 meeting schedule: By proper motion {Garcia/Geidner) and vote, approved the 2017 meeting schedule with the possibility of changing the meeting location to the Cole Library Community Room depending on availability. October 6, 2016 special meeting update: The commission updated Commissioner Garcia on the October 6, 2016 special meeting workshop and discussed the next steps to accomplish their goals for the historic sites project. Commissioner Geidner suggested having some dates and tasks assigned at the next meeting to move forward on accomplishing the goals set forth on October 6. Commissioner Geidner suggested the following time line: • Discuss steps with City Attorney for clarification on the existing inventory by December 1. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Minutes of November 14, 2016 meeting Page 2 • Meet with City Manager by December 15, to give him background and ask for direction on how to move forward on attending a Council workshop. • Plan for attending a Council workshop at the January 9 meeting. Historic property inventory: No comments Ordinance revisions for the Municipal Code: No comments Properties of concern: See public comment Carlsbad Historical Society update: Commissioner Boone shared with the commission that the Adobe tour was wonderful. She toured the Kelly Adobes with approximately 80 other guests. At the top of Evans Point someone brought a painted canvas mural of an aerial view of Carlsbad in 1952. Commissioner Boone thought this mural would be a wonderful addition to the new community center at Pine Park. Board Liaison announcements: Board Liaison Smithson shared that the Planning Commission October 19 meeting is available on the city website for the commissioners to view for any updates to the Barrio and Village Master Plan. Board Liaison Smithson updated the commissioners on the commission vacancies. Commissioner comments: No comments Public comment: The Commission received public comment by Mr. Chad Majer regarding the condition of the historic Myers-Capp House located at 3140 Highland Drive. Mr. Majer voiced his concern over the condition of his neighbors' home and is interested in a potential community clean up opportunity. Mr. Majer agreed to ask his neighbor if he/she would be interested in this potential opportunity. Commissioner Boone stated that there may be organizations that would be interested in a community clean up. ADJOURNMENT: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Minutes of November 14, 2016 meeting By proper motion, (Garcia/Boone}, the meeting was adjourned at 5:57 p.m. Dianna Galindo Recording Secretary Page 3