HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-03-13; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesITEM #2 Approved: MINUTES ,-10·11 MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: March 13, 2017 TIME OF MEETING: 5:00 PM PLACE OF MEETING: Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Chair Garcia called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Garcia, Geidner, Boone, Bender Absent: Commissioner Nelson Staff Present: Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Introduction of new commissioner: Board Liaison Smithson introduced new commission Kevin Bender. Commission Bender has been a long time resident of Oceanside and Carlsbad. Most of his career has been in education and documentary film making. He worked on the video for the visitor center at Carrillo Ranch and then worked as archivist at Carrillo Ranch. Now he is researching and writing a book about Leo Carrillo. A second new commissioner, Jack Nelson, was also appointed and will be at the next meeting. Board Liaison Smithson gave the new commissioner and the other commissioners a copy of Windows on the Past. Approval of minutes: The Commission, by proper motion (Geidner/Boone} and vote, unanimously approved the minutes of November 14, 2016 meetings. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Minutes of March 13, 2017 meeting 2017 3rd grade historic art contest: Page 2 Board Liaison Smithson shared with Commissioner Bender the background of the 3rd grade art contest. She shared the date of June 13, 2017 for the 3rd grade art presentation at the City Council Meeting with the commissioners. Historic property inventory: Board Liaison Smithson updated the commissioners on the historic properties inventory and what was communicated to her by the City Attorney. The City Attorney is working with a city contracted attorney to help with a review and report of the inventory list. The attorney's findings are that the properties have not been deleted from the inventory and an ordinance revision will need to go to Council. She also shared that the next steps would be: • Gather copies of the original agenda bills. • Obtain names of the current property owners. • Draft a letter to the current property owners asking if they would like to continue to be on the voluntary historic inventory list. • City Attorney office will review the ordinance revisions. The commissioners agreed that once this process is complete the commission can then reach out to other properties to be added to the inventory. Commissioner Geidner would like to have a fact sheet for the current owners answering the questions of what it means to have your property on the inventory as a landmark or point of interest-a sort of "what does it do or not do" FAQ. Ordinance revisions for the Municipal Code: Covered under historic property inventory Properties of concern: The Commission received comment by Mr. Chad Majer regarding the condition of the historic Culver-Myers-Capp House located at 3140 Highland Drive. Mr. Majer has asked the caretaker of the home if he would be interested in this potential community clean up opportunity. The caretaker is not interested at this time for any clean up opportunity. The caretaker also told Mr. Majer that the property is still owned by the senior Mr. Capp and a letter could be sent to Mr. Capp regarding the property. Mr. Majer noted that a tree that fell on the property has been cut up into logs that are "as big as a VW bug" are still on the property along with some tall weeds. Mr. Majer feels there could be code enforcement issues. Board Liaison Smithson shared that she had a conversation with Housing and Neighborhood Services Director, Debbie Fountain, who said that the Housing and Neighborhood Development can help with setting up volunteers to spearhead a cleanup of properties if the owners need and want the help. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Minutes of March 13, 2017 meeting Page 3 Commissioner Geidner suggested to include that information in a letter sent to the property owners using Debbie Fountain as a contact. Commissioners would like to have a tour of the historic sites added to one of the future agendas. Carlsbad Historical Society update: Commissioner Boone shared that recently there was a homeless person who broke into the basement and was living under the Magee House using insulation as bedding. This has made it uncomfortable and potentially dangerous when there are tours. This has been addressed and repaired. The police are aware and have increased their patrol in the area. She encouraged all to call police if anything looks out of sorts. Commissioner Boone also shared background on the flowers fields. Mr. Luther Gage was instrumental in growing the ranunculus with Mr. Frazee as his foreman. Mr. Gage and his wife Olive built the Gage House that still exists surrounded by the Monterey condos and is a historic point of interest in Carlsbad . Board Liaison announcements: Board Liaison Smithson shared that city staff are working with the community on a new Arts & Culture Plan in Carlsbad. Cultural Arts Director, Richard Schultz, along with consultant, Lynn Osgood, are gathering information from stakeholders and will be inviting the commissioners to the upcoming community meetings. Commissioner Geidner requested a tour ofthe Carrillo Ranch with Mick Calarco and has extended an invitation to the new commissioners. Board Liaison Smithson reminded the commissioners that if three commissioners are touring together it would need to be publicly noticed. Commissioner comments: Commissioner Boone applauds the Parks and Recreation Department for helping to preserve the trees. With all the recent storms they came and trimmed the trees around the Gage House. Preventing any limb falling and causing damage. Commissioner Bender shared that a new photo exhibit at Leo Carrillo Barn will be opening in April celebrating the 80th anniversary called "Adobe is my Birthstone". Public comment: ADJOURNMENT: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Minutes of March 13, 2017 meeting By proper motion, (Garcia/Geidner), the meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m. Dianna Galindo Recording Secretary Page 4